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arrested UK activists in Israel go on hunger strike

kebele | 04.05.2002 09:11


13 internationals have been seized by the Israelis, after delivering food and water to the besieged palistianians in the church of the nativity. It includes 3 uk citizens Jo, Kate and Marcia. Another uk person is still inside the church.
I have just had a phone call from Jo from the police station. They are about to be deported from Israel. They have started a hunger strike in support of the occupiers of the church of the nativity and to object to the apauling conditions they are subject to.



Display the following 6 comments

  1. Bad conditions? So leave the church, then. — Furry Dave
  2. Yeah right — Colin
  3. To Furry Dave — Stop!
  4. clarifications — Furry Dave
  5. Your 'concern' sucks — Colin
  6. more clarification for Colin — Furry Dave