ZK | 19.05.2002 21:23
(Picture of the police in action...)
(Picture of the police in action...)
21 may, Plaza de Castilla Court of Justice, Madrid.
On 26th. November 2000, the Citizen Net for the Abolition of Foreign Debt (RCADE) organized a pacific demostration to reclame the abolition of the Debt of the impoverished countries. There was a pacific action in the stairs of the Parlament. The reaction of the police, under the Delegate of Government, mr. Ansuategui, was brutal. In fact, it was one of the most polemic and critisized decisions of Ansuategui, a man who was very enthusiastic about General Franco's ideas during the spanish dictature and who is famous for his repressive actitude and his continue efforts in criminalizing social movements. The violent charge of the police appeared in the first pages of some newspapers and the images that the press agencies EFE and Europa PRESS recorded could be seen on TV. The violence of the police was mentioned too in the 2000 Amnesty International's Inform.
The police aggressed the demonstrators with hits and caoutchouc balls. The result was 58 persons who must be attended in Hospital: some of them have yet today physical sequels. Today, 17 months after this event, a person (who prefer not saying his name) has been accused for aggresion and offense against the Authorities. The prosecutor had asked for two years of prison and a fine of 1280 euros. This person will be judged the next 21th. of May.
The RCADE asks: who attacks whom? We all could see the demonstrators' pacific attitude and, on the contrary, the violence against the demostrators. However, surprisingly the accusation brought forward by the victims of the police attack and by the Hospitals, has been not yet taken seriously, in contrast with the accusation against this person. This only can be understood if we think in a campaign of criminalisation against social movements and the denominated movement antiglobalisation. Just another time we must remind that the reason of this judge is a non-violent action for a solidary ground as the abolition of the Foreign Debt of Impoverished Countries. For all this, we ask for the support of all groups or persons who want to show their solidarity with the accused person. We ask you for sending a fax, a letter or an e-mail, to the president of the Spanish Government, to the Minister of Internal Affaires , the Minister of Justice and the Delegated of Government in Madrid. It is important that the fax, letter or e-mail arrives before 21th. of May. (NB: If it's possible, send a copy of your message to RCADE-Madrid: fax 91 315 94 73; and e-mail: In this way, we can know how many messages have been sended. You can send your suppport too to this address.)
Model of fax (or letter or e-mail) for groups or associations:
We write to you to express our concern about the judge that is taking place in Madrid, in the Court of Plaza de Castilla for the events of 26th. November 2000 during a pacific demonstration against the Foreign Debt of Impoverished Countries. As everybody could see in TV images recorded by the press agencies EFE and EUROPA PRESS, the demonstrators didn't attack police but, on the contrary, they were the victims of the violence charge of the policemen, like it can be verified in the numerous Medical Informs about the people who had to be helped in the Hospitals. The violence of the police was mentioned in the 2000 Amnesty International's Inform. We want to express our solidarity and our support to the accused person, because it is evident that he is not guilty for the charges. When the images recorded in TV are seen, it is astonishing that somebody can accuse a person, who only wanted to express his right of expression and his preoccupation with a so important problem like the Foreign Debt of Impoverished Countries. Moreover, we think that it is neccesary to reclame the ongoing of the criminal process against the members of Police who aggressed the demonstrators and those ones who commanded them to charge against a pacific demonstration. Yours sincerely,
Name and surname: In representation of the association.... Adress of the association (town, country....)
