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Free Cake fest in Leicester

Urban Fox | 01.05.2002 16:15

The Mayday gang in Leicester, chiefly composed of the Leicester Radical Alliance, gave out free cake to everyone, as a token of the free society.

"You work your life away and what do they give?
You're only killing yourself to live"
- Ozzy Osbourne

Like it sez on the tin. Various friends of the Leicester Radical Alliance stood about in Town Hall Square, giving away cake to anyone who worked (or used to work) for a living. They deserve cake. We all deserve cake! And the bakery 'n all.

A couple of hundred bits of cake - from Mr Kipling's finest Victoria Sandwich to vegan chocolate cake that died happy - got given out. Also we distributed a load of flyers (there's always a catch) pointing out all the ways in which rich have a better, and longer time than the poor (richest 10% live 7 years longer than the poorest 10% in the UK right now). We talked to a bunch of people, made contact with some old friends and some new ones, and generally had a laugh. Next year, we'll give out tea as well, and work up from there. Gradually, in incremental stages, world communism will advance, until the day that we're giving out nanotechnology fabricators to people who don't care about copyright.

Wage labour sucks - phone in sick!

Need extra cash? Course you do - capitalism sucks.

The Urban Fox

Urban Fox
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useless fools

01.05.2002 20:30

Marie Antoinette famously recommended cake to her fellow citizens because she, too, thought that things would get better of themselves. What if I follow you around all the time and scab cake off you, you feckless, lazy, middle class eejit? Apart from 20,000 douchebag lefties in Europe, the world's population is clamouring for globalisation and liberalisation because they recognise that it has made them richer in the past and will continue to do so in the future. Forget changing the world: try changing your socks.

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yeah right

02.05.2002 14:07

´swampie´ (don't you know that name´s been trademarked?) i don't know where you get your information but sitting here in buenos aires after a hard day's maydaying and sock changing yesterday I can you that what you say is full-on bullshit. people here are unemployed, angry, some starving and raiding supermarkets cos the model just don't work. after years of IMF intervention and politicians´ promises about the eventual benefits of privatisiation, belt-tightening etc etc even the once rich are on the streets alongside the peasants, unemployed workers, students without an economic future. theft of common property may seem like douchebag rhetoric to you sitting pretty in the fat north but for people here it´s daily reality, and protesting is not fun but unavoidable.
all i can say ´swampie´ is get out and about a bit more, try and read literature without sponsorship, talk to people without programming, and realise exactly what is going down on this poor planet of ours.
(or are you just another of those sad lackeys paid to spout conservative shit on behalf of those richer than yourself? in which case please just fuck off. thankyou.)

in argentina

cakes-a defence

03.05.2002 01:14

Ok swampy,I'm sorry for being a middle class hand wringer.

As one of the people giveing out cake i think i need to defend this for the likes of ye.
I'm sorry that we didn't kick in a macdonalds like what we're ment to.We wanted to make a serious point in a non serious way,and hey-eveyone loves cake!
I disagree with you saying bout how everyone is 'clambering' to get on the globalisation bandwagon.Alot of the people I spoke to had 'leftist' sympatheys but it seemed that they didn't know how they could do anything constructive with it.
I would suggest that rather than a groundswell for Lazzies Faireism there is a lack of cohesive 'left' organisations for the oppostion to make their voices heard.

chris "i'd quite like to eat cake,as it goes" faulkner

chris F
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