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BD Buffoonery

BM IDM | 01.05.2002 21:33

If you ignore their malicious side, they will kill you with kindness. Note: Better copy this quick, for your BD poopheads will surely remove it to preserve the isolation of the BD poophead community.

My Daddy said that Bush Daddy's Third Reich (174299) has to be the best account ever written of what happened in World War II. You don't want to be calling these poopheads "Nazis" either! Just call them, "poopheads". As you should know, this is the result of the "blueprint" set forth in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion for the perverted form of Zionism that plagues the earth; i.e. the Head doesn't let the Tail know what, who, why, or their mission on earth. This makes it easy for the buffoons who are the Nazis of Bush Daddy Tribe to go on betraying their compatriots (Is. 33:1); i.e. persuading them to commit crimes in obedience to the authoritive conviction of brain-damaged coprophagists (70672, 166317). It goes on and on, and they can't get off (see Bob's version of "Hellbound Train" below). Their "covenant with death" (Is. 28:15) assures that they might go to Hooterville to atone for watchman Norm's "sacred river oaks" (29190), that they might go to Hooterville to uphold the law He set in Israel (Ps. 78:5), or that they might go to the ends of the earth upholding Bush Daddy as the Great Dead King of "Israel, A Kingdom That Cannot Be Shaken" (93509). My dictionary says that a "buffoon" is "a person who tries to amuse by jokes and tricks"; but it seems like BDT has tried to change the meaning of "buffoon" to "stupid person" because they are trying to conceal that their "jokes and tricks" are all about killing people.

In the case of a "three-faced a--hole" like Bush Daddy, the banality of BDT is at its best. Bush Daddy thinks that he is a wizard because he can play with audible infrared (42982, 43171, & 139628). In addition to using people who can sense infrared to prey on people who can't sense infrared; Bush Daddy uses the higher frequencies of audible sound and/or infrared, frequencies that I can't hear, to turn people against me. "Whoa! Something bad could happen if you keep talking to this guy!" He also talks "gutter talk" to me, and I answer according to the moron that he is, while he utilizes a high-frequency voice to try to convince suckers that I have a problem or that he is only "half an ass". Bush Daddy reveals that he has a strap-on computer chip that connects to the audio-visual cortex and verbalizes his thoughts (compliments of the intelligence community?)(Ps. 64:6). He cannot function without babbling inanities; thus they apparently think that this is the best way for him to spend his time. As is the case with most of BDT, Bush Daddy has spent a lifetime brushing people off in an attempt to conceal his stupidity. His "brainstorms" really go to an extreme in interfering in my affairs. When I informed the allegedly now-retired Captain of Cornell Police that the Ivy Charter provided for Cornell or any other Ivy League school to become the "law of the land" in the event of lawlessness such as I have witnessed; Bush Daddy apparently used this information to convince the punk rogue police of Cornell (132033, 136536) that they had the power to do stupider and stupider things like abduct me at Cornell (108404, 109956, 120932, etc.). Now the word is that "Duddley DoRight" has a new hat and is up on the hill, serving as a "watchman" over the lawlessness that has prevailed (Mic. 7:4; 151866). Such a scenario could only arise from the stupidity that is Bush Daddy.

Other highs and lows on the buffoonery of BDT warrant your attention. With probably more than a million tons of coke and tar buried several feet below Ithaca, Cayuga Lake has been listed as a priority for clean-up for phosphorous; thus the Coal-Gas Fiasco lives on (73601, 93606). After 15 years of contesting alleged overpayments and such with Social Security, my case was decided "favorably"; but they said that I should forget about collecting for 15 months of unlawful hospitalization, so I challenged them to find a legitimate doctor who had treated me (28830, 25099, 37604). It's not worth contesting the contentions of morons that AIDS is caused by a virus (171618, 156007, 124412) or that the plane crashes of 9/11/01 were not radio-controlled from the ground (139628, 136536). The same holds true for all of the other probable truths that I have revealed in my writings. As for the computer hackers playing "storm trooper" and stealing my words away from you (Jer. 23:30), you have to be persistent in your efforts to access blocked sites; try numerous times, different times, different avenues, different windows, etc. Remember that you are going against very stupid buffoons. If you question them, exposing their stupidity and depraved indifference to human life; you not only help to identify them by putting that stupid look on their faces (Is. 3:9), but you also might get them to confess to crimes, breaches of conduct, etc. Then if you encounter sword-bearing Israelites (136536, 166317), you can point out the suicidal buffoons of BDT to them (98219). And if you really want to help out, you can "catch Bush Daddy", even if it is only to watch him fall...AAAAHHHHH!!! (147306). Remember that it is all about praising God for the fulfillment of prophecy (see "One for Bush" below).

"Hellbound Train" (Are we there yet?)

Now this is a folk song with many published versions of it. "Savoy Brown" probably had some of these verses, and their drumbeat that accompanied the Chorus which was something like "Riding on the Hellbound Train!" is probably some of the best music there is:

"Hellbound Train"

Texas cowboy on a barroom floor!
Had drank so much he could hold no more! Chorus:

He fell asleep with a troubled brain,
To dream he rode on a hellbound train. Ch.

