Mayday in Sweden - Enthusiastic red and black banners under a grey sky
Mikael Altemark | 03.05.2002 21:29
The yearly mayday demonstrations in memory of the anarchist martyrs of Chicago and to remind ourselves of the power of the international working class was celebrated in numerous swedish cities. Many marches gathered a marked surge in participators compared to earlier years, despite the mostly unfriendly weather in most of the country.
Topics recurrent in many demonstrations was the call for the ending of the illegal Israeli occupation of Palestine and the demand that justice be served the ones responsible for the police actions in Gothenburg last year.
All in all, about 7800 people participated in demonstrations staged or co-staged by locals of SAC and SUF.
For more information:
Stockholm - 2700 people sets new record for the capital
The libertarian socialists in the capital of Sweden numbered about 2700 persons, which is almost 1000 more people than last year.
The traditional manifestation by the "La Mano" (the hand)-monument in memory of the swedish volounteers who sacrificed their lives for the Spanish republic during the civil war 1936-39 was attended by 800 persons from leftist parties and various extraparliamentary groups. The speakers included ones from SAC and the social democrat LO.
Globalization from below, Democratic Alternative, the Syndicalist Youth Federation - Stockholm, Antifascists Action and Anarchafeminists of Stockholm proceeded to join the SAC at the Sergels Square, swelling the ranks of the unionists from 1900 to 2700.
Ramiro Savaria, activist from Bolivia received thundering cheers and applause after she told about the struggle against privatization of water that have been waged in her country. Andreas Malm from SUF Stockholm, who recently returned from peace work in Palestine told about the massacres in Jenin. Lars Hammarberg of the Postal Syndicate advocated strengthening of union power worldwide as the best way to prevent important local companies to move their production elsewhere.
Later during the evening, about 1500-3000, mostly youth, participated in a street party staged by the group "Parliament of the Streets" in central Stockholm.
Gothenburg - Nazi photographers arrested by police as 1500 marched
According to the police 1500 marchers participated in the demonstration arranged by Gothenburgs LS of SAC and SUF Gothenburg. Two fascists were seen photographing the participators, which prompted police to arrest them in order to "avoid sentenceable acts".
One of the speakers drew parallells between the events at the Haymarket square and the events in Gothenburg during the EU summit last year. "No police has yet been prosecuted - we must demand justice because it will not be given to us", she said.
In the demonstration of the Left Party, indignant feelings were raised after a police deliberately had stuck his leg out so that a member of Young Left who carried one of the front banners fell and hurt himself.
Umeå - United left march gathered 500 in northern Sweden
The 500 persons in the train of the United Left, in which Umeå LS of SAC was a part, drew more people than the one of the Left Party (largest party left of the Social Democrats). Chants of "Sharon - murderer, Solidarity with Palestine" were vigorously voiced. Rasmus Hästbacka from Umeå LS talked about the strength of the union in the workplace - if it is an organisation for class struggle.
Malmö - 1500 for a revolutionary mayday
Global revolt and international solidarity! These were the slogans that gathered one and a half thousand libertarians in the demonstration arranged by Malmö and Lund LS of SAC, SUF Lund and Malmö as well as Autonomist Resistance and the streetparty group Street Action.
The newly formed health care workers syndicate demanded that the public sector should be developed, not gotten rid of. The speaker of SUF Malmö noted the positive development that while fewer and fewer youths involve themselves in political parties, they increasingly turn to extraparliamentary organisation to solve their troubles.
Karlskrona - Nazi demonstrators without audience.
60 supporters of National Socialist Front (NSF) gathered from the whole of southern Sweden to stage an unannounced demonstration in Karlskrona. Police did not intervene while the uniformed fascists marched through the empty city center. Karlskrona is the target for NSF members who are moving there because the organisation is planning to stand for local elections in the little city.
However, the young syndicalists in SUF Karlskrona managed to gather twice as many persons in a anti-racist demonstration in just a matter of hours, while the nazis had with weeks of advance planning.
Uppsala - 200 in support of socialism in freedom
Despite heavy rain about 200 syndicalists and anarchists marched through the old university town of Uppsala. Uppsala LS of SAC, SUF Uppsala and the council communists of Folkmakt were the organizers.
Hans Niklasson from LS was of the opinion that it was of utter importance that the police in charge of the operations in Gothenburg were put before trial. The doctor David Henley, of the Palestine Groups of Sweden, gave an informed background on the eruption of the second Intifada.
The speaker from SUF told about the garbage collectors cooperative in Gravatai, Brazil, organized by the anarchist federation FAG, and the drive of SAC and other revolutionary syndicalist unions such as CGT to collect money to help them in their school example project of libertarian self-management.
Karlstad - 100 listened to the words of Joe Hill
Karlstad LS of SAC and SUF Karlstad were behind the manifestation during which about 100 persons marched from one park to another under the slogan of "for the liberation of the working class - against state, capital and patriarchy". The Joe Hill poem "workers of the world, awaken!" was read by Klara Emmerfors from Skogshall LS.
