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Will LEFT BOYCOTT Palestinian Solidarity Demo?

vngelis | 15.05.2002 15:57

Last demo had absence of left groups

When a 100,000 strong demo, predominantly Asian in origin took to the streets the left was absent as an organised block. Apart from paper sellers there were hardly any union contingents or any left groups with numbers.

Will they boycott Saturdays demo as well?
Why were they absent?
Despite the fact that Britains largest union UNISON has publically sided with the Palestinians will it do anything for the demo?

Tied to Labourism, by voting for it in every possible election, the British Left is leaving the door open to the Islamists to mobilise and appear as the only opponents to Bushs new world order.



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try a useful boycott...

16.05.2002 00:33

Perhaps a useful boycott would be to not buy israeli goods or services:

A not so useful boycott would be not attending the Pal. demo on Sat. This is an important solidarity action. EVERYONE who gives a shite should be in attendance.

I can understand how many leftist groups were turned off at the last one, since it was organised by the Muslim Association of Britain (MAB). But the upcoming demo is organised by Palestine Solidarity Campaign (a secularist group). Link to event info and campaign materials:

As for "leaving the door open to the Islamists to mobilise and appear as the only opponents to Bushs new world order", I really don't think you have to worry about that mate. The 'islamists' as you like to call them, or Muslims as anyone else would call them, are a group that aren't particularly politically aware. A massive majority of Muslims aren't really intested in changing the world, they just feel duty bound to this one cause, since it's 'Muslim' land in question. I've seen little kids screaming "Allahu Akbar" whilst stuffing happy meals into their mouths, girls wearing Calvin Klein hijabs (headscarfs) and a whole lot of other crazy things to prove my point. Muslims aren't going to become some scary political force overnight that will usurp the left. Calm down man.




16.05.2002 10:00

Islamist refers to islamic fundamentalists rather than ordinary muslims... Religious fundamentalism is a form of fascism which must be opposed at all costs.

Matt (A)
mail e-mail:

Unions will be there

16.05.2002 20:36

Saturdays Justice for Palestine march was called by the Palestinian Solidarity Campaign and supported by Unison, Ucatt, Natfhe, NUJ, FBU, NUM, Bectu and many other groups. Either that or the flyers I've been handing out are bogus.

Auntie Beeb

Prejudice and ignorance

16.05.2002 22:08

I'm an atheist - I wasn't put off the last demo in support of Palestine. Yes it was organised by MAB, but sponsored by many others, including PSC. It wasn't about religion (although it was mightily in evidence of course) - it was about justice for human beings in Palestine (who are not all Muslim). If you were put off by Muslims, don't come this Satuday either - spend the time sorting your attitude out.
"muslims aren't really interested in changing the world" - plain wrong from a factual or religious perspective, and really out of order. You presume to comment on an incredibly diverse range of people, ascribing a general position to them. The kind word for this is patronising. the unkind word is prejudice.
"muslim land" - wrong! Check your facts, read some history.
"little kids screaming..." etc - out of order mate, and says more about you and where your head is at.


Union Tops Tied to... Blair & Bush

17.05.2002 18:06

The reason the Unions boycotted the last demo is that they dont want to fight the new world order. Their deals with credit card companies and insurance companies ensure they are tied to New Labour and not to the workers. The fact that thousands of Asians took to the streets and the left boycotted the demo and the fact that a few union leaders may turn out tomorrow wont change much.

The British political landscape is a reflection of a society which is segregated. For Yugoslavia in 1999 mostly Serbs took to the streets. For Palestine mostly Asians. For Afghanistan which is on the OTHER side of the Earth mostly the British middle class. How to unite every section of the community against the new world order is the issue of the day. That cannot occur if the left tailends situations instead of participating dynamically in them and trying to alter them politically with slogans and banners.

But to do that one would have to break politically with New Labour.
Stop voting for Bomber Blair.
Demonstrate against Union Leaders who do Nothing.
Argue now for STRIKES against the Coming war on Iraq!