The engine with murderous blood was damp.
The headlight was a big brimstone lamp. Ch.

The boiler was full of lager beer.
The devil himself was the engineer. Ch.

The imps for fuel were shoveling bones.
The furnace rang with a thousand groans. Ch.

The passengers, they were a mixed-up crew.
Church member, atheist, gentile, and jew. Ch.

Rich men in broadcloth, poor in rags.
Handsome women, and wrinkled hags. Ch.

Red men, yellow men, black, and white.
All chained together, a fearful sight. Ch.

Faster and faster the engine flew.
Wilder and wilder the country grew. Ch.

The train flew along at a murderous pace.
The sulphurous fumes scorched their hands and face. Ch.

Hotter and hotter the engine flamed.
Darker and darker the sky became. Ch.

Brighter and brighter the lightning flashed.
Louder and louder the thunder crashed. Ch.

Then out of the distance, they heard a great yell:
"Ha Ha" said the devil, "Next stop is hell!" Ch.

Oh! How the passengers shrieked with pain
And begged the devil to stop this train. Ch.

He capered about and danced with glee,
As he laughed and mocked at their misery. Ch.

"My friends you've paid for your fare on this road!"
"This train goes thru with a complete load!" Ch.

"The worker always expects his hire."
"So I'll land you safe in a lake of fire!" Ch.

"You've bullied the weak and cheated the poor,"
"The starving brother turned from your door!" Ch.

"You've laid up gold till your purses bust,
"You've given free play to your beastly lust!" Ch.

"You've mocked at God in your stubborn pride."
"You've murdered and cheated and killed and lied!" Ch.

"Your flesh will scorch in flames that roar."
"My imps torment you forevermore!" Ch.

The cowboy awoke with an anguished cry!
His clothes were wet and his hair stood high! Ch.

He prayed as he never prayed before
To be spared from hell's front door.Ch.

His prayers and pleadings were not in vain,
For he rode no more on the hellbound train.

Robert Meade "Israel" Deaf Messenger Copyrighted 1990

Sensing how sick this former President was, I wrote a song
about niggardly people in '97. By the time I wrote "One for
Bush" in May 1998; I found that in addition to being
suppressed almost completely, the lawless ones had went
and banned the "n" word. This is a common practice of theirs by which they foment unrest among minorities to make the majority feel guilty and help cover up their own lawlessness. (see "The Concealed Holocaust" Id=35206) Let me just say that Huck Finn called Jim a ---ger; and Huck Finn loved Jim. Huck Finn was an American classic, and they had no business ever messing with it. Also whatever happened to "---gazs with an Attitude"?

The following is from "Catch the King" 5/15/98: "A Great
Dead King is a terrible thing to waste, and as Israel's alien olive tree, I will do my best to assure that Bethel is nothing to be ashamed of (Amos 5:5; Jer. 7:6; Zech. 4:14; Is. 14:12; Mic. 1:5-3:12; Is. 14:1-23). Thus I give you a new song, a hymn of praise to our God:

"One for Bush"

I will catch the Bush---ga, how about you? (Prov. 2:12-15)
My friend the Bush---ga, he told you what to do! (Jer. 7:7)
Sly king, the Bush---ga, he sold you to the zoo! (Jer. 7:7)

The dreadful dreaming Bush---ga, he dreamed that he could fly! (Jer. 23:2; Is. 14:13)
Bright one! The Bush---ga, he said he would not die! (Is. 14:11; 28:15; Prov. 18:12)
Our wishy-washy Bush---ga, forget to heed his lies! (Dan. 8:8; Jer. 27:15)

I will catch the Bush---ga, how about you? (Prov. 1:26)
Son of Dawn the Bush---ga, will see what he can do! (Is. 14:12; Hosea 10:3)
God bless the Bush---ga, there's sulphur on his shoe! (Rev. 2:6)

I will catch the Bush---ga, his Bible make him fly! (Jer. 8:8; Prov. 14:12)
The Postman's Bush---ga, they dropped him from the sky! (Hosea 10:15)
They dressed and stood the Bush---ga, our king is riding high! (Dan. 7:4)
You can catch the Bush---ga, be sure to say goodbye! Be sure to bow good guy! (Prov. 4:14-15; 24:17-18; Amos 4:4; 5:5)

Good song! The louder you sing it, the better. For those who object, let it be known that as Elizabeth made known to Mary, the mother of Jesus in Luke 1:45, the belief in the fulfillment of prophecy is cause for great celebration. That's what my Daddy said.

PERMISSION TO BROADCAST OR REPRINT "Hellbound Train" and "One for Bush" IS GRANTED UNTIL 12/25/2002 copyright 5/15/98 "Israel" Deaf Messenger Bobby Meade

PS: I am writing you here on 8/13 to let you know that my
Daddy says that Bush Daddy is still giving ---gas a bad name, trying to set people up to badmouth him by revealing sordid details about himself. Be careful and God bless.

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That's all for now!

Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger

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