bomb' kills 15 near Tel Aviv
i | 07.05.2002 21:57
Many people were reportedly in the building
At least 15 people have been killed in a suicide bomb
attack at a reception hall on the southern outskirts of
Tel Aviv.
At least 15 people have been killed in a suicide bomb
attack at a reception hall on the southern outskirts of
Tel Aviv.

Tuesday, 7 May, 2002, 21:32 GMT 22:32 UK
bomb' kills 15 near Tel Aviv
Many people were reportedly in the building
At least 15 people have been killed in a suicide bomb
attack at a reception hall on the southern outskirts of
Tel Aviv.
More than 30 people have also been injured in the
attack, which happened at 2303 (2003 GMT) in the town
of Rishon Letzion.
The blast caused a ceiling
in the building to collapse
on top of people in a
banquet hall on an
adjoining floor, said
Yeruham Mandola, a
spokesman with the Israeli
ambulance service.
"Some of the wounded are
trapped in the building," Mr
Mandola said.
The blast occurred shortly
after IsraelPrime Minister
Ariel Sharon began
meeting with US President George W Bush in
Mr Bush said he was sending CIA director George Tenet
to the Middle East to help build a unified Palestinian
security force, to fight terrorism. 'Huge explosion'
An Israelwoman said she was on her way home when
she heard a "huge explosion".
"turned the corner and saw the whole building go up
before my eyes, " she said.
David Baker, an official at the Prime Minister's office
called it "another murderous attack against Israelis".
"It is clear that the Palestinian Authority has not given
up its terror actions and has not has not given up its
murderous path," he said.
Hide the following 8 comments
end the occupation
07.05.2002 22:26
love not dov
The Palestinians are using the wrong tactics!
07.05.2002 22:28
What is needed in the middle east is the creation of a Palestinian workers state consisting of both Jews and Arabs!
I agree
07.05.2002 23:03
07.05.2002 23:36
the same one that believes in the democratic choice of america??
bush the elected
you fagstains!!
08.05.2002 08:24
08.05.2002 08:42
Too convenient?
08.05.2002 09:00
position just as the meeting with Bush got underway...
Any Parallel?
08.05.2002 12:29
Can it just be coincidence that the Brittisch Government condoned to discuss peace/settlement with the IRA ONLY AFTER an effective campaign by same to bomb the shit out of the City of London, with mortars pattering down in the garden of No.10 Downing St. during Major's term in office, or is that just my illusion of reality?
I assume that if the Britisch had adopted the same extreme tactics in N. Ireland as Israel does in Palestina, by, for example razing Crossmaglen to the ground and killing quantities of its inhabitants, as I'm pretty sure Maggie was sorely tempted to do after having the fur taken off her arse at Brighton (and better than with any Remington Fuzz-Away), there would have been no scarcity of volunteers queuing to carry out suicide-attacks, even if only armed with bare hands, against Britisch targets. Anybody disagree?
It is apparent, however, that the Brittisch State was, in this case, much more sophisticated in it's application of violence than it's Israeli counterpart, and thus successfully avoided a full-scale civil war while finally reaching an acceptable political solution.
But then, there are many important differences between these two entities which make the chances of the current State of Israel replicating the above feat look exceedingly slim indeed.
Firstly, and from this basis most problems spring, Israel is a State designed by zionist ideals from it's inception to cater exclusively to one Religion and one (so-called) Race, i.e., the Jewish one. This effectively means extreme systematic discrimination against other groups.
That Israel was ever a 'Democracy' in the sense this term is understood in western Europe, is really just decorative political veneer. Those holier-than-thou protestations about how it's 'the only democracy in the middle-east' have the ring of the 'Hello, I'm John, and I'm not a murderer'-introduction about them. It has in fact been, and still is, run by an extremely militaristic Theocratically Bent Junta, very similar to Turkey, except that there the Junta has an extreme Secular Bent.
The fact that even the thought of divorcing Religion from the State, Politics and the Military of Israel seems beyond the pale of presentable contemporary thought says a lot for political shallowness, historical amnesia and a long future for war in the middle-east.
Shalom, BlackPope