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Anyone got news or pics of Washington IMF demo?

rikki | 20.04.2002 22:54

Heard on ITV news that "many thousands" were demoing in Washington today - quite an even sounding report with good pics of very full streets of people - even a little coverage of the issues and focus on the diversity - weird thing is that I've seen nothing here about it all. Was I dreaming? Anyone got any info on this?




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Try DC Indymedia

20.04.2002 23:06

I suggest you start with DC indymedia:

I agree the coverage is rather strange. BBC have strong coverage of the protests as well. 100, 000 on Saturday in London was barely worth a mention though!



21.04.2002 01:13

Media quotes 50,000 against war and 100 pro-war "patriots."


critical mass - cops seize bikes

21.04.2002 10:10

critical mass - cops seize bikes
critical mass - cops seize bikes

Yesterday thoudands marched in anti war protests and against the israeli military action against palestine (75,000?) - there was no trouble (I think) during the huge protest.

the cops however knicked loads of peoples bikes at the fluffy and pretty small critical mass (pic) - they were heavy handed - detained about 100, arrested about 40

This was really disturbing as well:

Police 'Intelligence' Says Protestors and Reporters May be Dangerous

A new, internal D.C. police memo paints protestors and media producers alike as suspicious and potentially dangerous... warns of pipe bombs... and recommends that police should photograph people who are photographing, videotaping or taking notes around the protests:

Also see:
Police threats against Washington anti- war protesters
By Jerry Isaacs 20 April 2002

BTW if you want pics to news stories a good start after indy is where you can search the reuters / AP picture wire.


here's some

22.04.2002 21:32

some pix here


here's some

22.04.2002 21:35

some pix here
