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Zionist Superiority

By Joachim Martillo | 10.05.2002 00:15

Terrorism against racist Jewish settlers is perfectly legitimate

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I remember the hostility that ethnic Germans experienced during WW2 when they defended Nazism and Nazi Germany. No one called that antipathy and antagonism anti-German racism.

The State of Israel behaves like Nazi Germany circa 1937 or 1938 (actually rather worse). Zionist ideology is very similar to Nazi ideology, and in fact in terms of genocidalism, generally Zionist thinkers anticipated Nazi thinkers.

Mainstream Diaspora Jewry supports this Nazi-like ideology and this racist state that behaves like Nazi Germany. Increasing hostility and antagonism to mainstream Diaspora Jewry is hardly surprising and is completely justified. Racists and people that support racism should experience disdain and contempt.

While criminal vandalism is wrong, we cannot legitimately call such attacks anti-Semitic, for anti-Semitism, is a theory of Jewish inferiority or threat on the basis of pseudoscientific theories, and expressing ill-will against Jewish racists is timely as well as completely appropriated and is the natural result of Jewish behavior not pseudo-science.

Is not support for Israel a complete betrayal of American and British principles? We opposed apartheid in South Africa. We demanded an end to genocide in the Balkans and have worked for the return of all refugees in the former Yugoslavia and through the world.

If American and Israeli Jews cannot accept the principles

1) that racist states are unacceptable,

2) that property must be restored to its rightful owners, and

Israel is not a civil democratic liberal democracy like the USA or the UK. It is a 1930s style racist state with the trappings of a formal democracy. If we refrain from making clear to Jews how exactly how repugnant Israel is to decent political thinking, how can Israel and modern Jewry possibly be guided into more acceptable political thinking?

Zionism presupposes that the national and ethnic rights of Jews take precedence over the human rights of the native population. It is hard to have a more racist idea.

One cannot call a state democratic whose first actions are the expulsion and plundering of the native Palestinian majority.

The writings of the founders of Zionism are suffused with
(19th century) fin de siecle ideas of voelkisch racism, extremist organic nationalism, social Darwinism, primordialism, collectivism, opposition to bourgeois liberal democracy, opposition to enlightenment values, colonialist chauvinism and genocidalism.

The behavior of the racist Jewish settler colonist population of interlopers and thieves is generally so outrageous and criminal that terrorism against them is perfectly legitimate.

After all the racist Jewish settler colonist population has

1) stolen Palestine from the native population (justified on the basis of some nonsensical myths that are belied by all historical data),

2) ethnically cleansed the native population of Palestine
(and continues the program of ethnic cleansing)

3) plundered the native population of Palestine and continues the program of plunder),

4) commits pogroms against the native population of
Palestine and

5) sends death squads on missions to murder leaders
of the native population of Palestine.

If the USA had lost WW2, had been occupied by the Japanese, subjected to Japanese racism, had been subjected to plunder and ethnic cleansing, 50 years later Americans would probably be resorting to suicide attacks to drive out the racist Japanese colonist settlers.

By Joachim Martillo
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Terrorism cannot be justified

10.05.2002 07:14

I cannot condone intentionally killing civilians, whatever the reason. Although the bombers are caused at least partially by Israeli oppresion and racism (although terrorist organisations and fundamentalist groups also play their part in perpetuating a culture in which terrorism can be viewed as acceptable), killing civilians will only strenthen this racism, and allow the government to gain an ever firmer grip over this racism and direct it against all Palestinians.

Remember that the Israeli populace are as brainwashed as Americans or Brits; we need to educate them, not destroy them. Killing them will only turn them away from our cause.

David C