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D.A.A.W.N | 08.05.2002 19:29

The next big National Rally for Palestine will be happening on Sat 18 May. D.A.A.W.N is organising an Anti-Capitalist, Anti-Militarist, Anti-Racist solidarity bloc for the march. Meet at 12 noon @ Speakers' Corner, Hyde Park

A new round of suicide attacks seems likely to provide a pretext for a massive Israeli military assault on the West Bank and Gaza. In the name of peace and security, the Israeli government will massacre civilians, bulldoze whole neighbourhoods, use helicopter gunships and tanks against lightly armed Palestinian security forces, target electricity and water supplies, and hold a gun to the head of every Palestinian - man, woman and child.

Yet the last major Palestinian demo in London attracted only a handful of anti-capitalists and Western peace activists. Many stayed away for fear of associating themselves with anti-semitic and "fundamentalist" factions on the demonstration. In the absence of a wider critique of the capitalist system, these factions are beginning to assume a disproportionate influence within the Palestinian diaspora.

The May 6th pro-Israel rally on Trafalgar Square saw a large Palestinian counter-demonstration. The Israelis held up placards reading "Yes to peace, No to terror" while listening to an inflammatory speech by former PM Binyamin Netanyahu. Some Palestinians chanted "Nuke, nuke Israel" and "Bomb, bomb Tel Aviv" - comments that were duly reported in the following day's newspapers to brand all Palestinian smypathisers as potential terrorists.

Our failure to engage with the wider Palestinian community has left the field clear for religious extremists, bigots and zealots of every kind to propagate their sectarian agendas. We, as anti-capitalists, do not claim a monopoly on the truth. But we do have a viable alternative to this kind of hate propaganda - a world-view that encompasses peace and justice for all communities, in every part of the world.

D.A.A.W.N will be meeting at the London Resource Action Centre (LARC), 62 Fieldgate St, E1 this Sunday (12 May) @ 5 pm. Nearest tube: Aldgate East, Whitechapel.

Draft agenda for the meeting:

- What is D.A.A.W.N? What do we stand for? How are we different from other anti-war groups?

- The role of anti-capitalists in the anti-war struggle.

- Our plans for the May 18 demonstration.

- The coming war in Iraq, and what it means for the British anti-war movement.

- Homepage:


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nice try

08.05.2002 20:15

If you can get an anti-War march _without_ extremists and nutters out for a ruck, then you have my full support. I was spat at by an arab on monday at the rally. I didnt agree with everything Bibi Netanyahu said, but until there is a fair -- that doesn't have to mean anti-Israel -- peace camp here in England, I won't be standing side by side with sympathisers of and apologists for terrorism.

Protest oil wars

08.05.2002 21:36

Fuck off Fudge- apologist for Zionism, who are the real terrorists? THE CIA!


Zionists on IMC

08.05.2002 22:27

I've noticed the Zionists are working shifts on the board here, they do the same with IMC Jerusalem, corporate media control wasn't enough to keep 'em happy!


fudge this for a game of malarkies

08.05.2002 23:26

Just as things are quietening down, while Sharon parties with Bush, another atrocity goes off, and in comes Hamas and says it's good and it's proper and Sharon has to go home in a hurry, and Jenin somehow doesn't get investigated and anothers on its way, and we don't see through this lethal charade - you bet - Rishon LetZION - you can always tell the Shin Bet/Mossad ones from the timing and from the degree of atrocities - the restaurant, the teen disco, the bus and so on - always more than the capacity possible for the suicide bomber and always at the critical moment. Ferchrissakes, we don't have to be anti-semitic or anti-islamic to see through this thin veil of opposites colluding to advance the agenda


um, just a sec guys

09.05.2002 09:13

Ok, there are fundamentalists who turn up at these demos. There's a huge problem with opting out just because you don't like a few of the people opting in. What you're effectively saying is that if you get a few thousand people together for a demo and someone who's about to go and suicide bomb people in a couple of weeks is present, you'd go home. DAAWN are not suicide bomber supporters in any way shape or form. We're simply against the war. We want to see the palestinian people liberated. We do support the day to day resistance within palestine of people fighting to save their families and their lives. But that's just self-defence. This hatred of palestinians has to stop. Labelling all of palestine as terrorists is what is leading to more people becoming desperate and resorting to the terrorist tactics which must also be stopped. Think before you speak next time. don't just spread your hatred.