US Renounces World Court Treaty
Green | 07.05.2002 03:09
The United States has withdrawn from a treaty to establish an International Criminal Court (ICC), provoking outrage from human rights organisations.
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Call for a World-wide Boycott of the U.S.!
07.05.2002 03:56
The writing is on the wall-the U.S. and Israel want to commit crimes against humanity with TOTAL IMPUNITY! The world must respond with direct action in the form of a total BOYCOTT/EMBARGO against their economic intersts!
Sign the petition urging an investigation of Ariel Sharon for warcrimes(then ask yourself why the U.S. ousted Ms. Mary Robinson just as the petition is approaching the required number of 1,000,000 signatures-linked below!)!
Homepage: http://www.PetitionOnline/warcrime/petition.html
tied up in politics
07.05.2002 08:13
a chinese or iraqi citizen tortured and murdered by his government for wanting democracy is just as valuable as a palestinian murdered in israel becuase he wants to blow up isreali citizens.
And your point is ??
07.05.2002 08:45
And why on Earth would you not want a world court if you are free and inncocent etc...
Silly interpretation
07.05.2002 12:48
It might come as a surprise to you, but there is a significant number of Americans who are severely distrustful of ALL "internationalism". These are NOT the folks running the things, but kooks who believe they are seeing (UN) "black helicopters" overhead, etc.
The folks who are running the show are NOT willing to fight for this treaty, not willing to expend any of their political capital on the matter. So...... they will make a big show of offically dropping out thereby garnering "brownie points" with the "black helicopter" fearing crowd.
Remember, the US is NOT a "parliamentary democracy" where some majority coalitions "rules" and opposition groups get nothing. Instead it functions via intricate bargaining between interest groups -- the larger and/or more powerful groups get more of what they want, the smaller and/or weaker groups maybe only the one or two things they want most, but by and large everyone gets "paid off" with something they want. That's IF they cooperate in exchange.
So here the "black helicopter" crowd is being given something. Very publicly (hence the fuss over "unsigning"). They will be reminded of this later (ie: when the politicians have to do something these people don't care for).
PS ---- That does NOT make this an "undemocratic" system, just a different conception more concerned with "consensus". In other words, how can the minority interests get SOMETHING of what they want. Note that at the few times when the American left got behind a single demand (eg: the "eight hour day") they were able to get it. The ineffectiveness of the left in America is precisely because they do not unite behind one or two key demands and stick to that through a couple election cycles but instead flit from one concern to another and/or spread their demands too broadly. Do that and it doesn't matter what answers you get to poll questions, you will lose out to the interest groups who remain solid behind their one or two demands and are willing to sacrifice for their sake.