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COP OUT - police harrass the innocent AGAIN

pigwatch | 08.05.2002 19:50

Article from todays Guardian by a teenager who like thousands is harrased by the feds....

The government is cracking down on youth crime. Fine, says teenager Matt Scott, but don't pick on me….

Wednesday May 8, 2002
The Guardian

I'm a 16-year-old attending a comprehensive school in Camden, north London, and I agree that more police presence is needed on the streets, especially in certain areas. It is also true that it is usually a small group of people who cause most of the trouble. The police have to learn that not every teenage boy is a criminal.
Every day as I walk out of school, a police van passes me slowly by and eight feds stare me up and down until I feel the size of one of their badges. My friends and I don't think we look like criminals and we wear clothes we feel comfortable in: Nike hooded jumpers, caps, jeans or tracksuit bottoms. We do not mug people, we do not steal phones, we do not do graffiti, and most of us are still at school. And since the cannabis laws were relaxed, we feel even less guilty in the eyes of the law. On average, however, I'm stopped and searched by police once a week, along with most of my friends, more frequently if we are in a big group (they love humiliating all of you).
We all know the drill. Some people are more lippy to the feds than others, and some people are really scared and say nothing, but it doesn't make any difference to the way they treat you. Some police are all right - the ones who listen to you and don't shout and who let you speak - but they are very rare. We would be much more likely to want to help them find the real troublemakers if they didn't automatically assume we were all breaking the law.
Last week, for example, after buying some records on Camden High Street, a friend and I took a short cut along the canal. Just before we approached the exit we realised two uniformed officers were chasing us. As we turned the corner up the stairs, we were confronted by another four officers. "All right lads, what you been up to? Got anything on you you shouldn't have?" one male officer shouted aggressively. They have a way of looking down on you, always trying to make eye contact. I really don't want to look into any policeman's eyes. Then they went on questioning us, demanding, "Have you been smoking? Is that your phone? How did you get this £30?" Then they said, "You are going to be searched on suspicion of car robbery." How would we be robbing cars on a canal at lunch time? Then we were searched for about 10 minutes while being frowned upon by the pedestrians and crackheads of Camden. The officer ran his fingers all over my body, practically ripped my pockets out, shouting at me. "Are you still at school?" he asked. I said, "Yes, I'm doing A-levels at Camden School for Girls." Then they all laughed and he said, "So you go to a girls' school. I've never heard that one before. I wish I'd gone to a school like that." You'd think, as a Camden police officer, he'd know that Camden School for Girls has a mixed sixth-form. All the time the drug dealers of Camden were watching, but the police would rather waste time on trying to arrest us than have to deal with them.
At night, you're even more likely to be stopped. At about 2am one Saturday night I was with a friend outside his house in Crouch End. We decided to get some sweets and drinks from the B2, a shop which is open all night, just four doors down. As we crossed the road to go home a police van pulled up next to us and several officers jumped out wearing bulletproof vests. They threw us against the wall, squashing our drinks and ruining our pick'n'mix selection, shouting, "Don't move, don't talk. We're going to search you because you fit the description of two youths we're looking for." It took us an hour to get home, even though we explained that my friend lived close by and we showed them his house keys.
They have to do a name check on their walkie talkies which takes for ever, because it takes so long for the person on the database to call them back to confirm that you are who you say you are. They also like standing there and looking at you in silence for a while before they let you go.
In north London parks, there are always undercover police officers who are easy to spot. They come up and show you their badges, but they will move off if they see you're not doing anything. One lunchtime in the holidays I was with three friends in a park in Archway and one of them went to the public toilet while I went to a shop to get some drinks. As we met up again outside the park entrance, a police van pulled out and two officers confronted us.
"Ever been in trouble before? Committed any crimes today, boys?" said one.
"What were you doing round there at the toilet entrance?" asked the other. He then pointed at some old graffiti. "You're going to be searched on suspicion of criminal damage."
We were then searched on the main road, supposedly for pens and paint. Our bags and pockets were emptied and thrown down on the ground. He got the drink out of my bag and threw it; it burst and sprayed all over the floor and my jeans.
"I just bought that and I hadn't opened it," I protested.
"And?" he replied. I said nothing - he wasn't exactly going to buy me a new one.
Again, the police did the name checks, didn't apologise and, once they'd finished, told us to "fuck off".
And they say adolescents have an attitude problem.

