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Uk Government insane farmer subsidising energy plan

bjnfvvzcmvkmv , | 06.05.2002 20:56

The uk government plans to pay farmers to grow crops to burn as "renewable" energy

They could subsidise farms to grow food crops to feed people for cheap or free where its needed, they could just not bother subisising the farmers. But no, they would rather pay famers to grow stuff to burn. Surely they're not pretending this would be cheaper and better for the planet than buiding some more windfarms.

I seem to remember George Orwell saying something about getting people to dig holes and fill them in again to prevent unemployment.
-speaking of which have any of you just seen that channel 4 bank holiday treat of a Hallmark-made film of Animal Farm. I don't remeber from the book it ending with the animals being liberated by a white caucasian family headed by a Clinton lookalike, driving a classic American Car ???!!!

bjnfvvzcmvkmv ,
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Display the following 5 comments

  1. This is a good thing. — Furry Dave
  2. er... burning stuff is bad — Hugh Jones
  3. Burning wood and plants. — John.
  4. Renewables from Toxic waste — Eco
  5. It does work — Joseph