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Two demonstrations against Immigration Controls

NCADC | 30.04.2002 08:58

Two demonstrations against Immigration Controls:
Saturday May 4TH 2002 - from England to France - Demonstration against the expansion of Coquelles removals facility in France.
Demonstration - Sunday 12th May 2002 - Trafalgar Square - Speak Out Against Racism: Don't let the extreme right set the agenda

Two demonstrations against Immigration Controls

Saturday May 4TH 2002 - from England to France

Demonstration against the expansion of Coquelles removals facility in France.

Called by the East Kent Committee to Defend Asylum Seekers, Barbed Wire Britain and Barbed Wire Europe.

We are sending a delegation to show solidarity for the plight of asylum seekers on both sides of the Channel.

Join us outside Dover Removals Centre, Western Heights, Dover 9 a.m.

March to the Eastern Docks and catch the 10.30 ferry to Calais to meet up with the French Demo at 3p.m, Cite Europe, Coquelles.

We want to show solidarity for the plight of Refugees and Asylum Seekers in this country and in France. We are asking you to join this demo to oppose the expansion of the removals facility at the shopping center; Cite Europe at Coquelles near to the Sangatte Camp.

Many people think that those in Sangatte should claim asylum in France but they do not realize that the French treat asylum seekers worse even than we do. There asylum seekers have no support to find any shelter and an entitlement to the equivalent of 100 pounds a month. The present refusal rate for asylum seekers in France is running at 95%. This is a real push factor for people risking their lives to get here. Where they possibly misguidedly believe that they will receive fairer treatment.

They also know they might find the support of some of their relatives or understand the language and hence possibly eventually find work and a way to rebuild their lives.

The expansion of this emovals facility means that genuine refugees fleeing torment and War will never have their legitimate right to asylum heard. Instead they face deportation back to the countries from which they have fled. The right to asylum is now under threat.

Le Pen has stated that he would put all immigrants and Sans-Papiers in transit camps. With the expansion of this center his vision is already becoming a reality.

It is time that someone stands up for the rights of people who are being denied any by both the British and French governments. They refuse to acknowledge that fact that the people who are risking and losing their lives to get to England are from Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia, all places that we are, or have been at war with.

We call upon all those concerned by the apparent drift towards the right throughout Europe to mobilize and to show solidarity for these vulnerable people who are fleeing such desperate circumstances, be it torture, persecution, war or poverty.

Further information:


Demonstration - Sunday 12th May 2002

Speak Out Against Racism: Don't let the extreme right set the agenda

Stop Blunkett's Nationality, Immigration and Asylum bill

Assemble 1pm Trafalgar Square (nearest tube charing cross)

Rally in Trafalgar Square, followed by march and human chain around Parliament

Rally with: Ken Livingstone Mayor of London, Tony Young TUC President, Omid Djalili Comedian, Diane Abbott MP, Fazil Kawani Refugee Council, Kate Allen Amnesty International Director, Darren Johnson Green Party Greater London Assembly member, Hywel Williams MP Plaid Cymru, Pete Wishart MP SNP, Claude Moraes MEP, Kashmir Singh British Sikh Federation, Saberimunthu Stanislaus Chair of the Refugee Working Party, Emma Ginn Campaign Against Arbitrary Detention at Yarls Wood

Learn the lessons from France - stand up to racism!

After the electoral success by fascist Jean Marie le Pen in France, and attempts to gain council seats by the neo-Nazi British National Party in this country, there could not be a more important time to stand up against racism. Yet, the government are intent on pushing through the fourth piece of asylum legislation in 10 years - the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum bill. Measure in the bill include proposals to separate asylum seeker children from state schools; massive increases in criminal penalties; Make English language a condition of citizenship; to deport children born here if their parents are refused asylum; set up massive detention camps and force asylum seekers into them

The government defends these draconian steps by saying that otherwise the far right will capture public concern. The exact opposite is true: moving on to the right wing's agenda on race will simply fuel support for the extreme right. Comments like those of Home Secretary David Blunkett, that asylum seeker children are `swamping' British schools coincide with attempts by far right groups like the BNP to make an electoral breakthrough. This policy is profoundly mistaken. Le Pen's result followed success by fascists in whipping up anti-asylum fears, linked to fears about crime - and the adaptation to this agenda by mainstream parties. This must not happen here.

Organised by the Speak Out Against Racism - Defend Asylum Seekers campaign Supported by the Asylum Rights Campaign

Further information:



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Nazis on the net

30.04.2002 13:14

I don't suppose there's a lot we can do about this sort of stuff on indymedia - on balance, I like indymedia because of its open access setup and wouldn't want to see any restrictions so I suppose we will get nazis posting occasionally. I don't even mind the anarchist/swp arguments because you don't have to read them (and sometimes they're quite interesting anyway).

All in all, well done indymedia - you're still my home page!


Jack off

30.04.2002 13:17

I see Jack and his BNP/NF pals still follow Hitler's advice; "if you tell a lie, tell a big one".

Asylum seekers are not to blame for the housing shortage or the state of the health service. Anyone who's been awake during the past thirty years has seen Tory and Labour governments cut and privatise everything within reach, including housing and health, and hand over the cash saved to their big business friends in the form of tax breaks.

And yet now we're supposed to believe it's all because a few thousand refugees have arrived in a country with a population of sixty million (and from which, by the way, many more thousands emigrate every year).

It's the classic Hitler tactic; never solve problems, just tell people who to blame for them. They want to get people blaming and fearing and hating enough to hand them power.

- Homepage:

Steve Goss... related to Matt and Luke?

30.04.2002 19:46

How odd that Jack's said most of what you wanted to say...I wonder why that could be...? If you ain't related to one of the Bros bros, perhaps you share some DNA with Jack? Or Delroy? Just a thought...
