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Governance questioned

Brian Nixon | 07.05.2002 07:41

No Locus Standi is the message I get when I try to use the Human Rights Convention to bring unlawfullness of my Government at all levels to the Authorities. This story is why it happens.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, uk, morwen.millson@

Dear Mr. Rigg,
I have tried and tried to e-mail those councillors who have an e-mail addresses.
But I have failed!
The hotmail states GOV.UK is not recognised. So how this comes to you I do not know!
Any way, you can see the list. Please will you re-direct this full e-mail to their boxes?
I would also appreciate the same copy e-mail being copied and sent to all the West Sussex Councillors.As they are meant to be my trustee's of this Body Corporate I own?
This matter is too important a subject to be left to the few to deal with?
Thank you.
Will you acknowledge what you have done?
From Co-owner Brian Nixon: Who tried to send the following e-mails:-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,uk,,,,,,
Monday, May 06, 2002
Dear Representative,
This E-mail message is a shorter version of a long complaint to which I a co-owner of the Body Corporate cannot obtain justice for.
I have tried all the official complaint procedures. But fail because those involved are all politically motivated to keep the status quo. I am therefore unable to bring an action for justice in my town of Littlehampton, against my District of Arun and my County of West Sussex, and my own Parliament to whom I appeal for such justice under the Human Rights Act and the convention itself.
No one within that so mentioned Body Corporate will hear me out and cause an investigation to begin.
What has happened is the start of an investigation, but once the truth hits them, then they foreclose on it ever becoming a true investigation at all.
Thus instead of giving me justice, they hide it away and breached their own House rules.
My own Government: House of Commons and also in Europe now fail me as a citizen with the rights of being the true owner of these body Corporate to act for me.
Thus Representatives will not represent me. The Civil service will not act according to their sworn duty to so act when they are breaking the law.
The Police force will not investigate their paymasters and call it a civil matter. The Local Government and National Government Ombudsman will not investigate these matters saying they have No Locus standi in them.
Thus I am the "Catch 22" example of how a person can be trapped loosing his own wealth, freedom and civil liberties.
How no one will hear him or cause the Human Rights Act to be invoked as an "Authority" which is stated within that Convention shall do what it states they shall do when unlawfulness is brought to it by a citizen!
This case of mine is long and stretches for twelve years. This E-mail is as short as I can tell it, without you becoming bored and missing the points I wish to make!
What I am on about is basically it means the Establishment under the rule of a Head of State breaches the Treaty with Europe. That you being a representative of Local Government do the same.
It also means that The Human Rights Act cannot be fulfilled in England.
For the so-called "Authorities" mentioned in the Human Rights Convention cannot be named.
For no one within Local and National Government will admit to being the "Authority".
I am therefore a subject without the promise of my Queen. And head of State!
I am as a citizen without justice in the Common Market.
My complaints against the Body Corporate acting unlawfully go without punishment or checking.
I am that citizen who found himself in Germany in the 30s. That his Freedom is restricted. His property stolen by others for the few to use and those in charge having become so corrupted themselves, that they know not the difference between being a trustee to which the Reith Lectures this year spent four weeks explaining.
I have found and passed onto the West Sussex County Council Chairman and leader and Executive the evidence of theft of my jointly held property. That is the Land Bank here in Arun District.
All this meant the official and elected members all allowed the few to steal my jointly held wealth.
Thus the European Commission who claim No Locus standi for the Treaty between the nations of Europe allows unlawfulness to exist in spite of the pro active Human rights Convention. [All it takes for evil to exist is for good men to do nothing!]
The evidence of miss appropriated trusteeship to uphold the Common land and the footpath network Also the Building Societies, the Utilities etc and the use of government grants to re-generate this area for us all, but the effect is to use those monies for sectional interests.
I have shown the miss use of the so called "106" planning agreements, who in my joint name use a bribe to enable other works to be carried out at the cost to the home buyer of things they should not be charged for.
I have shown that developers are in fact currently destroying the land bank and the riverbank so that the flood plain will get worse as a result.
But over and above all that the miss use of powers by the few in elected positions and the miss use of the powers gained in control of the Body Corporate continue to exert unlawful use of this Body Corporate.
And no one, including the Monitoring officers and the Enforcement officer’s the police will act to stop this unlawfulness’ carry on. And it is unlawful to allow builders to build on that land whilst the Inspector still decides that lands future!
I have a longer version of this complaint available for you, if you request it from me.
I ask that as an e-mail addressee to pass a copy to your fellow colleagues in your Council. That is Littlehampton Town Council? Arun District Council? West Sussex County Council?
Money is being used unlawfully to support a Conservative Party in its miss use of the English Hidden Constitution of trusteeship of my jointly held property under the legal fictional body called the Body Corporate of each of those so mentioned councils.
