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squat demonstration .. barcelona

eKis | 23.04.2002 12:06 Barcelona EU

squat demonstration >>> 20.04.02 >>> gràcia >>> barcelona

squat demonstration .. barcelona
squat demonstration .. barcelona

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23.04.2002 18:45

Interesting pictures - but what's this all about? Why and what are they squatting? Context please.


the meanings of the last bit of graffiti

23.04.2002 21:59

the last bit of graffiti says "to live is a luxury, to squat is a right"

i don't know much of the other stuff. it looks like there are bits of euskadi (basque) possibly in there but i could just be stupid. and my spanish is only GCSE



23.04.2002 22:56

i think you'll find its catalunion (catalan) i dunno how you spell it
look at imc barcelona
for more info cant garantee it'll be in english tho
(: :)
