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News from Eurodusnie collective

viva | 12.05.2002 23:34

Eurodusnie collective is utterly surprised and also worried about the ANP (Dutch national press agency) report which claims that there is a direct link between the Eurodusnie collective and the Biological Baking Brigade (BBB), responsable for pieing the right-wing populist Pim Fortuyn who was murdered one week ago. Eurodusnie completely reject this claim. There is no organisational link between Eurodusnie and the BBB.

In the current media hype more and more connections are insinuated and made between the pie incident and the murder of Pim Fortuyn. Besides it being an absurd claim it also endangers the dozens of people involved in Eurodusnie and the left movement in general. Already Eurodusnie had to endure physical attacks on its buildings and people.
Within the current overemotional climate, this kind of biased reporting is totally irresponsable and untolerable. The current witchhunt against left activists has to come to an end.

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Why dis-own nonviolent direst actions?

13.05.2002 01:20

I understand and recognise that our Dutch comrades are under pressure.
But I need to ask:

Is the EuroDisney collective saying that non-violent direct actions such as pieing pompous rightwing politicans are wrong / the equivalent of terrorism as the right-wing press are arguing -

In distancing themselves are they condeming such action?


about eurodusnie

13.05.2002 03:17

I think they are not against throwing biological pies,

the state seems to be the problem, they say
murder with a gun = an attack = a pie = BBB = Eurodusnie

this is playing with words

greetings from hysterical holland


Fight back

13.05.2002 09:42

If they print lies about you then sue them, that should expose their nefarious schemes and temper them as well.
