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NikeTown NoSweat Demo

No Sweat | 22.05.2002 12:44

Will you accept the No Sweat Challenge?

Will you accept the No Sweat Challenge?

Hidden from the world
Multinational companies like Nike
Pay starvation wages
In sweatshop conditions
With only one rule:

THE NO SWEAT CHALLENGE…is to give Nike the red card.

Nike has spent $73 million to buy the right to use an Elvis song in its World Cup marketing campaign. But in the dodgy, subcontracted factories Nike uses around the world, starvation wages are paid to the thousands of workers who produce their goods.

In Indonesia, production line workers earn an average of 80p per day. Workers in China are paid 15p an hour to assemble Nike trainers, which are then sold for £100. Instead of paying their workers a living wage, Nike’s profits (over $400 million a year) are helping their chairman Phil Knight increase his $6 billion personal fortune, and paying for flash advertising campaigns to keep the cash rolling in.

If Nike were to reduce its publicity and promotion budget by just 3.4%, it could double the pay of all employees working for Nike contractors in China and Indonesia.

Nike has a track record of using factories where workers are forced to work long hours, sometimes seven days a week, where the working conditions are dangerous and unsanitary, and where, in some cases, child labour is used. Workers are not allowed to join unions to campaign for better working conditions - but this hasn’t stopped them organising and fighting back.

NoSweat is bringing the struggle to NIKETOWN.
Forget Nike’s 3-a-side tournament and come to Oxford Circus to shut down NIKETOWN.
Bring your mates (or your "tribe"…?) and a football for our own 3-a-side NoSweat Match of the Day.

Let's turn Nike's advertising blitz into an own goal.
Saturday June 15th 2pm, Oxford Circus, Central London

07951 49 32 32

No Sweat
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get advice from the swp

22.05.2002 18:09

I thought the point of a good front group was to not let people know it was a front group - you've put NoSweat Action and then a link the the Revo website! (Ah but that's a front group too, for Workers' Power!)
Still revo members are cool and I'd get down there if I could.



23.05.2002 08:28

I don't think No Sweat is a front group. I think Revo are just joining in with the demo.


You what?!

23.05.2002 09:42

What are you talking about Red n Black?! As the last post said the reason I put the Revo website is cos we're supporting it.....The whole thing about being honest shows it's not a front!!!

Also dunno what evidence you have for saying Revo is a front for Workers obviously didn't come to the Revo conference where the vast majority of people weren't from WP (who are totally open in Revo about where they're coming from) and where amendments about the Revo constitution got passed which were against WP line....hardly how a front group would function!!!

Anyway if you wanna get involved in No Sweat please come down on the day!!!



23.05.2002 17:58

Revo isn't a front group for

Revo is workers power youth group

So what!