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Anti-nukiller protest in Plymouth

nuclear resistor | 27.04.2002 14:25

Today in Plymouth-this morning there was leafleting and a march from the city centre to Devon port. Now; people are gathering at Devonport Park for music, food and idea sharing.

This morning concerned groups comprising mostly locals but also those from further afield met at the sundial in Plymouth to leaflet shoppers in the city centre. They proceeded from there with a giant inflatable atom bomb and banners to Devonport park which is currently full of people discussing, networking, celebrating, joining together and sharing food and ideas while police search the undergrowth for weapons that the protesters may have hidden for later use(??!)
Plmouth will not become a nuclear dumping ground. plymouth is going to rise up and free itself from DML. Plymouth's disaproval will not be 'managable'. It will be extraordinary. Watch this space!

nuclear resistor