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Police State

09.05.2002 13:11

As a mother of boys your age I empathise, and Jack, hooded tops are a fashion statement, not a crime. The government, police and media have whipped up a frenzy over "youth crime" by emphasising one unfortunate individual case, but for every juvenile delinquent, a product of failed social policies, there are 100,000 good, decent, talented kids, who study and have hopes for a future in college or a career and just want to be left alone. My son, because he is mixed-race and fits the stereotype is stopped by police on his PAPER-ROUND, serving the community, before spending the day excelling in his S.A.T.S. I resent him being treated like a criminal because of his age/look, but now in Camden, Blunkett's got police IN the schools. Why don't they just put CCTV in our homes, to make sure we are all abiding by THE RULE OF LAW in this open prison called London... and why is crime rising? Ask Tony Blair, it's his Northern Alliance allies who are growing this years heroin crop, which is responsible for a 70% increase in robbery in Bristol.


A bit of legal advice

09.05.2002 16:06

When you are stopped and searched, the police must have grounds for a search. But usually they just make the reason up. Ask specifically what they are looking for and why they have "reason to believe" you may have in your possesion something that you shouldn't. They cannot base this merely on appearance. Most searches are conducted under the Police and Criminal Evidence Act (PACE) 1984, you have the right to be treated with respect (yeah i know its a joke) and they should not do stop and searches merely on the basis of appearance. You do not have to give your name and address, explain that under PACE you are under no obligation to give any details, unless you are arrested. You should also ask for a record of the search. This will detail why you have been searched and who the officer was. If they refuse to give you one note down the officers number. A large collection of search forms could possibly used as a case against the police (but don't hold your breath).
Remember, you have rights, stand up to harrassment, do not be intimidated.
And if you are arrested, give name, address (date of birth may help the police confirm details). And make NO COMMENT to all other questions just look what happened with the Womble 7, three answered questions and two of those got conmvicted, all the others were found no-guilty). You have NOTHING to gain from answering police questions.

Miss Point

MMMMMM... interesting.

27.08.2003 20:55

Ah youth of today, such innocent little darlings aren't they? never said boo to a goose let alone insult, assault or rob another human. And Hey cannabis laws are relaxed aren't they?
no, no, no.
I don't think this will change many minds or help any public police interactions, people just don't like uniforms.
Maybe iam here because iam bored.
Anyway police and the youth...
Iam a south london police officer, a job iam proud of.
i admit i suspect, i arrest and i search teenagers on a regular basis would you like to know why?
Take out the usual shoplifting, robbery, joyriding, graffiti, cannabis etc
what are you left with? a group of teenagers in the park/shoppling centre/parade etc.
Clothing: Sports wear, hoods up in winter? alarm bells ring! looks good? since the widespread use of CCTV, robbers have worn hoods up to prevent being id'd and tracked on system because we know most of them. doing the same gives impression you are trying to hide your face from camera.
Attitude: "FEDS" and other street lingo easy to understand but the boys and girls do try to take the piss out of officers by talking as if they are american, jamacian or from Brixton using these street words to hide meaning of insults (Most of us have worked brixton and have dealt with real jamacians, you ain't a shadow). If your drunk stay quiet, you often shout, swear and get aggressive at your age when pissed, behave its too easy to arrest you.
The reason we are about is because some one has reported their car broken into, children robbed/assaulted etc and guess the description given? White teenage wearing baseball caps, tracksuits and hoods up? sound familar? Direction they went? into the park/canal area/high street etc.

last thought
on one distinct incident, i found a group of teenagers clustered around their stabbed friend, i administered first aid, called for an ambulance, circulated details of the suspects. No one had called police prior to my discovery. The next month when searching for a group of white male teenagers who had robbed a nine year old of her phone i meet the friends of the stabbed boy, i stop and ask where they have just come have they seen anything, and i get the usual "f***ing feds always hassling us for no reason, what have they done for us" ........... What Long memories and gratitude they have.

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