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Before and after photos of Jenin

etherzone | 22.04.2002 16:46


look at the damage from the air....e-mail and link this

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What this shows

22.04.2002 17:15

What this shows is that a relatively small area was flattened - nothing more. Presumably this was because bodies were destroyed in the centre of the camp.

Breaches of the IVth Geneva Convention do not require the destruction of an area larger than 100m*100m


This is Israeli Govt Website put by a Zionist

22.04.2002 17:29

Interesting photo. Did you notice that the photo is from
a Israeli govenment website and the webpage
is linked to crude zionist messages? So we're actually
being educated, this is what the Israeli public
relations campaign of denial looks like.

Even this antiseptic aerial photo, doctored or not, shows a huge flattened zone in Jenin. From a distance, I wonder ...
at this scale you can see only the stuff that was totally flattened. High in the air everything is clean and
there are no smells of death.


i saw a flyer for 'conservative book service

22.04.2002 17:41

really ! some of the warped stuff you can find on the web !


Ya, right

22.04.2002 18:50

Ya, right

and Jews did not die in Germany, they just changed their names or something... and if they did die they deserved it because they where "terrorists" just like Hitler said they were



22.04.2002 23:43

Yeah right! So the International Committee is wrong, the UN are wrong, and Amnesty International are wrong and no innocent Civilians have been killed in this Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories and anyone who disagrees with your point of view is a Nazi. What utter crap!


To Neil

23.04.2002 11:32

When the International Committee, the UN and Amnesty International will say the same about what happened in Afghanistan and in every place in the world which innocent civilians had been killed there, then we should care about their opinion.
