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naomi klein on israel, anti-semitism amd le pen

concernedz | 30.04.2002 10:56

This article has caused major debate on th No Logo website

This article has caused major debate on th No Logo website, unfortunately cracks are appearing in the 'movement'. However, we should remember that the left has always supported the underdog when accussing us of anti-semitism. In 1936,it was the Jews: anti-fascists marched along with thousands of jews(including Vidal Sassoon!) to take on Mosley's Fascists in what became the historic 'Battle of Cable St'. Now we march with the Palestinians against injustice. However, imo, there are problems with unthinking pro-arab sentiment: i personally dont want to be associated with some parts of the left wchich cheers on Muslim chants of 'drive the Jews into the sea'. There is an increase in anti-semitic attacks and unlike Jose Bove, see other article, i do not think it is Mossad fakiing them. The left, (here i include all groups inc anarchists, anti capitalists, etc) must stand against anti-semitism just as many of our grandfathers did that day in London in 1936.

by Naomi Klein
I knew from email reports that something new was going on in Washington D.C. last weekend. A demonstration against the World Bank and International Monetary Fund was joined by an anti-war march, as well as a demonstration against the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory. In the end, all the marches joined together in what organizers described as the largest Palestinian solidarity demonstration in U.S. history, 75,000 people by police estimates.

On Sunday night, I turned on my television in the hopes of catching a glimpse of this historic protest. I saw something else instead: triumphant Jean-Marie Le Pen celebrating his new found status as the second most popular political leader in France. Ever since, I've been wondering whether the new alliance displayed on the streets can also deal with this latest threat.

As a critic both of the Israeli occupation and of corporate-dictated globalization, it seems to me that the convergence that took place in Washington last weekend was long overdue. Despite easy labels like "anti-globalization," the trade-related protests of the past three years have all been about self-determination: the right of people everywhere to decide how best to organize their societies and economies, whether that means introducing land reform in Brazil, or producing generic AIDS drugs in India, or, indeed, resisting an occupying force in Palestine. When hundreds of globalization activists began flocking to Ramallah to act as "human shields" between Israeli tanks and Palestinians, the theory that has been developing outside trade summits was put into concrete action. Bringing that courageous spirit back to Washington D.C., where so much Middle Eastern policy is made, was the next logical step.

But when I saw Le Pen beaming on TV, arms raised in triumph, some of my enthusiasm drained away. There is no connection whatsoever between French fascism and the "free Palestine" marchers in Washington (indeed the only people Mr. Le Pen's supporters seem to dislike more than Jews are Arabs). And yet I couldn't help thinking about all the recent events I've been to where anti-Muslim violence was rightly condemned, Ariel Sharon deservedly blasted, but no mention was made of attacks on Jewish synagogues, cemeteries, and community centers. Or about the fact that every time I log onto activist news sites like, which practice "open publishing," I'm confronted with a string of Jewish conspiracy theories about 9-11 and excerpts from the Protocol of the Elders of Zion.

The globalization movement isn't anti-Semitic, it just hasn't fully confronted the implications of diving into the Middle East conflict. Most people on the left are simply choosing sides and in the Middle East, where one side is under occupation and the other has the U.S. military behind it, the choice seems clear. But it is possible to criticize Israel while forcefully condemning the rise of anti-Semitism. And it is equally possible to be pro-Palestinian independence without adopting a simplistic "pro-Palestinian/anti-Israel" dichotomy, a mirror image of the good-versus-evil equations so beloved by President George W. Bush.

Why bother with such subtleties while bodies are still being pulled out of the rubble in Jenin? Because anyone interested in fighting Le Pen-style fascism or Sharon-style brutality has to deal with the reality of anti-Semitism head-on.

The hatred of Jews is a potent political tool in the hands of both the right in Europe and in Israel. For Mr. Le Pen, anti-Semitism is a windfall, helping spike his support from 10 per cent to 17 per cent in a week.

For Ariel Sharon, it is the fear of anti-Semitism, both real and imagined, that is the weapon. Mr. Sharon likes to say that he stands up to terrorists to show he is not afraid. In fact, his policies are driven by fear. His great talent is that he fully understands the depths of Jewish fear of another Holocaust. He knows how to draw parallels between Jewish anxieties about anti-Semitism and American fears of terrorism. And he is an expert at harnessing all of it for his political ends. The primary, and familiar, fear that Mr. Sharon draws on, the one that allows him to claim all aggressive actions as defensive ones, is the fear that Israel's neighbors want to drive the Jews into the sea. The secondary fear Mr. Sharon manipulates is the fear among Jews in the Diaspora that they will eventually be driven to seek safe haven in Israel. This fear leads millions of Jews around the world, many of them sickened by Israeli aggression, to shut up and send their cheques, a down payment on future sanctuary.

The equation is simple: the more fearful Jews are, the more powerful Sharon is. Elected on a platform of "peace through security," Sharon's administration could barely hide its delight at Le Pen's ascendancy, immediately calling on French Jews to pack their bags and come to the promised land.

For Sharon, Jewish fear is a guarantee that his power will go unchecked, granting him the impunity needed to do the unthinkable: send troops into the Palestinian Authority's education ministry to steal and destroy records; bury children alive in their homes; block ambulances from getting to the dying.

Jews outside Israel now find themselves in a tightening vice: the actions of the country that was supposed to ensure their future safety are making them less safe right now. Mr. Sharon is deliberately erasing distinctions between the terms "Jew" and "Israeli," claiming he is fighting not for Israeli territory but for the survival of the Jewish people. And when anti-Semitism rises at least partly as a result of his actions, it is Sharon who is positioned once again to collect the political dividends.

And it works. Most Jews are so frightened that they are now willing to do anything to defend Israeli policies. So at my neighborhood synagogue, where the humble fa=E7ade was just badly scarred by a suspicious fire, the sign on the door doesn't say, "Thanks for nothing, Sharon." It says, "Support Israel.... Now more than ever."

There is a way out. Nothing is going to erase anti-Semitism, but Jews outside and inside Israel might be a little safer if there was a campaign to distinguish between diverse Jewish positions and the actions of the Israeli state. This is where an international movement can play a crucial role. Already, alliances are being made between globalization activists and Israeli "refuseniks," soldiers who refuse to serve their mandatory duty in the occupied territories. And the most powerful images from Saturday's protests were rabbis walking alongside Palestinians.

But more needs to be done. It's easy for social justice activists to tell themselves that since Jews already have such powerful defenders in Washington and Jerusalem, anti-Semitism is one battle they don't need to fight. This is a deadly error. It is precisely because anti-Semitism is used by the likes of Mr. Sharon that the fight against it must be reclaimed.

When anti-Semitism is no longer treated as Jewish business, to be taken care of by Israel and the Zionist lobby, Mr. Sharon is robbed of his most effective weapon in the indefensible and increasingly brutal occupation. And as an extra bonus, whenever hatred of Jews diminishes, the likes of Jean-Marie Le Pen shrink right down with it.

This column first appeared in The Globe and Mail.



Hide the following 4 comments

the "left's" anti-semitism

30.04.2002 17:52

Naomi Klein - although she does get on my wick a bit - talks a lot of sense in the above article. She's not a lone voice however: I got links to these articles in an infomail on an e-list i'm on. I don't see much point in reposting all the articles here, but the ones on IS SHARON HITLER and the open letter to SWP guru-demagogue Joan Rees are worth reading in anycase. It's a bit like indymedia in the sense that the newswire there is open so you can post articles or your own comments. The report on "some events" includes one comment from someone saying basically he's scared and worried about people he considered to be politically on the same side as him (that is, scared about much of the organised "left") - until he saw their views etc on Israel and backing Islamisits as "anti-imperialists". Scary stuff indeed. Read n learn.

Is Sharon Hitler?
A short train journey away, a man who thinks the slaughter of six
million Jews in World War Two was a “detail of history”
has come second in a presidential election....On the 13 April
Palestine demonstration, some banners read “this is the real
Holocaust”, meaning the fate now of the
Palestinians, not the Holocaust of the Jews. Everywhere you looked
you saw slogans
which linked Israel to the Nazis: “Sharon = Hitler”, the Star of
David = the swastika, as well as occasional
outright Holocaust denial.