Text in Spanish: Nos dirigimos a usted para expresar nuestra preocupación ante el juicio que va a celebrarse el 21 de mayo en los juzgados de Plaza de Castilla en relación con los sucesos acontecidos ante el Congreso de los Diputados el 26 de noviembre de 2000, en el curso de una manifestación pacífica por la abolición de la deuda externa de los países empobrecidos. Como se puede constatar en las imágenes, grabadas por las agencias EFE y EUROPA PRESS y retransmitidas por televisión, en ningún momento los manifestantes agredieron a la policía, sino que por el contrario, fueron los manifestantes los que sufrieron la violenta carga de las Fuerzas de Seguridad, tal y como constatan los numerosos partes médicos de las personas que tuvieron que ser atendidas en los servicios de urgencia. La actuación policial mereció incluso una mención en el informe de Amnistía Internacional de ese año. Ante estos hechos, queremos mostrar todo nuestra solidaridad y nuestro apoyo al acusado, ya que es evidente que no es culpable de los delitos que se le imputan. A la vista de las imágenes grabadas, resulta sorprendente que puedan mantenerse todavía los cargos contra una persona que simplemente expresaba su derecho a expresarse y su preocupación ante un problema tan grave como es la Deuda Externa para los países empobrecidos. Asimismo, creemos que es necesario reclamar que se agilicen los trámites para enjuiciar a los verdaderos culpables, es decir, a los miembros de la Policía que agredieron a los manifestantes así como a quienes dieron las ordenes de cargar contra una protesta pacífica. Atentamente,
Model of individual fax (or letter or e-mail):
I write to you to express my concern about the judge that is taking place in Madrid, in the Court of Plaza de Castilla for the events of 26th. November 2000 during a pacific demonstration against the Foreign Debt of Impoverished Countries. As everybody could see in TV images recorded by the press agencies EFE and EUROPA PRESS, the demonstrators didn't attack police but, on the contrary, they were the victims of the violence charge of the policemen, like it can be verified in the numerous Medical Informs about the people who had to be attended in Hospitals. The violence of the police was mentioned in the 2000 Amnesty International's Inform. I want to express my solidarity and my support to the accused person, because it is evident that he is not guilty for the charges. When the images recorded in TV are seen, it is astonishing that somebody can accuse a person, who only wanted to express his right of expression and his preoccupation with a so important problem like the Foreign Debt of Impoverished Countries. Moreover, I think that it is neccesary to reclame the ongoing of the criminal process against the members of Police who aggressed the demonstrators and those ones who commanded them to charge against a pacific demonstration. Yours sincerely, Name and surname: Town, Country:....
Text in Spanish: Me dirijo a usted para expresarle mi preocupación ante el juicio que va a celebrarse el 21 de mayo en los juzgados de Plaza de Castilla en relación con los sucesos acontecidos ante el Congreso de los Diputados el 26 de noviembre de 2000, en el curso de una manifestación pacífica por la abolición de la deuda externa de los países empobrecidos. Como se puede constatar en las imágenes, grabadas por las agencias EFE y EUROPA PRESS y retransmitidas por televisión, en ningún momento los manifestantes agredieron a la policía, sino que por el contrario, fueron los manifestantes los que sufrieron la violenta carga de las Fuerzas de Seguridad, tal y como constatan los numerosos partes médicos de las personas que tuvieron que ser atendidas en los servicios de urgencia. La actuación policial mereció incluso una mención en el informe de Amnistía Internacional de ese año. Ante estos hechos, quisiera mostrar mi solidaridad y mi apoyo al acusado, ya que es evidente que no es culpable de los delitos que se le imputan. A la vista de las imágenes grabadas, resulta sorprendente que puedan mantenerse todavía los cargos contra una persona que simplemente expresaba su derecho a expresarse y su preocupación ante un problema tan grave como es la Deuda Externa para los países empobrecidos. Asimismo, creo que es necesario reclamar que se agilicen los trámites para enjuiciar a los verdaderos culpables, es decir, a los miembros de la Policía que agredieron a los manifestantes y a quienes dieron las ordenes de cargar contra una protesta pacífica. Atentamente, Addresses:
If you send the text in French or in English, it would be better sending too a copy in Spanish).
Ministry of Internal Affaires: Sr. Mariano Rajoy. Paseo de la Castellana, 5, 28071. Fax: 91 537 10 03 Telephone: 91 573 11 11 Correo:
Ministry of Justice Sr. Ángel Acebes San Bernardo, 45, 28071 Madrid. Central Telephone: 91 290 20 00 Press Office: Fax: 91 390 22 44.
