Jean-Marie Le Pen
Jack | 21.04.2002 21:01
Political earthquake in France as Jean-Marie Le Pen enters the 2nd round on a ticket of pro-French and anti Euro-state policies.
Establishment left-liberal parties in France were reported to be shell-shocked as the nation's voters spurned the lack lustre performance of the "old gang".
Jean Marie Le Pen, leader of the Front Nationale which has similar policies as the BNP achieved over 17% of the vote and his second place ensures he goes through to the next round on 5th May.
Jacques Chirac: 19.74%
Jean-Marie Le Pen: 17.35%
Lionel Jospin: 15.31%
(results after 49.5% of votes counted)
Le Pen wishes to halt all asylum seekers entering the country, crack down on law and order, help small businesses and French workers as capital becomes ever more global and stop the growth of the undemocratic European Superstate and its bureaucrats.
Resurgence of common sense across Europe
France now follows other parts of western Europe including Austria, Italy and more recently Netherlands in voting for candidates that are open patriotic and nationalist and maintain an anti-Euro state position. The people of western Europe have had enough of being lied to, cheated, fleeced to pay for floods of asylum seekers, unproductive bureaucrats and told that values our people have held for millenia are worthless and need changing to more "enlightened" ideas.
BBC unprepared
The wholly bias news media in this country have been caught out by Le Pen's success. As this item goes to launch the BBC web site published BEFORE todays surprising results
examines where the frontrunners stand on the major election issue in the race to be French president but they blundered because the only mention is of Chirac and the failed Jospin. In echoes of denying coverage to the BNP in last year's general election the BBC in this country are keen to deny any publicity for patriotic movements throughout Europe.
Jean Marie Le Pen, leader of the Front Nationale which has similar policies as the BNP achieved over 17% of the vote and his second place ensures he goes through to the next round on 5th May.
Jacques Chirac: 19.74%
Jean-Marie Le Pen: 17.35%
Lionel Jospin: 15.31%
(results after 49.5% of votes counted)
Le Pen wishes to halt all asylum seekers entering the country, crack down on law and order, help small businesses and French workers as capital becomes ever more global and stop the growth of the undemocratic European Superstate and its bureaucrats.
Resurgence of common sense across Europe
France now follows other parts of western Europe including Austria, Italy and more recently Netherlands in voting for candidates that are open patriotic and nationalist and maintain an anti-Euro state position. The people of western Europe have had enough of being lied to, cheated, fleeced to pay for floods of asylum seekers, unproductive bureaucrats and told that values our people have held for millenia are worthless and need changing to more "enlightened" ideas.
BBC unprepared
The wholly bias news media in this country have been caught out by Le Pen's success. As this item goes to launch the BBC web site published BEFORE todays surprising results

examines where the frontrunners stand on the major election issue in the race to be French president but they blundered because the only mention is of Chirac and the failed Jospin. In echoes of denying coverage to the BNP in last year's general election the BBC in this country are keen to deny any publicity for patriotic movements throughout Europe.
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