what indymedia censors - hidden from you
dh | 16.04.2002 22:07
You may or may not like it - it may antagonise or you may think it stupid. Youaren't allowed to make that choice. im censors hide it, and you aren't going to bother with that musty vault are you? Click the links and decide for yourself whether or not you should be denied access.
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the reason is...
16.04.2002 22:46
the links you put up are from ALex Jones...(www.infowars.com)
Alex Jones is a notorius bigotted, anti-semite, homophobic American Patriot ( who is a massive supporter of the NRA )
He's well establisehed in the mainstream and was featured prominently in John Ronson's book "secret rulers of the world" + subsequent TV film
if you care to read the editorial guidelines for UK IMC you'll notice that there may be conflicting issues here. You obviously disagree and think theres some larger conspiracy at work here...
mustang sally
no doubt
17.04.2002 22:27