Heroes of our time; An end to self-imposed ostrich syndrome
Ned Kelly | 10.05.2002 10:11
Hey rebel, end the guilt trip, end neo-colonial atrtitudes and self congratulatory self rightious moralism. The time is now the empire is crumbling, don't patch it up tear it down. And further comments on news stories and contempory happenings.
why do the peaceniks only ever come crawling out of their self-erected bunkers (in both meanings of the word!!) when the resisters are fighting back and there is an actual ‘declared’ war on the media? This shows that the alleged “peace” they want is for the rebels to give up, go to the ‘negotiating table’ and allow the undeclared, insidious war (the devastation of the planet, the destruction and very deliberate murder of millions, through economic progress, technological development, pollution, suicides, despair) to continue unquestioned. The leftist peacenik scum propose that what the rebels (in the Middle East, or wherever their “new cause” is) need is more ‘civilising’, i.e. more development, “democracy”, grinning leaders, more money to buy the worthless shit they call “symbols of modernity”.
Witness the disgusting patronising neo-colonialist guilt ridden (enough, enough!!) sight of the self-proclaimed “peace activists” standing on the streets of the occupied territories playing to the media, smugly claiming that “these people need us”, no they fucking don’t they are fighting back bravely and gallantly, they don’t need some privileged moralistic guilt trippers patronising them and telling them what to do. Take your fucking “peace” banners set them alight and burn an Israeli tank.
While we are on about Palestine, what is all this bollocks about Yasser Arafat? He is a fucking scum bag, it is a matter of weeks ago that he was (through his hence men) gunning down Palestinian women and children. He is not revered by the Palestinians, he is resoundly loathed. He has murdered and tortured “his own people” from the very beginning of the betrayal and sell out known as “the peace process”. The refugees have been abandoned, the people are still held in extreme conditions, the so-called PA has been cut up by “security buffers”, thousands have been driven from their ancestral homes by the building of Jewish settlements (all of which has been gladly welcomed by Arafat who gets to sustain his despotic power and his extreme levels of wealth).
This is “peace”, the “peace” that has been offered and imposed by the so-called “peace treaties”. While Israel exists, while Amerikkka exists, while Britain, France, Belgium or South Africa exists as nation states then the decision to have a “significant death” over a “pointless life” will be the only rational decision to be taken by those at the fore front of this systems war against all life. The only way war and the degradation of all life will be ended is by the complete and absolute destruction of every State, every hierarchy. The peaceniks are the enemy of change, their aim is to just get everything to settle back down into the business as usual routine, death by slow strangulation. But just because they are broken human beings, unable to even contemplate fighting back, because they glorify passivity doesn’t mean the rest of us have! Those who are sick of this society, who want a life without drudgery, mass misery, planetary devastation need no organisation, they need no instructions, they need no ‘media appeal’, they are the heroes of the ‘Red Brigades’ who executed Biagi, (unleashing the wrath of the cowardly, reactionary trade unions-who are as much the enemy as the ‘bosses’), they are Richard Durn executor of politicians in France and Volgert van der Graff of Holland who took out Fortuyn, they are the heroes who take the fight to the enemy, who know what needs to be done and do it!
What the fuck are you waiting for? - you know who they are- you know were they gather- you know the buildings, the offices- there is no fucking excuse for your whinging – do what ever you see fit-but do it now!
Ned Kelly
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