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Liverpool PeopleNotProfit From 24thApril until 4th May Loads of events

People Not Profit | 21.04.2002 10:18 May Day 2002 | Liverpool

In Liverpool we have organised many events before , on and after mayday


Wed 24th April - Carnival Against Casualisation
Demonstration against rogue job agencies
The Simon Jones Memorial Campaign have called a national day of action to mark the fourth anniversary of Simon’s killing on his first day on a job scheme. (
Meet at Lime Street Station, 1pm

Sunday 28th April - Workers Memorial Day
Film night Including:
‘Not this time - the story of the Simon Jones Memorial Campaign’ and 'Matewan' a film about the struggle for justice against money grabbing bosses and union busters in the 1930s USA mining industry.
Art Cafe (old Hub), Berry Street, 6pm.

Wednesday 1st May IS MAYDAY!

Celebrate International Workers Day
March Argentinian style on Liverpool Town Centre. Bring your pan and spoon.
Assemble 12noon at St Lukes Church, Berry Street.

Wednesday 1st May
‘Free the Tolpuddle Six’
Shorefields Drama Group presents a play based on the events of Tolpuddle, but on the docks. Followed by ‘Slippery Floor’ and then an open mic.
Casa, Hope Street, 7.30pm, £2 & £1.

Friday 3rd May - Benefit for East Timor
Skokiaan, Eithne Brown, Fieldy and Little Col.
7.30pm. Toxteth Town Hall, High Park St., £5 & £3 (inc food) tickets: News from Nowhere and Kirkby Unemployed Centre.

Saturday 4th May - People Not Profit Social Forum at the Masque

1pm. War. The Middle East. Palestine. The true story

3pm. Regeneration - How come most of us are worse off?

5pm. Fighting Injustice in Britain

7pm. Robert King Wilkerson - former Black Panther – unjustly imprisoned for 27 years.
Plus: ‘All Power To The People’ a film about the civil rights movement of the 60's in the USA.

The Masque Theatre, Seel Street., £2

People Not Profit
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06.12.2005 13:16

the social forum meeting organised to highlight the plight of the plotical prisoners known as the angola 3 was brought to peole of liverpols attention by ex political prisoner robert king wilkerson. the man was a legend uliker mandela he received no cause celebre status accorded to heroes of the left. but was shut up like papillion in ahell hole for 29 years yet the man was tremendous and dignified his outlook was steeled by the fact that although framed for armed robbery and murder plus membership of black panthers he was neither yet during his ordeal he joined the political fight of the panthers an d helped organis ethe prisons. to prevent violence and murder and rape by those the incarceration had turnee to animals his fight for politics under these extreme conditions was an inspiration to us all. solitary confinement for most oft thos 29 years a stint on death row plus leal representation continually denied and efforts frustrated --after appeal top do his own legal defense they allowed him atypewriter with keys missing petty obstacles and larger hurdles fom the sublime to the riduculous however he trimphed and personally becamer the man he is today speakinf for the fredom of those he left behind shunninfg a financial settlement and cosy retirement he spurned the bribes of the state and agreed to fight on the outside in astate brokered give him free reign to fight for others.
the night was truly inspirational and a pity it wasnt recorded but for those who missed the night "attica" a film of the prison riots in america was scheduled to be shown but it failed to happen ..this however made roberts story an impassioned plea for justice clemency and freedom..not just the Angola 3 but all of the victims of capitalism imprisoned due to poverty and jailed for trying to feed themselves or their families.
a noble soul walked and talked amongst us we the shall repay the honour only by destroying all prisons and liberating everyone .that is how we shall honour the debt we owe to robert king wilkerson
