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CALL FOR SOLIDARITY-Anarchists persecuted in Cyprus

SOLIDARIOS | 27.04.2002 12:45

CALL FOR SOLIDARITY - Anarchists persecuted in Cyprus for their solidarity action with the palestinian revolt - One comrade in custody

In the 18th of April there was a demonstration in Egomi, city of Cyprus, outside the residence of the Israeli ambassador, to denounce the massacre of Palestinian people. Many officials and diplomats were invitited to the party of the Israeli ambassador that day, to celebrate the anniversary of the israeli state establishment. Outside the residence, demonstrators, people in revolt, among them Palestinians and anarchist comrades, clashed with the police. In those confrontations three policemen were injured and five people were arrested. In the arrested there were three anarchist comrades, who were the only ones to be finally accused with charges for the riots. One of them, Girgos Karakasian was draged by cops inside the property of israeli amabassador’s residence and got heavily beaten and injured. The cops had to take him to the hospital later and then release him, after putting charges on him.
On Tuesday, 23 April the police of Cyprus arrested again anarchist comrade Giorgos Karakasian, presenting as a reason the further processing of video-tapes showing the riots at the April 18 demonstration. In the search at his house the police confiscated anarchist leaflets and the media in Cyprus launch a campaign of criminalization against anarchists. G. Karakasian is now in custody.
Comrades from the Anarchist Nucleus of Cyrprus, have written to say that they were among the many demonstrators that night, "enraged by the massacres, the executions, the daily humiliation of the Palestinian fighters’ dignity by the state of Israel..." They write "as anarchists and people who fight against oppression and exploitation, against the destruction of any human emontion, against the artificial divisions between the repressed people, in a time where human rights are burried along with the human bodies, we oppose social revolution, revolt, continuous anti-authoritarian and anti-state action, because, as it is proven every day, the states and authority are the only terrorists".
We call comrades to express their solidarity with the anarchists persecuted in Cyprus for their solidarity with the palestinian Intifada.
It is up to anyones’ desire, imagination and possibility to act as considers appropriate.
We propose you to "bombard" with e-mails and fax the authorities of Cyprus all over the world and the authorities in Cyprus, to show our solidarity with the three persecuted anarchists and to demand the immediate release of Giorgos Karakasian. (Proposed e-mail: -Press and Information Office of the Republic of Cyprus, and embassies/consulates of each country)


SOLIDARIOS - Anarchists in solidarity from Athens.

For direct communication with Anarchist Nucleus of Cyprus, email:

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  1. The comrade was released... — SOLIDARIOS