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Unions and anti-capitalists team up for May Day protest

ananova | 19.04.2002 09:36


Thousands of trade unionists and anti-capitalists are expected in London for a May Day protest.

Organisers say it's the first time a march will go to Trafalgar Square while Parliament is sitting.

The May Day 2002 protest will start at Clerkenwell Green at midday.

The CWU and Unison are among unions taking part in to protest against privatisation and anti-union laws.

The Stop the War Coalition and Palestinian groups will be marching to oppose war.

A series of workshops and events will also be held across the capital from 26 April to 6 May as part of the Mayday Festival of Alternatives.

Organisers claim police have been trying to remove a website dedicated to it.

The UK Independent Media website says police have threatened to raid UK website hosts whose servers point to the site's domain name.

A police spokeswoman says she's not aware of any such action.

Globalise Resistance are also staging a protest against Henry Kissinger outside the Royal Albert Hall on 24 April. The former US Secretary of State will be there to speak to the Institute of Directors.



Hide the following 9 comments

not quite true

19.04.2002 13:21

"The UK Independent Media website says police have threatened to raid UK website hosts whose servers point to the site's domain name."

it's the other way around...

The UK Independent Media website says police have threatened to raid UK website hosts whose servers had the site's domain name pointed at them.

Webservers do not point to domain names, it's the other way around - doh!

more info

' GR staging a protest ' ?

19.04.2002 14:59

Stage-managing a protest, to be accurate !

Anna Key

' GR staging a protest ' ?

19.04.2002 14:59

Stage-managing a protest, to be accurate !

Anna Key

' GR staging a protest ' ?

19.04.2002 14:59

Stage-managing a protest, to be accurate !

Anna Key


20.04.2002 02:37

gr as far as i am aware are set to become the mass perceived legitimate public face of the anti globalisation movement here in britain but are nothing more than a branch of the tuc which is in turn a branch of the current government

by creating a movement such as this the government shall now have a face to present to the masses to criticise and debate issues within a clearly limited information spectrum supposedly representative of the anti globalisation movement this will further confuse an already dumbed down population as to the true nature of protest and this will assist the government in making itself appear more receptive and responsive to marginalised social groups etc
it's a clever trick

we may even see an alliance as the global temperature heats up beetween gr and the swp but even if this is not to occur you can rest assured that the membership of both will follow a similar agenda on the spectrum of information available for debate amongst it's members

time the real left seperated from these central, sit on the fence , rhetoric raving retards and got on with the real job of taking back the planet from the tyrannical terrorists currently controlling and abusing it

let the government use their puppets

just make sure the mainstream media know the price of their deception throughout the coming protests
time our tv was broadcast by the people for the people anyway

peace 2 u all !



20.04.2002 17:31

swp SET UP gr. so they can't move much closer together - especially since lots of other people originally drafted in as cover (e.g. greens, students, random proto-anarchists, other socialists) are realising they've been had and are moving away from gr. local gr groups have also been detaching themselves from the swp-financed london hq - I hope they change the names of these groups so that a clear line can be drawn between swp front groups and the real resistance.

the facts and warnings in the schnews pamphlet (see posting above) really need to be spread as wide as possible, especially among naive newcomers to the anti-capitalist thang, so that the apparent government agenda outlined in another posting above CANNOT WORK. (nb people involved in countering swp leadership's malign intentions need to develop effective put downs to accusations of "peoples' front of judea" and "why not attack capitalism instead of us" bollox, since these are cheap tricks swp bods often use to win laughs and sympathy from the newcomers - got any good ones?)

very important!


ps I have nothing against most grassroots gr and swp members, many of whom mean well and do not realise how they are being used. I'd just say, please, read schnews, open your mind, lose your newspapers, uniform bandanas, dull shoutiness and petitions, and reject the authority of an unaccountable, MI5 infiltrated leadership, (they're not doing you or the anti-capitalist movement any favours.... )then come back on the demos and actions as a human being with courage and compassion to offer instead of a paper to sell and recruitment figures to achieve. thanks!


So the government set up gr?

21.04.2002 19:37

mmmm, sure they did.
