Irate Parent | 21.05.2002 14:10
Following the year 2000 ban on poppy production imposed by the Taliban government, opium production collapsed by more than 90% leading to a dwindling drug trade and substantial losses to the inters underlying this multibillion dollar trade including Western financial institutions.
The Northern Alliance became the main political force involved in protecting the production and marketing of raw opium. With no opposition from their UK allies, they are growing a bumper crop of heroin in Afghanistan (opium cultivation has increased by 657%) to flood our streets this summer. (Thanks Tony.) Less than 5% will be intercepted as it is processed in Pakistan and smuggled through the NATO controlled Balkans. (Thanks George Robertson.) Now the government wants to “advertise” heroin in schools to children as young as ten by “educating” them on drugs and showing them graphic images of dead corpses.
Children involved in dealing will be automatically expelled, thus depriving them of an education, or support and condemning them to make a full-time career of it. The real drug peddlers are the “shuttle diplomats” we see, going from country to country enforcing US foreign policy. I think you know who I mean. If my youngsters are subjected to shock tactics and gratuitous photos of heroin abusers, I will be forced to suspend them from school myself. I am capable of educating my kids on this subject without psychologically disturbing them.
The 70% increase in crime in Bristol is entirely due to heroin and there is one heroin-related death per week in Cardiff, thanks to the 'War on Terror.'
Children involved in dealing will be automatically expelled, thus depriving them of an education, or support and condemning them to make a full-time career of it. The real drug peddlers are the “shuttle diplomats” we see, going from country to country enforcing US foreign policy. I think you know who I mean. If my youngsters are subjected to shock tactics and gratuitous photos of heroin abusers, I will be forced to suspend them from school myself. I am capable of educating my kids on this subject without psychologically disturbing them.
The 70% increase in crime in Bristol is entirely due to heroin and there is one heroin-related death per week in Cardiff, thanks to the 'War on Terror.'

Irate Parent