President of Government:
Sr. José María Aznar. Complejo de la Moncloa, 28071 Madrid. Central Phone: 91 355 35 35 Fax: 91 390 02 17 Correo electrónico:
Delegation of Government in Madrid: Sr. Francisco Javier Ansuátegui Miguel Ángel, 25 28010 Madrid. Central Phone: 91 537 17 00 Secretary Phone: 91 537 17 17/18 Fax: 91 437 17 37
On 26th. November 2000, the Citizen Net for the Abolition of Foreign Debt (RCADE) organized a pacific demostration to reclame the abolition of the Debt of the impoverished countries. There was a pacific action in the stairs of the Parlament. The reaction of the police, under the Delegate of Government, mr. Ansuategui, was brutal. In fact, it was one of the most polemic and critisized decisions of Ansuategui, a man who was very enthusiastic about General Franco's ideas during the spanish dictature and who is famous for his repressive actitude and his continue efforts in criminalizing social movements. The violent charge of the police appeared in the first pages of some newspapers and the images that the press agencies EFE and Europa PRESS recorded could be seen on TV. The violence of the police was mentioned too in the 2000 Amnesty International's Inform.
The police aggressed the demonstrators with hits and caoutchouc balls. The result was 58 persons who must be attended in Hospital: some of them have yet today physical sequels. Today, 17 months after this event, a person (who prefer not saying his name) has been accused for aggresion and offense against the Authorities. The prosecutor had asked for two years of prison and a fine of 1280 euros. This person will be judged the next 21th. of May.
The RCADE asks: who attacks whom? We all could see the demonstrators' pacific attitude and, on the contrary, the violence against the demostrators. However, surprisingly the accusation brought forward by the victims of the police attack and by the Hospitals, has been not yet taken seriously, in contrast with the accusation against this person. This only can be understood if we think in a campaign of criminalisation against social movements and the denominated movement antiglobalisation. Just another time we must remind that the reason of this judge is a non-violent action for a solidary ground as the abolition of the Foreign Debt of Impoverished Countries. For all this, we ask for the support of all groups or persons who want to show their solidarity with the accused person. We ask you for sending a fax, a letter or an e-mail, to the president of the Spanish Government, to the Minister of Internal Affaires , the Minister of Justice and the Delegated of Government in Madrid. It is important that the fax, letter or e-mail arrives before 21th. of May. (NB: If it's possible, send a copy of your message to RCADE-Madrid: fax 91 315 94 73; and e-mail:

Model of fax (or letter or e-mail) for groups or associations:
We write to you to express our concern about the judge that is taking place in Madrid, in the Court of Plaza de Castilla for the events of 26th. November 2000 during a pacific demonstration against the Foreign Debt of Impoverished Countries. As everybody could see in TV images recorded by the press agencies EFE and EUROPA PRESS, the demonstrators didn't attack police but, on the contrary, they were the victims of the violence charge of the policemen, like it can be verified in the numerous Medical Informs about the people who had to be helped in the Hospitals. The violence of the police was mentioned in the 2000 Amnesty International's Inform. We want to express our solidarity and our support to the accused person, because it is evident that he is not guilty for the charges. When the images recorded in TV are seen, it is astonishing that somebody can accuse a person, who only wanted to express his right of expression and his preoccupation with a so important problem like the Foreign Debt of Impoverished Countries. Moreover, we think that it is neccesary to reclame the ongoing of the criminal process against the members of Police who aggressed the demonstrators and those ones who commanded them to charge against a pacific demonstration. Yours sincerely,
Name and surname: In representation of the association.... Adress of the association (town, country....)
