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BNP: criminals, liars and Nazis

internationalist | 19.04.2002 15:37

Interesting news round-up forwarded from Searchlight, the anti-fascist magazine:

Up and down the country BNP candidates are being exposed for what they are - criminals, nazis and liars.

David Rogers, BNP candidate in Silksworth, Sunderland, has been exposed as an illegal candidate. It appears that in 1999 Rogers was sentenced to 24 months imprisonment after his business went bust leaving £403,000 debts. He was charged after £109,000 worth of jewellery and computers, bought on credit shortly before his bankruptcy, vanished. To become a candidate Rogers signed a declaration confirming he was fit for office. However, with election law barring people who have served more than three months imprisonment within the last five years, Rogers is clearly in breach of the rules. The police investigation is currently underway.

Another police investigation has begun in Bexley after a local resident claimed that they had been duped into signing a BNP nomination form. Under the headline: “Sleazy does it for BNP: claim”, the Bexley and Welling News Shopper revealed that one nominator was horrified when they discovered what they had signed. “He said he was looking for help and he needed signatures to help this man stand against other candidates in the local elections. He gave me some paperwork to read. I looked at it and it was just a standard pro forma. It said nothing anywhere about the British National Party.”

Bexley BNP candidate Colin Smith has also been caught out lying on his election material. The serial criminal claimed that he is “currently Chairman of the property management committee of St. John Ambulance (Crayford and District). A spokesperson for the St. John’s Ambulance have issued a statement denying Smith has any link to the organisation and have demanded that he remove mention of this from his literature. Searchlight understands that lawyers are monitoring the situation closely and believes that if the BNP continue to peddle this lie after he has been asked not to then he could be facing legal action.

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be that as it may

19.04.2002 17:30

I'm sure across the length and breadth of the UK anomolies could be found about candidates from each and every party, donner und blitzen, Searchlight has uncovered some from the BNP. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

perry gordon

zeb spider's caught a fly

19.04.2002 18:02

GOOD old boy, Charlie Sargent, BNP/COMBAT 18 activist who established close links with loyalist terror groups, LVF and C company UFF, and remained in COMBAT 18 even though he was exposed as a paedophile child molester,cos he too like HITLER like the feel of a young boys firm buttocks. He was eventually kicked out of the neo nazi social set, only after being exposed as a special branch police agent, stirring up racial and sectarian hatred, whilst spying on loyalist terrorists. Charlie Sargent worked for special branch in exchange for immunity from prosecution for his sexual perversions. Why are so many neo nazis authortarian child oppressors and molestors, are they attracted to the promise of being able to indulge their S&M fantasies and practises under behind the guise of their nazi credentials.

tom mooney brigade