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New site launch: -- Investigating 9/11

Brian Salter | 03.05.2002 08:39

Based on hundreds of hours of research, has been launched to provide a resource for those who wish to hear a fair and comprehensive argument of the case for prior knowledge and government complicity in 9/11, as well as discussion of other issues
related to the continuing "War on Terrorism".

New site launch: -- Investigating 9/11 and the "War on Terrorism"

The stunning and groundbreaking recent assertions by US
Representative Cynthia McKinney, in which she raised doubts about the veracity of the official explanation of events surrounding the 9/11 attacks and questioned whether the Bush Administration had prior knowledge and failed to act due to political and economic conflicts of interest, have focused increased attention on a growing body of incriminating and troubling evidence put together by investigative journalists and experienced government whistleblowers.

Despite strenuous propaganda attacks from the corporate media cartel (joined by a few ideological sell-outs on the left) attempting to smear proponents of these inquiries as "conspiracy theorists," the public at large has shown a strong interest in hearing the facts. A great deal of information has of course been available on the Internet, and the work of several notable researchers has been corroborated by reports in respected sources such as the BBC, the London Guardian, Le Monde, the Times of India, and others. Thus far,
however, there have been only limited efforts to put all of the most reliable information in one place on the web.

Based on hundreds of hours of research, has been launched to provide a resource for those who wish to hear a fair and comprehensive argument of the case for prior knowledge and government complicity in 9/11, as well as discussion of other issues
related to the continuing "War on Terrorism," presented without polemics or a partisan agenda. The site aims to provide a helpful starting point for further inquiry in addition to exploring long-running historical patterns of elite rule and criminal abuses of power which must be factored in if the true agendas behind the lies of the "War on Terrorism" are to be fully understood.
Brian Salter, editor

Brian Salter
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