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An American coup in the offing...

Dan Tomlinson | 16.04.2002 12:19

WWIII gets closer on Sunday as the US moves to discredit / destroy The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW). Will our government do anything to stop it?

It seems we have reached a decision-point in this current, most worrying outbreak of American Neo-Imperialism. According to George Monbiot of the Guardian (specifically article:,2763,685155,00.html) the American administration is about to perform an audacious coup against a highly regarded international body: The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW).

They know that if the OPCW continues on its current course (led by the utterly scrupulous Jose Bustani), it may succeed in gaining entry into Iraq and diffusing any chance the US invasion plan may have had at international credibility.

On Sunday the US will attempt to unseat Mr Bustani and "fatally compromise" the OPCW, potenially opening the flood gates for US dismantling of other international multilateral organisations. They have already been bullying many of the weaker member states into voting against Mr Bustani and if somebody doesn't make a stand then they will be well on the way to destroying one of the greatest contributors to world peace in existance.

Mr Monbiot suggests that this attempt may succeed because many member states are so terrified of the US leaving the organisation, they will be willing to bow down to US pressure. This is a ridiculous concern as the US is a member of the OPCW in name only. They (like Iraq) refuse to let inspectors have full access to their facilities, and are potentially developing chemical weapons behind closed doors that make Iraqi attempts look like pepper spray.

It is D-day for Mr Blair it seems. He must decide if world peace and the organisations that uphold it are more important to him than his fledgling presidency and the "special relationship" he holds with Mr Bush and his right-wing cronies. It is time to make a stand against these idiots that would destroy our fragile planet for a few dollars more.

Dan Tomlinson
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Blair will implement the Martini Accords

16.04.2002 15:13

The Martini Accords: As Blair put it to Iraq a week ago "ANYONE, ANY TIME, ANY PLACE" [#]. It seems he's been so taken with commerce for its own sake, he cant distinguish between political slogans and advertising jingles any more. Perhaps as Vance Packard suggested in "The Hidden Persuaders" there ARENT any real differences!

# compare with the old 1970s Martini slogan: "Any Time, Any Place, Anywhere..."

a Triffid

Not just Bustani they're after

16.04.2002 17:36

It's also reported (in the G******n again, sorry!) that US deputy defence secretary Paul Wolfowitz had the CIA investigate Hans Blix, head of Unmovic (the UN monitoring, verification and inspection commission) in the hope of discrediting him ahead of his meeting with Iraqi representatives next week. Unfortunately for Wolfowitz, the CIA report was apparently favourable!

The campaigns against both Bustani and Blix give the impression that the Bush administration wants to sabotage any chance of Iraq's cooperation in weapons inspections / disarmament, in order to legitimise military action.


Not just Bustani they're after

16.04.2002 17:36

It's also reported (in the G******n again, sorry!) that US deputy defence secretary Paul Wolfowitz had the CIA investigate Hans Blix, head of Unmovic (the UN monitoring, verification and inspection commission) in the hope of discrediting him ahead of his meeting with Iraqi representatives next week. Unfortunately for Wolfowitz, the CIA report was apparently favourable!

The campaigns against both Bustani and Blix give the impression that the Bush administration wants to sabotage any chance of Iraq's cooperation in weapons inspections / disarmament, in order to legitimise military action.


It's not just Bustani they're after

16.04.2002 17:40

It's also reported (in the G******n again, sorry!) that US deputy defence secretary Paul Wolfowitz had the CIA investigate Hans Blix, head of Unmovic (the UN monitoring, verification and inspection commission) in the hope of discrediting him ahead of his meeting with Iraqi representatives next week. Unfortunately for Wolfowitz, the CIA report was apparently favourable!

The campaigns against both Bustani and Blix give the impression that the Bush administration wants to sabotage any chance of Iraq's cooperation in weapons inspections / disarmament, in order to legitimise military action.


It's not just Bustani they're after

16.04.2002 17:40

It's also reported (in the G******n again, sorry!) that US deputy defence secretary Paul Wolfowitz had the CIA investigate Hans Blix, head of Unmovic (the UN monitoring, verification and inspection commission) in the hope of discrediting him ahead of his meeting with Iraqi representatives next week. Unfortunately for Wolfowitz, the CIA report was apparently favourable!

The campaigns against both Bustani and Blix give the impression that the Bush administration wants to sabotage any chance of Iraq's cooperation in weapons inspections / disarmament, in order to legitimise military action.
