Irishvidhead & Derek B | 08.05.2002 14:49
The Battle For Dame Street
After ripping off there ID numbers, Cops randomley attacked Protesters and innocent bystanders in sceens remanisent of the RUC attacking Civil Rights demonstraters in 1960s Northen Ireland.
Gardai in Disgrace, Shock and outrage at this sickening assult on democracy.
Garda acted with impunity once again showing there disregard for the Law and Order they claim to protect.
The so called Justice Minister should resign in shame after his brutal thugs got cought in the act. police Brutality and random violance, who polices the police? Gardai investigating Gardai, Free and Fair? or a sham, a coverup and a whitewash?
Serious questions are being asked, where was this violace directed from? Europe? the Government? or just the over zelous thugs in uniforms? The Irish council for Civil Liberties condemed the "Garda Attacks" and "Excessive Garda force"
After ripping off there ID numbers, Cops randomley attacked Protesters and innocent bystanders in sceens remanisent of the RUC attacking Civil Rights demonstraters in 1960s Northen Ireland.
Gardai in Disgrace, Shock and outrage at this sickening assult on democracy.
Garda acted with impunity once again showing there disregard for the Law and Order they claim to protect.
The so called Justice Minister should resign in shame after his brutal thugs got cought in the act. police Brutality and random violance, who polices the police? Gardai investigating Gardai, Free and Fair? or a sham, a coverup and a whitewash?
Serious questions are being asked, where was this violace directed from? Europe? the Government? or just the over zelous thugs in uniforms? The Irish council for Civil Liberties condemed the "Garda Attacks" and "Excessive Garda force"
Irishvidhead & Derek B
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Response to Kevin, free movement advocate
08.05.2002 17:05
Think about it. What are the streets (particularly urban centre streets)? Should they be renamed car streets? Are you only allowed mow your way along them if you're sitting comfortably in a turquoise fucking Yaris? To give precedence to one person over another, simply because they are in an automobile is nonsense. The city centre streets are everyones. You can safely bet that the vast majority of vehicles passing down Dame street on Bank holiday Monday were not making deliveries, carrying vital organs to a hospital or were city centre residents. The vast majority of these vehicles were being vacantly driven by assholes who think it's their God given right to wank about in their hard earned tanks.
It's blindingly obvious that the automobile is essential today, and will be around for a long time yet. However it's the way in which it's being utilised that's causing the problem. We have to be more critical about it's use. At the moment it's just a car free for all out there, and everyone else can just fuck off. Our city streets are for all of us, not simply those who lazily choose, or can afford, a car. We are pretty much all Joe Taxpayers, Kevin. We have all contributed to the growth and development of our city. We all like to shop, congregate, socialise, and many live, in these urban centres. It is not right for a minority of (out of town) car owners to boss our streets.
So shut your whinging tax-paying hole Kevin. We all pay tax, moron. But some of us want a better quality of life, one, perhaps, that doesn't revolve around the fucking car. No-one 'took over' the streets on Monday, you myopic, non-critical, indignant twat. Our city streets are our own.