Text in Spanish: Nos dirigimos a usted para expresar nuestra preocupación ante el juicio que va a celebrarse el 21 de mayo en los juzgados de Plaza de Castilla en relación con los sucesos acontecidos ante el Congreso de los Diputados el 26 de noviembre de 2000, en el curso de una manifestación pacífica por la abolición de la deuda externa de los países empobrecidos. Como se puede constatar en las imágenes, grabadas por las agencias EFE y EUROPA PRESS y retransmitidas por televisión, en ningún momento los manifestantes agredieron a la policía, sino que por el contrario, fueron los manifestantes los que sufrieron la violenta carga de las Fuerzas de Seguridad, tal y como constatan los numerosos partes médicos de las personas que tuvieron que ser atendidas en los servicios de urgencia. La actuación policial mereció incluso una mención en el informe de Amnistía Internacional de ese año. Ante estos hechos, queremos mostrar todo nuestra solidaridad y nuestro apoyo al acusado, ya que es evidente que no es culpable de los delitos que se le imputan. A la vista de las imágenes grabadas, resulta sorprendente que puedan mantenerse todavía los cargos contra una persona que simplemente expresaba su derecho a expresarse y su preocupación ante un problema tan grave como es la Deuda Externa para los países empobrecidos. Asimismo, creemos que es necesario reclamar que se agilicen los trámites para enjuiciar a los verdaderos culpables, es decir, a los miembros de la Policía que agredieron a los manifestantes así como a quienes dieron las ordenes de cargar contra una protesta pacífica. Atentamente,
Model of individual fax (or letter or e-mail):
I write to you to express my concern about the judge that is taking place in Madrid, in the Court of Plaza de Castilla for the events of 26th. November 2000 during a pacific demonstration against the Foreign Debt of Impoverished Countries. As everybody could see in TV images recorded by the press agencies EFE and EUROPA PRESS, the demonstrators didn't attack police but, on the contrary, they were the victims of the violence charge of the policemen, like it can be verified in the numerous Medical Informs about the people who had to be attended in Hospitals. The violence of the police was mentioned in the 2000 Amnesty International's Inform. I want to express my solidarity and my support to the accused person, because it is evident that he is not guilty for the charges. When the images recorded in TV are seen, it is astonishing that somebody can accuse a person, who only wanted to express his right of expression and his preoccupation with a so important problem like the Foreign Debt of Impoverished Countries. Moreover, I think that it is neccesary to reclame the ongoing of the criminal process against the members of Police who aggressed the demonstrators and those ones who commanded them to charge against a pacific demonstration. Yours sincerely, Name and surname: Town, Country:....
Text in Spanish: Me dirijo a usted para expresarle mi preocupación ante el juicio que va a celebrarse el 21 de mayo en los juzgados de Plaza de Castilla en relación con los sucesos acontecidos ante el Congreso de los Diputados el 26 de noviembre de 2000, en el curso de una manifestación pacífica por la abolición de la deuda externa de los países empobrecidos. Como se puede constatar en las imágenes, grabadas por las agencias EFE y EUROPA PRESS y retransmitidas por televisión, en ningún momento los manifestantes agredieron a la policía, sino que por el contrario, fueron los manifestantes los que sufrieron la violenta carga de las Fuerzas de Seguridad, tal y como constatan los numerosos partes médicos de las personas que tuvieron que ser atendidas en los servicios de urgencia. La actuación policial mereció incluso una mención en el informe de Amnistía Internacional de ese año. Ante estos hechos, quisiera mostrar mi solidaridad y mi apoyo al acusado, ya que es evidente que no es culpable de los delitos que se le imputan. A la vista de las imágenes grabadas, resulta sorprendente que puedan mantenerse todavía los cargos contra una persona que simplemente expresaba su derecho a expresarse y su preocupación ante un problema tan grave como es la Deuda Externa para los países empobrecidos. Asimismo, creo que es necesario reclamar que se agilicen los trámites para enjuiciar a los verdaderos culpables, es decir, a los miembros de la Policía que agredieron a los manifestantes y a quienes dieron las ordenes de cargar contra una protesta pacífica. Atentamente, Addresses:
If you send the text in French or in English, it would be better sending too a copy in Spanish).
Ministry of Internal Affaires: Sr. Mariano Rajoy. Paseo de la Castellana, 5, 28071. Fax: 91 537 10 03 Telephone: 91 573 11 11 Correo:

Ministry of Justice Sr. Ángel Acebes San Bernardo, 45, 28071 Madrid. Central Telephone: 91 290 20 00 Press Office: Fax: 91 390 22 44.
President of Government:
Sr. José María Aznar. Complejo de la Moncloa, 28071 Madrid. Central Phone: 91 355 35 35 Fax: 91 390 02 17 Correo electrónico:

Delegation of Government in Madrid: Sr. Francisco Javier Ansuátegui Miguel Ángel, 25 28010 Madrid. Central Phone: 91 537 17 00 Secretary Phone: 91 537 17 17/18 Fax: 91 437 17 37