Palestinians who use children as human shields are heroes in Arab world.
Dan | 06.05.2002 01:03
Read this article about Jenin. Can you imagine Israelis using children as human shields. I cant. In the Arab world, these people are Arab Heroes for using children as human shields.
Gordon Thomas Sunday Express, May 2
For the last few days the commanders of the suicide bombers - (It is better to call them homicide bombers for the murders they commit. Suicide is a solitary act. The bombers are mass killers.) - have been exulting over how they fought the battle.
They booby-trapped houses.
They used children, some so young they were barely able to walk, to place school bags filled with explosives in the path of Israeli soldiers.
They made hundreds of pipe bombs and other explosive devices and used women to place them in houses they evacuated.
They buried bombs under the bodies of their dying so that when any attempt was made to assist them by Israeli medics they were injured.
They used women to lure soldiers to their deaths. The thirteen who died in the attack on the Jenin refugee camp on April 9, were enticed there by young women saying it was safe for them to enter - as the PLO fighters had run out of bullets.
These facts are the boasts of:
Jamal Abu Al-Hija, the commander of the Hamas terror group in Jenin. He fled when the fighting started.
Jamal Huweill, the commander of the homicide bombers in Jenin, the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades.
Jamal Abu-Al-Salam, commander of the refugee camps.
But for the past days these three men have been roaming the television stations of the Middle East endlessly boasting of how they used women and children as human shields
by forcing them to commit terrorist acts against Israeli troops.
"We believe many more Israelis died than the 24 they admit to," boasted Al-Salam on a Cairo radio station.
"We badly wounded more than the 130 the Israelis admit to," Al-Hija told the Jordanian Weekly, Al-Sabil.
Day by day this unholy trio of terrorists has been feted as heroes in the Arab world. Hour after hour they exult on radio and television about how they equipped women and children with explosive belts and grenades.
Here is a sample of their words. Abu Al-Hija was speaking to a Jordanian radio station: "We managed to besiege nine Zionists inside one of the houses and attacked them with hand grenades and bombs until the entire house went up in flames with the soldiers
of the occupation inside."
Said Abu Jandal - the self-styled Martyr of Islamic Jihad: "All the fighters are martyrs. Believe me, there were children stationed in the houses with explosive belts at their sides. They had school bags filled with explosives."
Who was right.
Ariel Sharon for sending in young and experienced soldiers into Jenin, to go after the terrorists who were behind the massacres of Israeli civilians? Or the Palestinians who defended the city with old men, women and children whose first words are "kill all Jews"?
Gordon Thomas Sunday Express, May 2
For the last few days the commanders of the suicide bombers - (It is better to call them homicide bombers for the murders they commit. Suicide is a solitary act. The bombers are mass killers.) - have been exulting over how they fought the battle.
They booby-trapped houses.
They used children, some so young they were barely able to walk, to place school bags filled with explosives in the path of Israeli soldiers.
They made hundreds of pipe bombs and other explosive devices and used women to place them in houses they evacuated.
They buried bombs under the bodies of their dying so that when any attempt was made to assist them by Israeli medics they were injured.
They used women to lure soldiers to their deaths. The thirteen who died in the attack on the Jenin refugee camp on April 9, were enticed there by young women saying it was safe for them to enter - as the PLO fighters had run out of bullets.
These facts are the boasts of:
Jamal Abu Al-Hija, the commander of the Hamas terror group in Jenin. He fled when the fighting started.
Jamal Huweill, the commander of the homicide bombers in Jenin, the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades.
Jamal Abu-Al-Salam, commander of the refugee camps.
But for the past days these three men have been roaming the television stations of the Middle East endlessly boasting of how they used women and children as human shields
by forcing them to commit terrorist acts against Israeli troops.
"We believe many more Israelis died than the 24 they admit to," boasted Al-Salam on a Cairo radio station.
"We badly wounded more than the 130 the Israelis admit to," Al-Hija told the Jordanian Weekly, Al-Sabil.
Day by day this unholy trio of terrorists has been feted as heroes in the Arab world. Hour after hour they exult on radio and television about how they equipped women and children with explosive belts and grenades.
Here is a sample of their words. Abu Al-Hija was speaking to a Jordanian radio station: "We managed to besiege nine Zionists inside one of the houses and attacked them with hand grenades and bombs until the entire house went up in flames with the soldiers
of the occupation inside."
Said Abu Jandal - the self-styled Martyr of Islamic Jihad: "All the fighters are martyrs. Believe me, there were children stationed in the houses with explosive belts at their sides. They had school bags filled with explosives."
Who was right.
Ariel Sharon for sending in young and experienced soldiers into Jenin, to go after the terrorists who were behind the massacres of Israeli civilians? Or the Palestinians who defended the city with old men, women and children whose first words are "kill all Jews"?
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it's the way they tell 'em
06.05.2002 07:32
mediabeing totally biased in favour of Israel, but the way the whole media manipulation is constructed.
Any one who mentions that the Jews control a large part of the international corporate media has anti semitic thrown up in his/her face.
This article is another good example of Israeli propaganda, written by /for very clever(devious) people who have absolutely no scruples.
The fact is that the oh soo radical mainly middle class, and upwards, international jewish community supports Israel and will continue to support israel even if the start nukeing their neighbours and anyone who disagrees with them.
why don't these intrepid writers write a few article about
the other side of the coin.
ahh the sunday express
06.05.2002 09:20
isreal has anexed the west bank, like iraq did to kuwait. only we don't bomb the shit out of israel, instead we reward it with bombs, missiles, and means to produce nuclear weapons, and turn a blind eye when palestians are murdered, land stolen.
equality to all, on equal terms
trigger happy israeli killers!
06.05.2002 18:45
unfourtnatly the big lie ocasionaly finds its way through the unquestioning minds of some gullible erupeans, who lamenate the utter lack of compassion on the part of palastanian mothers towards their children. and in america, the lie is almost readily accpted as an agreed reality, given the absalout jewish grip on the media and the show buisness.
thus, the trigger happy killers who shoot to kill and aim at the upper parts of the chldren bodies are civilised soldiers inoccent of any guilt, and the WICKED KIDS, WHO THREAT THE SAFETY OF THE SOLIDERS, ARE THE GUILT ONES SINCE THEY PURPOSFULLY INTRUDE INTO THE FIRING RANGE OF THE SHARPSHOOTERS.
how could a child who may be playing in the backyard ofhis home, or in his school's playground is blamed for his own death because he or his mother didnt make sure that he stayed out of the zionist firing range?!? indeed if for the sake of the argument, one was to give the big lie some consideration, one would eventually come to the onslusion that virtually all plastaninas are effectivly in the range of the zionist bullets and that i order to not get killed, they would have to leave their homeland entirly so that they may prove that they dont hate themselves and their children!
the general drift goin on at the moment is that parents are to be blamed for not keeping their children out of the way of the bullets. the same point could be equally made for the bus bombing by the palastaninas that took place a while ago..what sort of parents would send their children in the front line of battle? is it possible to be peace without justice? if the israeli's hadnt extended it's borders dramaticly and hadnt taken what is not rightfully theirs none of this would have been hapening.