Örebro - Larger turnout than expected
About 100 syndicalists participated in the joint demonstration of leftist parties and the SAC local, who put forth the slogan of "Union struggle for economic democracy!"
Gävle - 400 in successful joint demonstration
For the first time Gävle LS and SUF Gävle staged a joint demonstration with the Left Party in the city. The Social Democrats, LO and stalinists in KPML(r) had also been invited, but declined the offer.
The speaker for LS criticized the way the public services are being dismantled today, but also pointed out that the only real alternative is one that puts the human in focus and supports complete democracy for users and producers. Erik Höök of SUF connected to the growing support for the cryptofascist Le Pen in France and the need for a strong campaign against his sister party the Sverigedemokraterna the coming election. "Gävle has been called 'the impossible city' by the extreme right - let us see to it staying that way", he said.
Sandviken - 200 in united left demonstration
Sandviken, which lies nearby to Gävle, was also the scene for a cooperation. Sandvikens LS, SUF Sandviken and the Left Party gathered about 200 supporters. Lena Barrow, the negotiator-secretary of SAC spoke about the need to not accept the view that the unions have no longer have a role to play.
Luleå - Grassroots against cuts
About 50 persons gathered in a manifestation by Luleå LS of SAC and SUF Luleå. The need for grassroots to resist against company downsizing and cuts in public services were touched in the speeches. Later people gathered to watch "Land and Freedom" as well as "Bread and Roses", both by the award winning director Ken Loach.
Jönköping - 300 in solidarity with Palestine
Norra Smålands LS put forth the need for solidarity with Palestine together with the Left Party, the Socialist Party and the Eritrean Association in a demonstration which amount to 300 persons.
Östersund - Street meeting in biting wind
Most of the participators in the street meeting were involved youth. Anna Malmström meant that the increasing numbers of invalid votes in elections is not a sign of decreasing democracy, but of a more and more conscious youth.
Motala - 40 from Syndicalist Youth Federation
For the first time a syndicalist demonstration was held in Motala. While the left party only gathered about 30 people in their manifestation, this must be considered a success.
Borås - Red and black speeches at street meeting
The rain poured down as people stopped in central Borås stopped to listen to the speeches from amongst others Marcus Olsson from Borås LS of SAC, who held a short history lesson on the origins of mayday. According to the local paper, about 15 persons participated in the demonstration after the street meeting.
Västerås - 30 persons lead the way for the Social Democrats
The 30 libertarians who had gathered for the demonstration called by the Västerås LS of SAC and Anarchists of Västerås happened to walk before the Social Democrat demonstration for a few blocks, thus at least for a while showing the way for the tired reformists. Speeches were held about the necessity of extraparliamentary struggle and the unacceptable Gothenburg sentences. Afterwards a picnic was held.
Additional demonstrations and meetings that I know of were held in the cities of Vetlanda, Tanum, Linköping and Norrköping
All in all, about 7800 people participated in demonstrations staged or co-staged by locals of SAC and SUF.
For more information:

Stockholm - 2700 people sets new record for the capital
The libertarian socialists in the capital of Sweden numbered about 2700 persons, which is almost 1000 more people than last year.
The traditional manifestation by the "La Mano" (the hand)-monument in memory of the swedish volounteers who sacrificed their lives for the Spanish republic during the civil war 1936-39 was attended by 800 persons from leftist parties and various extraparliamentary groups. The speakers included ones from SAC and the social democrat LO.
Globalization from below, Democratic Alternative, the Syndicalist Youth Federation - Stockholm, Antifascists Action and Anarchafeminists of Stockholm proceeded to join the SAC at the Sergels Square, swelling the ranks of the unionists from 1900 to 2700.
Ramiro Savaria, activist from Bolivia received thundering cheers and applause after she told about the struggle against privatization of water that have been waged in her country. Andreas Malm from SUF Stockholm, who recently returned from peace work in Palestine told about the massacres in Jenin. Lars Hammarberg of the Postal Syndicate advocated strengthening of union power worldwide as the best way to prevent important local companies to move their production elsewhere.
Later during the evening, about 1500-3000, mostly youth, participated in a street party staged by the group "Parliament of the Streets" in central Stockholm.
Gothenburg - Nazi photographers arrested by police as 1500 marched
According to the police 1500 marchers participated in the demonstration arranged by Gothenburgs LS of SAC and SUF Gothenburg. Two fascists were seen photographing the participators, which prompted police to arrest them in order to "avoid sentenceable acts".
One of the speakers drew parallells between the events at the Haymarket square and the events in Gothenburg during the EU summit last year. "No police has yet been prosecuted - we must demand justice because it will not be given to us", she said.
In the demonstration of the Left Party, indignant feelings were raised after a police deliberately had stuck his leg out so that a member of Young Left who carried one of the front banners fell and hurt himself.
Umeå - United left march gathered 500 in northern Sweden
The 500 persons in the train of the United Left, in which Umeå LS of SAC was a part, drew more people than the one of the Left Party (largest party left of the Social Democrats). Chants of "Sharon - murderer, Solidarity with Palestine" were vigorously voiced. Rasmus Hästbacka from Umeå LS talked about the strength of the union in the workplace - if it is an organisation for class struggle.
