john conlon's sista | 19.04.2002 22:14
well i suppose if there was to be a twat (the war against terrorism) of the week award it should go to cia officer Johnny Micheal Spann, formally known as "Mike" to his freedom fighter buddies.
'Spanner ci' was on active duty in afghanistan, part of the cia's special activies division, a paramilitary group that is the spy agency's version of the military's special forces units. The division is in the cia's clandestine service, the directorate of operations, which conducts covert operations. mike was overseeing friendly northan alliance torturers go about their job, instructing them with his estimable knowledge of such situations.
apparently one of the interviewee's got a little bit uppity at mikes presence, and to cut a long story short, a wholesale riot/slaughter ensued.
first reports told how mike was kicked, beaten and bit to death in the resulting chaos. had some of mikes taliban attackers seen mike tysons infamous ear chewing of evander holyfield? we shall never know. mikes mate dave (the cur loves these homely, matey titles) managed to do a runner as his collapsing colleague became the human equivalent of goat stew for the starving taliban prisoners.
dave was then debriefed and suddenly mike the stupid, arrogant twat became mike the fallen hero who took out 3 evil taliban murderers before he became their lunch.
we are told that an autopsy has not yet been conducted on poor mike, is this because his body had been eaten, blown to kingdom come in the bombing raids that subsequently followed, or because none of the devilish taliban cannibals manged to get to a toilet during the ensuing 4 day battle.
for all these reasons mike has become the cur twat of the week.
john conlon's sista