Mayday Corporate Press Roundup: 25th-27th April
m hor | 27.04.2002 11:23
Some more articles today after the flurry following the police press conference yesterday. As predicted a couple of months ago the police kept quiet about the whole affair until about 2 weeks before.
Daily Express
Mayfair may be May Day battlefield
story date: 27/04/2002
Couldn't find this article - the daily express website is a joke! Assume it's the exact same story as the other ones with the same title below.
Anarchist protesters turn their May Day attentions to Mayfair
Jamie Wilson
Saturday April 27, 2002
Mayfair, home to some of the world's wealthiest people and the site of London's most expensive real estate, is set to be the target for anarchist and anti-globalisation protesters during next week's May Day demonstrations.
Police warned yesterday that some groups were urging people to congregate in the opulent district with its luxury hotels, shops and embassies, to engage in violent demonstrations and guerrilla tactics.

May Day Warning
Apr 27 2002
Police have warned they will use all tactics possible to prevent violence breaking out at next week's May Day protests.
Activists are set to congregate on central London's posh Mayfair district and it is feared they could be intent on causing trouble.

May Day mobs plan 'rematch'
News in brief - 27th April
UP to 6,000 police officers will be on duty on May Day to tackle any attempts by anarchists and anti-capitalist protesters to bring violence to central London.
Police intelligence suggests a hard core of protesters want a "rematch" with the Metropolitan Police next Wednesday, May 1. Last year, police held thousands of demonstrators in Oxford Street for hours.
Scotland Yard has found little evidence of planning on the scale seen last year, but Mayfair has been named as a potential target in internet appeals to protesters.

The Times
Anarchists plan May Day revenge on police
By Daniel McGrory
April 26, 2002
ANARCHIST groups seeking revenge on the police are planning scattered attacks on a variety of secret targets in London during next week’s May Day demonstrations.
Organisers say they want to make sure that protesters do not get corralled by police as they were last year, when thousands of people found themselves trapped in Oxford Circus for eight hours.

Financial Times
Police prepared for May day revenge attacks by anti-capitalism demonstrators
Apr 26, 2002
Central London could come to a standstill on May 1, when anti-capitalism protesters are expected to descend on the capital.
Businesses in central London are bracing themselves for disruption, and the police have been drawing up plans to contain crowds.

May Day organisers urged to come forward
Jack Durrell
Friday April 26, 2002
Detectives scouring internet sites ahead of next Wednesday's May Day protests have identified one of London's wealthiest areas as a potential battleground with anti-capitalist protesters.
Police say they have found sites urging demonstrators to head for Mayfair in central London and to use guerrilla tactics in potential clashes with the Metropolitan police.

Mayfair might become May Day battleground
Apr 26 2002
Mayfair has been identified as a potential May Day battleground with anti-capitalist protesters threatening to use violent guerrilla tactics.
Detectives have been scouring the internet ahead of next Wednesday's protests and have found sites urging people to head for the central London area.

Evening Standard
Mayfair may be May Day battlefield
Apr 26 2002
London's Mayfair has been identified as a potential May Day battleground with anti-capitalist protesters threatening to use violent guerrilla tactics.
Detectives have been scouring internet sites ahead of next Wednesday's protests and have found sites urging people to head for Mayfair, in central London.

Mayfair Might Become May Day Battleground
Friday April 26, 2002 1:57 PM
Mayfair has been identified as a potential May Day battleground with anti-capitalist protesters threatening to use violent guerrilla tactics.
Detectives have been scouring the internet ahead of next Wednesday's protests and have found sites urging people to head for the central London area.

Police gear up for May Day demos
Friday, 26 April, 2002
Last year's May Day protests were mainly peaceful.
Police have called on anti-capitalist groups planning to protest on May Day to work with them to ensure they pass off peacefully.
Michael Todd, Assistant Metropolitan Police Commissioner, announced up to 6,000 officers would be deployed on the day - a similar number to last year, when 10,000 protesters effectively shut down London's largest shopping district.

London police gear up for May day protests
By Arkady Ostrovsky in London - FT
April 25 2002 20:29
Central London will come to a standstill on May 1 in what is expected to be the UK's largest May day anti-capitalism protest demonstration in a decade.
The leaders of various protest groups - including anti-capitalists, anarchists and trade unions - say they are determined to avoid violent confrontation. However, police are preparing for revenge attacks after last year's success in bottling up the protest.

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