New AMEC profile published online by Corporate Watch
Corporate Watch | 08.05.2002 15:18
AMEC's AGM was today disrupted by activists protesting against its involvement in the controversial Yusefeli Dam project - find out more about AMEC's record at
Although construction firm AMEC nominally pulled out of the controversial Yusufeli dam project just days before the campaign against it was formally launched, it is still pursuing the project through French subsidiary Spie Batignolles, the leader of the international consortium behind the dam, which threatens to displace 15,000 people from their homes.
The company is also involved in other destructive industries – it recently built the world’s largest paper mill in Indonesia, where the raw metrial will come from rainforests, and is part of the consortium building the Birmingham Northern Relief Road, trashing 27 miles of Green Belt to fractionally speed up people passing through the Midlands. It is also involved with North Sea oil and gas extraction, and is one of the firms most active in pursuing Private Finance Initiative (PFI) contracts.
Although construction firm AMEC nominally pulled out of the controversial Yusufeli dam project just days before the campaign against it was formally launched, it is still pursuing the project through French subsidiary Spie Batignolles, the leader of the international consortium behind the dam, which threatens to displace 15,000 people from their homes.
The company is also involved in other destructive industries – it recently built the world’s largest paper mill in Indonesia, where the raw metrial will come from rainforests, and is part of the consortium building the Birmingham Northern Relief Road, trashing 27 miles of Green Belt to fractionally speed up people passing through the Midlands. It is also involved with North Sea oil and gas extraction, and is one of the firms most active in pursuing Private Finance Initiative (PFI) contracts.

Corporate Watch