That the trustee’s in charge now and in the past, have used their powers unlawfully and like ‘Enron’ and the French political systems are continuing to use those powers to cover up their miss deeds.
Like in France today the local people are unaware of this corruption in their midst!
How the local and national Oligarchy to which France is also subjected to. Uses those powers of the State to enable them to carry on.
All because all the checks and balances the State has to protect the co-owner from such corruption is in the hands of the corrupters!
I have used all of these so called checks and balances and after three years on this case against these Councils and twelve years for the Building Societies to be in-effective.
For the people in charge are the people who breach their trusteeship to a Queen as Head of this State in England.
The new supposed Standards Committee’s will not change such things. Because the committees themselves will be the same people who commit this crime of being a steward who with the owners property, uses for their own political ends to aid their friends to get what is not their by law to have.
The uses of the Newspapers published by the Establishments are nothing but propaganda papers at taxpayer expense to show lies as truth.
Clearly if the Arun Times Issue 5 was truthful to be "Tough on Crime" then it would report my stories to it, that the chief criminal is the Arun District Council which has stolen my Freedom from me to be judged according to the laws of England. And even their own Standing orders!
By theft I mean the Land Bank saved for us all in the 1993 County Structure Plan. Which is still the law of planning today and has not been changed until this Inspector decides whether it is changed or not and he is yet to Report.
When he does report, then it will be too late for him to state he is against the Establishments Plans. For they are already threequaters built.
Thus a repeat of my case against Worthing Borough Council and the West Sussex County Council in 1988 with the footpath issue then at West Durrington lost that Council £78,000 of lost interest and deals within deals to arrive at an unlawful closure of a footpath which instead of being protected. The law was changed politically so that this County could decide and not the people choice close a footpath, but open it up to all traffic. That case shows how much corruption a trustee can do for his political masters.
I repeat. If you wish to read a longer version then ask me. Or call me to account before your Committee systems? Let the true co-owners be heard.
To claim, as I know you will claim, the public can get rid of you at an election time. Yes they can, but they have no idea of the corrupted uses you make whilst in this office of state.
For not one is accountable to any owner and just like in the ‘Enron Case’ in the USA until they are brought to account for what they do. They get away with it.
Thus this new Cabinet system is not our choice. It’s yours?
Thus this loss of the River as a Port is not our choice, it’s yours?
Thus this loss of a ‘Social Housing Policy’, is not our choice its yours?
Thus the loss of this Land bank is not our choice it again is yours?
All carried out under that so called name "Democracy".
The Communist called their system a "Democracy" and it fell without a shot being fired.
The French call their system a "Democracy" and they have elected a man under corruption charges.
The Germans in the 30s elected a man who also took over that same kind of democracy we have here in England under a Queen and Parliament.
Yet my case in full. Shows how corrupted it all can become!
Thus instead of having a "True Democracy" where the people get accountable trustees/ representatives.
We get an ‘Oligarchy’ in charge and no one including elected representatives can change it unless they act to change it together?
That is my charge. I ask that instead of doing nothing you obey the laws of England and that first law of the Human Rights Act. Which is to enforce the law as it is.
To make sure those in charge also obey the laws.
End of message. Please respond to me and please do not just throw this message away. Your own future in a true democracy is at stake here. For if all this can happen to me. It can happen to you?
Your own grand children will inherit the lies and the falsehoods we have allowed to be made in our names if it continues as it is!
It is a lie to claim that 6,000,000 students in higher education will all get jobs. When we all know they are there because if counted as being unemployed the figures would show how unsuccessful our economy is when so much wealth is available to us all is wasted on higher and higher living standards for the few and the majority have no futures at all!
We need all the people involved to solve such problems. Not the same few who have always ruled us.
The Reith Lectures this year on radio 4 dealt with this word Trusteeship of offices of State.
The Web Site of the Cabinet will show you how the Civil Service has got it wrong. In that Sir Richard Wilson writes about his job. He is not what he claims to be. Thus instead of being that person in that trusteeship role to the Crown. He is missing out the Common law of our Hidden Constitution. (Again I have written a critique on this subject! If you want a copy, let me know?)
The Local government web site that commissioned a professor to research how local government was ruled will show you? Just add the word ‘ Oligarchy rule’ and his questions will be answered!
Research as I have done! And you will find I am right!
Signed Brian Nixon. (Co owner)
16A, Norfolk Rd, Littlehampton, West Sussex, BN17 5PN. E-mail: -

Brian Nixon
- e-mail:


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Any one out there?

07.05.2002 07:53

Hi there! First time on this web site. Sorry if the contribution is too long. The subject though is my concern and I need feedback. can you comment to me on line to my home e-mail address?
Thanks a lot? This subject is really your business to, we are the true owners of the democracy. Just that it has been taken from us all.

The author