actiondays against the meeting Bush-Schroeder
Berliner Vorbereitungsbuendnis | 11.05.2002 21:07
Radical protest against the meeting Bush-Schröder
Berlin, may 21st-23rd.
On may 22nd/23rd, US-President Bush and secretary of defense Rumsfeld will visit Berlin as part of their their european tour, which will also take them to Paris and Moscow. „War against terrorism“ and transatlantic trade will be on their agenda. Politicians like Bush or Schröder are symbols of a political system that we hate and fight. We’ll take the opportunity to show our mistrust and our anger.
Berlin, may 21st-23rd.
On may 22nd/23rd, US-President Bush and secretary of defense Rumsfeld will visit Berlin as part of their their european tour, which will also take them to Paris and Moscow. „War against terrorism“ and transatlantic trade will be on their agenda. Politicians like Bush or Schröder are symbols of a political system that we hate and fight. We’ll take the opportunity to show our mistrust and our anger.
Radical protest against the meeting Bush-Schröder
Berlin, may 21st-23rd.
On may 22nd/23rd, US-President Bush and secretary of defense Rumsfeld will visit Berlin as part of their their european tour, which will also take them to Paris and Moscow. „War against terrorism“ and transatlantic trade will be on their agenda. Politicians like Bush or Schröder are symbols of a political system that we hate and fight. We’ll take the opportunity to show our mistrust and our anger.
War is a normality
War cannot be reduced to military conflict. The current reality can be described as a state of war. The wealth of the US, FRG and other european countries are based on centuries of oppression and exploitation in a system of (neo)colonialism, imperialism, racism and patriarchy. Economic and military power enable the rich countries to impose their diverse interests throughout the world.
The consequences for large parts of the population of Africa, Asia, Latinamerica, Eastern Europe and to a growing degree „at home“ are fatal. Elementary needs such as food, water, housing, health, clothing, education cannot be satisfied by a growing number of people. They die of hunger, of curable diseases whilst the elites worldwide live in ever greater abundance.
Wars are fought by the military to assist the realisation of political and economical interests and to secure regions of influence for the major players. The so called „war against terrorism“ is just another means of propaganda to legitimate imperial wars and to gain the support of the „own“ population.
It is an illusion to seek peace within capitalism: first, because the oppressing countries and classes always need armed conflicts to secure their regions of influence, and second, because one cannot talk of peace when large parts of the worlds’ population live in exploitative capitalistic relations, circumstances many of them do not survive.
Internal warfare
In many countries the „crusade against terror“ has been used to impose new and harsh laws on „internal security“. An „everpresent danger“ is being created to legitimate repression and persecution. As in other countries, the german minister of interior drew a few laws in the name of „security, freedom and democracy“. Those represent a further buildup of a state of total control, various forms of protest are continuously criminalised. To give an example: the term „urban terrorism“ was introduced to allow the persecution of demonstrations as acts of terrorism.
The racist consensus
Internal policies on national level or within economic-political supranational structures promote existing racism within societies and provide its legal framework. Stigmatisation of individuals and groups, legal discrimination and persecution and every day racist attacks mutually reinforce each other. Nation states as Germany have used the growth of racist resentiments following the attacks of September 11th to redefine their asylum- and immigration laws - in the case of Germany the not very progressive laws have been restricted to the point that, e.g. immigrants and recognized refugees found „guilty“ of political activism can be expelled.
Changing alliances
Germany is seeking it’s role as emerging superpower within the E.U. and NATO. The plan to integrate the W.E.U. (western european union) as military component of the economic-political body of the E.U: exists since the „Amsterdam treaties“. Armed european forces shall be enabled to secure Western European interest independantly of US-goals.
Since the end of the cold war, 3 major economical powers are competing for markets, ressources and regional influence: NAFTA (North American Free Trade Association), E.U. and ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nations). The Berlin meeting of Schröder and Bush, major representatives of two of the giants, signifies the attempt to streamline their policies and to minimize frictional losses.
Fight capitalist normality!!!
Use the Bush arena for our performance!!!
The red zone is ours!!!
21.5. Welcome dinner and general assembly
22.5. Reclaim The Streets and decentralised action
22.5. Radical bloc on the anti Bush demonstration
23.5. more decentralised activities. freestyle
lodging, vegan food, fun, adventure and action for a couple of days!!!!
See you in Berlin
independant radical welcome comitee
Watch out for more infos on flyers and internet
www.smash the system. net
Berliner Vorbereitungsbuendnis
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The Ugly Face of TerroFascism comes to Berlin
11.05.2002 21:50
The Ugly Face of TerroFascism comes to Berlin
George 'WarMonger' Bush, the crazed christian-fundamentalist maniac leading US-NATO-EU into the fascist's dream, a coup-de-planete in the interests of ImperialCapital, is scheduled to visit Berlin 22 May.
There he plans to laud the obedience of his NATO-Chain-Dogs, Schroeder, Blair, etc. and ready the bemused masses to blindly swallow any amount of Propaganda in justification of the present and planned War-Crimes.
Wake-up Europeans, and smell the burning shit!! Your 'Big Brother' has plans for you!! When Bush has erased the so- called 'Islamic' 'terrorist' problem, what do you think will stop him from coming to whip your ass too - the fact that it is covered in flabby white skin?? That might have worked 2 centuries ago, but not anymore - now it's all 'straight power concepts' - the weak are to be crushed and humiliated, International Law relegated to a mere historical artifact. Stand up and use that spine, before you get definitively stomped on!!
Let's get to Berlin and tell Bush in no uncertain terms to take his Nuclear Bombs and fuck-off back to his underground Führer-Bunker!! And once there, to seal the door, drink several last large tumblers full of Scotch, take a brand-new "Mini-Nuke" from the playpen, caressingly polish the warhead one more time to a gleaming sheen, place it upright on bedroom floor with detonator button prominently exposed on nearby bed, then climb on top of wardrobe, jump off in 'dive-bomber' position, forcefully whacking hand down on the BigRedButton just as pre-greased sphincter tightens to an airtight seal around neck of Nuke!?! Oh yeah, Sing Halellujah, Baby!! That's the money-shot!!
Or, as the pious words of Bokonon would tend to suggest, "Oh, Lousy Politician, would that thou just bombest thyself for a change!"
Gerhard Schroeder mistakenly claimed "Wir sind alle Amerikaner!" Bin that crap! How about "We are all Vietnamese, Nicaraguans and Iraqis!" To misquote Mohammad Ali refusing the order to murder Vietnamese, "No Iraqi ever called me 'Nigger'".
How about having the Weapons Inspectors visit US Bio-weapons laboratorys or Israeli nuclear weapons facilities - don't these countries openly and blatently threaten their regional neighbours, indeed the whole world, with these playthings? How about a coalition to stop these maniacal criminals?
How about telling those spineless, lickspittle NATO-EU politicians it's time to stop appeasing US-TerroFascism, before even the thought of opposition becomes a valid reason to be kidnapped to Guantanamo Bay to 'discuss' things with a military torture-doctor before a 'fair' trial and subsequent execution? - or, if you happen to come from a non-white country, a cloud-burst of cheap and cheerful Napalm rains down from the sky.
Is anti-americanism to become the new anti-semitism? The thought-crime par-excellence? Find out by using this hi-res emoticon grafic, recently tested in the wild to wide acclaim! It can be printed A4 and expanded to an A3 Poster at your local photocopy shop, usually at a severely reduced 'sympathy-price'!! Let's paint Berlin the colour of 'Cruise me Nuke' for Baby-Bush!!
You can also sign a very sensible petition (in German) here, protesting against german complicity in the Bush wars: