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Bove-'Mossad behind attacks on French synagogues '

Tehran Times | 30.04.2002 10:05


Mossad behind attacks on French synagogues
2002-04-29 17:33:22

Tehran Times
29 April 2002

A prominent French political activist has revealed that
the Israeli intelligence service Mossad has been behind
the recent attacks on the synagogues in France.

According to a report published by the UAE-based daily
"Al-Khalij" yesterday, the head of French Farmers Union,
Jose Bouvet, has said that in order to divert French
public attention from Israeli atrocities against
Palestinians, Mossad organizes an attack on a French
synagogue every day.

He said French citizens of Arab origin know very well that
attacks on holy sites of other religions will be harmful
to their legitimate cause and therefore will never engage
in such actions. But it is quite clear that only Israelis
benefit from such attacks.

Bouvet is best known for his dung protests against
McDonalds and more recently for participating in a
‘direct-action’ peace mission to Palestine.

Tehran Times


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Zionism, anti-semitism and the recent attacks

30.04.2002 10:49

I strongly suspect that it is the case that Mossad or pro-Zionist groups generally carry out many of these attacks, and not just in France. However, has anyone got any clear evidence this is the case?

The story of an attack on a synagogues in North London (see link below) is highly suspect, as such buildings would have high security, particularly at present. My bet is that no one is identified or caught for this one!



30.04.2002 16:12

No, I don't buy that. Nor do I think it's Muslims.

So who is behind these attacks? Who hates Jewish people AND Muslims and would like to drive them apart? Who gains from a general atmosphere of fear, division and mutual suspicion? Who's always looking for an excuse to scrawl swastikas on stuff?

Hmm, let me think..

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The Mossad Myth

01.05.2002 17:34

Over the years I heard Arabs and Arab apologists blame Mossad for masterminding many horrific acts of violence - not least of which were the homicidal hijackings of 9/11. (According to many Mid Eastern pundits, Mossad are the only group clever enough to pull off such an attack - a classic manifistation of the Arab world's deep inferiority complex in regards to the West).

The reality of course, is that if Mossad were even half as influential or effective as every Arab claims, then the world's leaders wouldn't be sitting around and arguing right now over what to do with Arafat and Sadam; Mossad would have already made that decision for them.

But now Jose Bouvet says that the hundreds of attacks against Jewish sites and citizens in France must be the work of Mossad, because French Muslims know that to commit such acts of violence would be to undermine their 'legitimate' (i.e. Palestinian), cause.

Well it seems as it our freedom-fighting farmer has got a bad case of 'Vache Folle', because his theory makes absolutely no sense.

Since when did acts of violence (especially acts where no-one is killed) undermine the Palestinian cause? On the contrary, the Arab world in general, and the Palestinians in particular, have weaseled and whined their way into a position where any act of violence they commit is morally justified.

Thanks to that all-purpose protective umbrella of 'the occupation', the Palestinians - and their opportunistic Arab allies - have been given a license to terrorize. And
in this surreal scenario, no act of Israeli self-defense can ever be right; and no act of Palestinian aggression can ever be wrong.

Which brings us back to France....Does Farmer Jose really think that the fear of a anti-Palestinian backlash is preventing those same young Arabs who march through the streets of Paris holding 'Israel = Nazi' signs and calling for the slaughter of all Jews, from merely burning a few empty synagogues?

If respect for other people's religion was a tradtional aspect of Islamic policy in such situations, how do you explain the burning of a Christian church last week in Indonesia (and then the murder of 14 Christians attending a different church two days later). Didn't the Muslim aggresors worry that this would undermine their 'legitimate' cause. Why would the Taliban - in the name of Islam - demolish the two magnificent statues of Buddha? Why would Hamas choose Passover as the ideal time to massacre a restaurant full of Jews? Why, in 1973, did Egypt choose to invade Israel during the holy holiday of Yom Kippur?

The fact is, when it comes to religion, Muslims don't give a ram-a-dam-damn what the world thinks; they've got their heads shoved so far up Allah's ass they can't even see that 16 year old girls blowing themselves up in the name of anything, is not a cause for celebration; it's a cause for re-evaluation.

On a non-religious last little question:
In Paris recently there was a football team made up of Jewish teenagers who were attacked by a well-organised mob of Arabs, all armed with iron bars and baseball bats. So was this bloody assault actually carried out by Mossad agents who, through the clever use of make-up, were just pretending to be angry-young Arabs? Or did Mossad go hunting for Muslim mercenaries at the local Mosque and slip them a few Euros for their troubles?

When they let Jose off the farm could you please ask him for me. And in the meantime time, you pitiful collection of self-loathing, self-defeating, spoiled, spiteful, stunted children of the 21st century: it's time to wake smell the kebabs.
