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Translation needed

IMC Argentina | 23.04.2002 10:42

Request for help

Lootings, riots, police brutality, unemployment, new economic measures by the minute, all this is happening in Argentina we need help to get the word out. If you find a artcile interesting or wrote one yourself and know some english pplease translate it and post it here. If you know a language other than english or spanish post your articles on Argentinas situation here too.

Leave contact e-mail on article if possible so as to contact for future collaboration.

IMC Argentina
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Mi Espanol no es muy bueno pero......

23.04.2002 21:21

Mi e-mail es


Claire the Librarian

Claire the Librarian
mail e-mail:

mi español tampoco es muy bueno pero,pasamelo

28.07.2002 00:09

if I can help in translating from castellano and catalan into english, possibly could translate from English, then send it me

mel in spain
mail e-mail: