Why do the Europeans support the Palestinians but not the Kurds.
Barry | 17.05.2002 04:32
I'v been on here for the last year. I rarely see anyone talk about the Kurds. Why is the UK Left silent on the plight of the Kurds. Iraq gassed and murdered 125,000 Kurds since 1987. In Syria, Kurds cant own any land. Syria has a law, where all land has to be owned by Arabs. Is this not racism. I'm stunned, that there are so few posts about the Kurds. I asked a Kurd organization, why does Europe have this obsession with the Palestinians, but no one cares about the Kurds. Akin, which is the largest Kurdish organization.
http://www.kurdistan.org/ They told me, alot of these people who march for the Palestinians and writing all these Pro Palestinian articles, are infact anti western. They only go after Israel, because there an ally of the U.S. He pointed out, when Iraq gassed the Kurds and wiped out the entire Kurdish village of Halabja in 1988. There was silence in Europe. Akin said, here you have Europeans marching for Palestinians, who are commiting some of the worst atrocities you can imagine. Suicide attacks on Israeli civilians in buses, restaurants, grocery stores, agricultural open markets, discothèques, Bar Mitsvahs, etc. I fail to see, how killings of non-military and un-armed people, newly weds on a date, pregnant mother shopping groceries, old retired people sitting on benches, can make people want to march for the Palestinians. Yet we the Kurds are peaceful, we never target civilians. We just want our own state, but the Europeans are quiet on that. You notice, the Europeans talk every day of a Palestinian state, but are against a Kurdish state. So you tell me whose biased. Alot of the weapons Iraq used to massacre us, came from the Europeans. The poison gas Iraq used against us, came from Germany.

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