Leila Khaled in London
vngelis | 22.05.2002 21:11
Leila Khaled was in London giving a speech about the Palestinian situtaion and in an electrifying speech in a packed auditorium shook peoples minds and hearts. She described how the Palestinians have had to endure 54 years of occupation, how barbed wire and electric fences now surround the West Bank and Gaza and how Palestinians are being bled to death, in particular its children who have suffered 45% of the casualties in the 2nd Intifada.
She castigated the Arab rulers for duplicity and support for the Zionist entity and basically argued that strategic mistakes were made in 1982 in Lebanon and in 1993 in Oslo. By recognising the Zionist entity the Palestinians have condemend themselves into a situation where they have no state and have to simply remain slaves with also no right of return to the millions of refugees.
Through the speech of Leilas it is clear that within the Palestinian movement the ideal of a democratic and secular Palestine still lives and that it will be implemented on the rublle of Israel. Enlightening was the fact that a jewish cde in the audience highlighted how the Zionist entity isn't a safe haven for the Jews but a mortal death trap. Zionism wasn't created to safeguard the jews but to defend the interests of the British Empire when its authority was being questioned and was then taken over by the Americans after world war two.
The crisis and collapse of the ZIonist entity is there for all to see. Caught between a rock and a hard place it bounces around like a drunken man on a boozing spree during an alcohol shortage. The more desperate they get they more rapacious they will become. The Jenin Massacre was halted provisionally because the Arab rulers under pressure from below threatened to stop the oil to Bush. Not to close down the Zionist Embasies in their countries or to recall diplomatic relations, or to organise a pan-Arab Army to confront the ZIonist entity.
The possibility exists that Bush needs Iraqs oil not only for his own domestic crisis but for Israels continued existence as an armed air base carrier in the Middle East. If Bush opens a second front against another Arab country, Arab nations will be forced into war. A war whose outcome cannot be determined beforehand, but will not be favourable to the imperialist powers.
She castigated the Arab rulers for duplicity and support for the Zionist entity and basically argued that strategic mistakes were made in 1982 in Lebanon and in 1993 in Oslo. By recognising the Zionist entity the Palestinians have condemend themselves into a situation where they have no state and have to simply remain slaves with also no right of return to the millions of refugees.
Through the speech of Leilas it is clear that within the Palestinian movement the ideal of a democratic and secular Palestine still lives and that it will be implemented on the rublle of Israel. Enlightening was the fact that a jewish cde in the audience highlighted how the Zionist entity isn't a safe haven for the Jews but a mortal death trap. Zionism wasn't created to safeguard the jews but to defend the interests of the British Empire when its authority was being questioned and was then taken over by the Americans after world war two.
The crisis and collapse of the ZIonist entity is there for all to see. Caught between a rock and a hard place it bounces around like a drunken man on a boozing spree during an alcohol shortage. The more desperate they get they more rapacious they will become. The Jenin Massacre was halted provisionally because the Arab rulers under pressure from below threatened to stop the oil to Bush. Not to close down the Zionist Embasies in their countries or to recall diplomatic relations, or to organise a pan-Arab Army to confront the ZIonist entity.
The possibility exists that Bush needs Iraqs oil not only for his own domestic crisis but for Israels continued existence as an armed air base carrier in the Middle East. If Bush opens a second front against another Arab country, Arab nations will be forced into war. A war whose outcome cannot be determined beforehand, but will not be favourable to the imperialist powers.