Other articles on Israel-Palestine
Socialism versus chauvinism on Israel-Palestine: some events
Solidarity with the Palestians, yes! But not behind the
fundamentalists! A report of the London demonstration on 13 April.
An open letter to John Rees (of the SWP). Why does the SWP oppose
"Israel out of the occupied territories"?

Communication Workers' Union Executive votes for Two States
One of the first fruits of the the work of the new Committee for
Two States in Israel and Palestine is a resolution passed by the
National Executive of the Communication Workers’ Union on 25
April. The motion, proposed by Maria Exall:
• opposes the Israeli invasion of the West Bank,
- opposes the destruction of the Palestinian Authority,
• opposes suicide bombing,
• supports a Palestinian state in the West Bank, Gaza and East
Jerusalem, alongside Israel,
• supports a socialist democratic federation across the whole region,
recognising that the
various peoples have a right to their own state. Read more at

Colin Reisegold

the "left's" anti-semitism

30.04.2002 18:02

Naomi Klein - although she does get on my wick a bit - talks a lot of sense in the above article. She's not a lone voice however: I got links to these articles in an infomail on an e-list i'm on. I don't see much point in reposting all the articles here, but the ones on IS SHARON HITLER and the open letter to SWP guru-demagogue Joan Rees are worth reading in anycase. It's a bit like indymedia in the sense that the newswire there is open so you can post articles or your own comments. The report on "some events" includes one comment from someone saying basically he's scared and worried about people he considered to be politically on the same side as him (that is, scared about much of the organised "left") - until he saw their views etc on Israel and backing Islamisits as "anti-imperialists". Scary stuff indeed. Read n learn.

Is Sharon Hitler?
A short train journey away, a man who thinks the slaughter of six
million Jews in World War Two was a “detail of history”
has come second in a presidential election....On the 13 April
Palestine demonstration, some banners read “this is the real
Holocaust”, meaning the fate now of the
Palestinians, not the Holocaust of the Jews. Everywhere you looked
you saw slogans
which linked Israel to the Nazis: “Sharon = Hitler”, the Star of
David = the swastika, as well as occasional
outright Holocaust denial.

Other articles on Israel-Palestine
Socialism versus chauvinism on Israel-Palestine: some events
Solidarity with the Palestians, yes! But not behind the
fundamentalists! A report of the London demonstration on 13 April.
An open letter to John Rees (of the SWP). Why does the SWP oppose
"Israel out of the occupied territories"?

Communication Workers' Union Executive votes for Two States
One of the first fruits of the the work of the new Committee for
Two States in Israel and Palestine is a resolution passed by the
National Executive of the Communication Workers’ Union on 25
April. The motion, proposed by Maria Exall:
• opposes the Israeli invasion of the West Bank,
- opposes the destruction of the Palestinian Authority,
• opposes suicide bombing,
• supports a Palestinian state in the West Bank, Gaza and East
Jerusalem, alongside Israel,
• supports a socialist democratic federation across the whole region,
recognising that the
various peoples have a right to their own state. Read more at

Colin Reisegold

links need fixing

30.04.2002 18:20

yeah, the links need fixing a bit. copy it all into the browser, don't click on it, i.e. that means you need the bit on the next line that ain't underlined too, or just go to and look at the items from the front page.


colin reisegold

NK off the mark

21.08.2003 08:17

NK's off the mark about the anti-Semitism issue in France. LePen didn't attack Jews "almost" as much as Arabs and Muslims. The latter were the target of LePen's campaign. They number 5 million and lie at the bottom of the French caste system. French Jews number 600,000 and are mostly middle class and integrated into the mainstream. When you're attacking "un-French" values, it's hard to go after Jews because they seem so, well, French.

NK provides no evidence that anti-Semitism led to LePen's shooting up in the polls by 7 points. No serious analyst has attributed LePen's success even partly to anti-Semitism. Anti-Jewish political parties in recent years have never received more than 1% of the vote (after WWII at least) and it wasn't until the Right focused on the much larger and much more oppressed North African Muslim population that their support shot up.
