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what do the BNP really stand for?

Jack Delroy MadeUpName | 25.04.2002 15:49

Forwarded from the Red Action website; text of letter from Tony Lecomber of the BNP to an American white supremacist:

Dear Sir,

You or someone else said: The sole basis for Nationalism is RACE. The NATION
is the creation of the RACE. The unique CULTURE associated with the NATION
is the product of the RACE. Without the RACE, there can be no NATION.

I am a senior member of the BNP and I agree with every word of the above
First Principle (FP). You go on to talk about the anti-Muslim campaign that
the party is engaged in and you link this with what you believe our party
leader has said on the subject of going soft on multi-racialism.

Our position on Sep 11th and Islam can be found on our web site - - and in our magazine Identity. Briefly, while no one doubts that
Sep 11th was retaliatory for US support of Israel and that the war against
Iraq has suited Israel and that the Israelis are engaged in hostilities
against the Palestinians etc., (and nothing to do with the Muslims hating
the American way of life or of Freedom etc) the fact is that the Sep 11th
strike (like that of the Japanese against the Russians at Port Arthur 1901?)
showed that non-whites could take on and give whites a beating. Second, here
in Britain we have a serious Muslim problem. They are numerous, militant and
reckon to turn Britain into an Islamic Republic by 2025 through immigration
(most of our immigration is Muslim - Sudan, Nigeria, Pakistan, Albania etc),
conversion and high birthrates.

Regardless of world politics, we recognised that the Muslims needed slapping
down (we had mobs in Cardiff, London, Edinburgh, Luton, Bradford, Burnley,
Preston etc cheering the attacks - the message: 'Islam is strong, the West
is weak' is a dangerous one for us). We therefore gave qualified support for
the airstrikes. That qualified support has now been withdrawn. Third, as in
your country, hitting the Muslims was popular among the people (like you, I
know the people have a simple understanding of world issues). Politically,
for us to have gone soft on public enemy number 1 while at the same time
giving as a reason that we didn't want to "do the Jews' work" and thereby
evoke a parallel and sympathy with taboo number 1 - Hitler and his
anti-Semitism - would have been doubly stupid.

If you allow that I can agree with the FP (above) and not be pro-Hitler then
you will also agree that tactical criticism is also not a sell out.

The problem with Nationalism is that it has always been stupid in its
tactics. If you cannot get something because it will never be given to you
but you do not want to give up the ultimate aim and ideal of what it is that
you really want, then you can either: a) give up; b) go on calling for what
can never be achievable and waste your time or; c) call for something a
little less grand in the knowledge that should that be given, it is not such
a big step to go on and call for something a little more - sure in the
knowledge that you've just dragged the whole debate your way and by a big

It is this tactic (c) that the BNP is using.

Now let me tell you what this involves and what Nick Griffin has AND HAS NOT
said. He has said mixed race partnerships are a fact of life. And despite
the fact that mixed race relationships are to be deplored, they are indeed a
fact of life - as they are in the US. Nevertheless, we are not about to
abandon our aim for an eventual all-white Britain. Our policy is for the
immediate cessation of immigration and 'asylum seeking'. It is for the
immediate deportation of illegal aliens and criminal immigrants. And it is
for the set aside of large wads of money to effectively buy back the
passports of immigrants resident in this country allied to foreign aid
funding for the countries of origin to be able to reabsorb them.

This amounts to (and is) a voluntary repatriation policy. It is compulsory
repatriation which has been abandoned by the BNP as "unworkable and
inhumane". The fact is, much as I regret it, the saps here won't vote for
compulsion. The aim, however, of a homogeneous White Anglo-Celtic nation
remains! We know from poll research that the majority of blacks here would
go like a shot if the money was offered. In addition, you need to realise
that a BNP govt. elected on this platform would signify to all non-whites
that they weren't wanted. Secondly, while not all say they would want to go,
it needs bearing in mind that this is because they can't imagine what a
white governed UK would be like. Advertising showing black men as desirable
would cease - as would all multi-racial propaganda. And when blacks, who
polls have shown don't want to 'go home', no longer saw black culture on TV
etc and found that their friends and family had taken the money and gone,
then the attraction for them of staying would lessen somewhat - and they'd
likely go too.

What might happen after a few years of nationalist govt. is anyone's guess.
But if the people demanded a referendum on repatriating the last few that
were left, how could a caring, listening govt. not bow to the will of the
people? You should have the picture now. OK?

The volume of publicity Griffin has been given DOES signify advancement for
the Nationalist cause and for this reason. It is generally good publicity.
Conspiracy theorists will say: "Ah, it's because he's sold out." But the
truth is far simpler. Liberals hate us and despise our politics. At the same
time, they're fascinated by us and like moths to a candle, can't help coming
closer. The new look BNP is simply too good a story to pass up (We have just
finished a BNP/Hindu/Sikh collaboration to produce an anti-Muslim tape, CD
etc). Of course, where they fear we'll get elected they give us the silent
treatment/bad publicity in local papers.

In addition, they're well aware that the membership doesn't want non-whites
in the party and as a result of that there is clear evidence that they're
saying this is happening (the latest example was yesterday - Sunday - in a
regional newspaper) in order to cause us internal problems. But I'm in a
position to know - it's not true and no one, including myself, would stand
for it.

Lastly, the reason for the level of criticism that Nick Griffin has been
getting with regard to the new direction the BNP has been getting is because
some people by adhering to the previous tried and failed methods are by
implication idiots and it is easier to scream 'sell out' than admit any
possibility of error. Secondly, Nick Griffin was elected leader of the BNP
in the teeth of the most ferocious campaign of vilification by the previous
leader, John Tyndall. Tyndall failed. It is important to Tyndall that the
BNP fails now - thereby proving that he was the better man. As a result,
there is a high level of criticism from him and his acolytes (who were
mostly also useless failures while the dynamic supported Griffin - but that
is to get very deep into BNP factional infighting). If Nick Griffin was to
discover the cure for prostate cancer tomorrow, they'd be booing him for not
doing enough and failing to find the cure for other cancers.

In conclusion, don't worry about us - we stand firm! Good luck to you and
other American comrades who are working for a white America.

A. Lecomber,
Director - Group Development

Jack Delroy MadeUpName