We need an alternative to the SWP
Gary Shlomo | 28.04.2002 08:06
As a anti-capitalist and a strong believing in (direct) democracy i think the left needs a new group/organisation.
The only significant one that exists is the SWP. I and many others dislike the SWP and do not want to be a member. But where else do we go? Do we do things by ourselves?
We need to form a new organisation which is anti-capitlist, non-hierarchical, 100% democratic and not authoritarian like the SWP.
We in the anti-globalisation movement have alot in common and need to get together to form a new organisation which can bring about social change and maybe revolution.
Maybe we can use IndyMedia to form a new non-Leninist organisation/group.
The only significant one that exists is the SWP. I and many others dislike the SWP and do not want to be a member. But where else do we go? Do we do things by ourselves?
We need to form a new organisation which is anti-capitlist, non-hierarchical, 100% democratic and not authoritarian like the SWP.
We in the anti-globalisation movement have alot in common and need to get together to form a new organisation which can bring about social change and maybe revolution.
Maybe we can use IndyMedia to form a new non-Leninist organisation/group.
Gary Shlomo
Hide the following 14 comments
Too right you havea problem
28.04.2002 09:07
serge skarov
28.04.2002 09:09
I for one would be very interested in being involved in a new orgnaisation with a socialist or general 'left' agenda, however for me it is the doctrine of revolution which is the source of many of the problems with the SWP so I would not want to join an organisation that had this as its central principle.
The 'one solution: revolution' line is what leads to SWP tactics in my opinion and I would be much more interested in an organisation that was more open-minded about the scenarios under which it would consider its work a success. This might seem a strange point to pick up on, but I would be happy to elaborate via email rather than clogging up Indymedia.
I also think that any political organisation at the moment that does not address the climate change issue is basically an irrelevance. It seems quite clear that there is no other single issue more important to the future of humanity and an anti-capitalist organisation which seeks to replace capitalism with another system which leaves production and consumption at the same level is completely pointless.
If this is the kind of organisation that you are thinking about then it is something that I would very much like to get involved in. If not then I'll have to keep on looking.
Co-ordination is needed
28.04.2002 09:57
I don't know how such an organisation can be formed or whether it's achievable. Like any idea put up in a forum such as this, people might agree but there needs to be some initiative and dedication from some individuals. Also, there are many who will ask that such a venture is pointless, since everything is okay as it is - they may even be deterred by the word 'organisation'. Somehow, I don't think this is the case and the left in Britain acts more like a scatty, disorganised rabble. Also, organisation does not mean the imposition of an ideology - it just means trying to enhance what we already have.
Dan Brett
28.04.2002 14:38
28.04.2002 15:02
Will somebody please get a life?
28.04.2002 16:43
Yes, SWP is a serious problem
28.04.2002 16:56
The question is WHY is the SWP able to maintain such a grip on the socialist movement, when its so DULL ?
That is the question genuine radicals must address, for then all the oddities of the SWP, such as its inability to debate seriously and its overnight changes of policy will become clear.
Incidentally, I notice that the SWP bookshop in C. London (I wont give the address) is very close to the Trades Union HQ, and the SWP even have a display in their window. Is there some kind of "reciprocal arrangement" going on, because I never understood why they had a bookshop in such an un-lefty area ?
Bill Bore
To Mr Brett...
28.04.2002 17:11
Of course, theres no point in ideological investigation unless you're prepared to tolerate NEW IDEAS, (something the people of Britain are very reluctant to do, leftwingers or otherwise) and be prepared to come to radical conclusions.
Bill Bore
Join the anarchists
28.04.2002 19:25
I don't think you need another organization to supplant the SWP. Why not join the quite good already existing groups, if you feel that way inclined? Or just get involved in the wider movement, as an active individual.
Organization is a fetish, and you end up with structure, leadership, hierarchies, and activity is turned. Small affinity groups work better.
We need to make sure that the SWP cannot infiltrate and undermine our work. Take the Shac anti-HLS vivisection laboratory protest in Diss Norfolk on Saturday. No SWP paper sellers there! There must be some sort of anti SWP pathogen in the animal rights movement, which keeps them away. We need to reproduce this in the wider movement.
Ultimately, it is up to us to build a better present and a better future. If we leave it to hierarchies like the SWP and other such groups, we will fail.
Steve Booth
Well. pal - get it sorted
28.04.2002 22:21
Stop this stupid sniping and argue within the Social Forum, or go back to bed. Let's have a cogent argument. There's a world to win innit? Suggestions for a real way forward please.
Suggestions for a name!
29.04.2002 01:32
P.S. I'm not the messiah.
Brian of Nazareth
MY POint
29.04.2002 09:29
Anarchist groups are to small and few are aware of their existence.
I think we need some umbrella group like Globalise Resistance which comprises of the various Anarchist groups and one which people espeically ideological youngers can join.
At the moment people are forced to do things by themselves or with the SWP
Gary Shlomo
well i don't know about you but...
29.04.2002 13:43
Speaking personally...
29.04.2002 20:33
MC Ice-Pick