Malmö - 1500 for a revolutionary mayday
Global revolt and international solidarity! These were the slogans that gathered one and a half thousand libertarians in the demonstration arranged by Malmö and Lund LS of SAC, SUF Lund and Malmö as well as Autonomist Resistance and the streetparty group Street Action.
The newly formed health care workers syndicate demanded that the public sector should be developed, not gotten rid of. The speaker of SUF Malmö noted the positive development that while fewer and fewer youths involve themselves in political parties, they increasingly turn to extraparliamentary organisation to solve their troubles.
Karlskrona - Nazi demonstrators without audience.
60 supporters of National Socialist Front (NSF) gathered from the whole of southern Sweden to stage an unannounced demonstration in Karlskrona. Police did not intervene while the uniformed fascists marched through the empty city center. Karlskrona is the target for NSF members who are moving there because the organisation is planning to stand for local elections in the little city.
However, the young syndicalists in SUF Karlskrona managed to gather twice as many persons in a anti-racist demonstration in just a matter of hours, while the nazis had with weeks of advance planning.
Uppsala - 200 in support of socialism in freedom
Despite heavy rain about 200 syndicalists and anarchists marched through the old university town of Uppsala. Uppsala LS of SAC, SUF Uppsala and the council communists of Folkmakt were the organizers.
Hans Niklasson from LS was of the opinion that it was of utter importance that the police in charge of the operations in Gothenburg were put before trial. The doctor David Henley, of the Palestine Groups of Sweden, gave an informed background on the eruption of the second Intifada.
The speaker from SUF told about the garbage collectors cooperative in Gravatai, Brazil, organized by the anarchist federation FAG, and the drive of SAC and other revolutionary syndicalist unions such as CGT to collect money to help them in their school example project of libertarian self-management.
Karlstad - 100 listened to the words of Joe Hill
Karlstad LS of SAC and SUF Karlstad were behind the manifestation during which about 100 persons marched from one park to another under the slogan of "for the liberation of the working class - against state, capital and patriarchy". The Joe Hill poem "workers of the world, awaken!" was read by Klara Emmerfors from Skogshall LS.
Örebro - Larger turnout than expected
About 100 syndicalists participated in the joint demonstration of leftist parties and the SAC local, who put forth the slogan of "Union struggle for economic democracy!"
Gävle - 400 in successful joint demonstration
For the first time Gävle LS and SUF Gävle staged a joint demonstration with the Left Party in the city. The Social Democrats, LO and stalinists in KPML(r) had also been invited, but declined the offer.
The speaker for LS criticized the way the public services are being dismantled today, but also pointed out that the only real alternative is one that puts the human in focus and supports complete democracy for users and producers. Erik Höök of SUF connected to the growing support for the cryptofascist Le Pen in France and the need for a strong campaign against his sister party the Sverigedemokraterna the coming election. "Gävle has been called 'the impossible city' by the extreme right - let us see to it staying that way", he said.
Sandviken - 200 in united left demonstration
Sandviken, which lies nearby to Gävle, was also the scene for a cooperation. Sandvikens LS, SUF Sandviken and the Left Party gathered about 200 supporters. Lena Barrow, the negotiator-secretary of SAC spoke about the need to not accept the view that the unions have no longer have a role to play.
Luleå - Grassroots against cuts
About 50 persons gathered in a manifestation by Luleå LS of SAC and SUF Luleå. The need for grassroots to resist against company downsizing and cuts in public services were touched in the speeches. Later people gathered to watch "Land and Freedom" as well as "Bread and Roses", both by the award winning director Ken Loach.
Jönköping - 300 in solidarity with Palestine
Norra Smålands LS put forth the need for solidarity with Palestine together with the Left Party, the Socialist Party and the Eritrean Association in a demonstration which amount to 300 persons.
Östersund - Street meeting in biting wind
Most of the participators in the street meeting were involved youth. Anna Malmström meant that the increasing numbers of invalid votes in elections is not a sign of decreasing democracy, but of a more and more conscious youth.
Motala - 40 from Syndicalist Youth Federation
For the first time a syndicalist demonstration was held in Motala. While the left party only gathered about 30 people in their manifestation, this must be considered a success.
Borås - Red and black speeches at street meeting
The rain poured down as people stopped in central Borås stopped to listen to the speeches from amongst others Marcus Olsson from Borås LS of SAC, who held a short history lesson on the origins of mayday. According to the local paper, about 15 persons participated in the demonstration after the street meeting.
Västerås - 30 persons lead the way for the Social Democrats
The 30 libertarians who had gathered for the demonstration called by the Västerås LS of SAC and Anarchists of Västerås happened to walk before the Social Democrat demonstration for a few blocks, thus at least for a while showing the way for the tired reformists. Speeches were held about the necessity of extraparliamentary struggle and the unacceptable Gothenburg sentences. Afterwards a picnic was held.
Additional demonstrations and meetings that I know of were held in the cities of Vetlanda, Tanum, Linköping and Norrköping
Mikael Altemark