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Get Clean Ethical Energy Now

empowered consumer | 16.05.2002 09:11

It is possible to use switch to clean energy now. No more fossil fuels. End the oil-based economy.

The electiricity used to power this computer is not coming from fossil fuels. Greenpeace and energy company n-power have a home electricty package which is powered by the wind. It is no more expensive and no less reliable than standard electricity. I heard about this from a friend and have never seen it advertised anywhere. The more people that sign up to the package, the likelir it will be that the nation can switch over to a clean and ethical energy source as a whole. This can be done. Iceland now only uses fossil fuels to power its road vehicles.

Follow the link to find out how to sign up.

Can you justify condemning the oil greedy powers without using an available alternative ?

empowered consumer
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Another alternative

16.05.2002 11:04

Better than lining n-power's pockets, in my opinion.....


Beware of green energy scams

16.05.2002 11:58

It is now a legal requirement for electricity companies to generate a certain percentage using renewables.

Check any offered 'green tarrifs' very carefully to make sure that you are not simply subsidising the companies to fulfil their legal obligations!

If you pay extra for this make sure that it is clearly for EXTRA renewable generation over and above their legal requirements.

Mercury Kev

watch for scams

16.05.2002 13:15

You will also find some of the bigger elec companies offering 'green energy' - and in their list will be 'fuel from waste' or something similar - this means incinerators - yes they're trying to claim that pouring dioxins out is green ...

Best option is to go for a recognised supplier of renewables
suc as Unit-e (my supplier)

FOE have just produced a league table of renewables suppliers:


Misleading advertising

17.05.2002 21:41

Try phoning them up and asking where the actual electricity coming into your home comes from. They will not be able to tell you - it could be coming from nuclear, coal, gas or oil.

It is very unlikely that the power you receive would have come from a renewable source, because of the nature of the national grid.
