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Sex-work imposed on claimants

Paul Treanor | 15.04.2002 19:22

Netherlands employment office begins to offer legal prostitution jobs, acceptance compulsory for benefit claimants.

An update of this earlier report on 'workfare prostitution' in the Netherlands.

A spokesman for the Netherlands central employment office CWI confirmed today, that they have started offering jobs as prostitutes in sex-clubs. At present he knows of only 2 sex-clubs which have registered vacancies with them. The CWI registers only work under contract of employment, but most women working in sex-clubs are technically self-employed. In addition the CWI has 2 unemployed women officially registered as prostitutes seeking work as prostitutes. Another 6 women are registered as ex-prostitutes no longer seeking this work.

Small numbers, but this is only the tip of the iceberg. The registration means that unemployed women can now be compelled to work as a prostitute, and to accept one of the jobs offered. The newspaper which first reported one of the vacancies last Saturday gave details: the candidates can choose whether they want to engage in oral sex, vaginal sex, or anal sex. (This all hangs on the notice board in the employment office, perhaps they should keep children away).

Since the CWI is the official registration point, claimants can not challenge the work as being illegal. Claimants in the Netherlands are obliged to accept any work which is offered, after they have been unemployed for one year. (In the first year, they are only obliged to accept work in their previous profession). Jobs offered through the CWI are normally the first which will be imposed on claimants. In reality, most placements of claimants are now carried out by private companies, in some form of workfare scheme. These companies and agencies are far more likely to place vulnerable women in a sex-club than the official CWI. The policy change at the CWI is however a green light for them to do so. (In theory the obligation to accept sex work can apply to men as well, the law makes no distinction).

Why this policy shift? It is a combination of a hard-line policy against the unemployed, and the full legalisation of prostitution in 2001. Until then prostitution itself was not illegal, but 'brothel-keeping' was - all sex-clubs were technically illegal. Now they are legalised, they can recruit staff in the same way as any other employer. That includes asking the benefit authorities, to force claimants into unpopular jobs.

In theory a sex-club owner can sit outside the door of the Social Security office, and approach any woman claimant. He can offer her a job as a prostitute, and she must accept the work. If she refuses, he can go inside and request (as an employer) that her benefit is stopped. It is unlikely, but it would be fully legal under current Netherlands law. It illustrates the underlying philosophy of workfare - that the claimant becomes the property of the benefit agency, to be used as they wish.

Campaigners who want to legalise prostitution (in other countries), ought to think first about the implications.

Paul Treanor
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Hide the following 9 comments

here is the future

15.04.2002 21:51

No doubt this is the future for workfare under the New Deal in Blair's Britain.

If people don't get together and oppose this then they are going to have to live with it. It is shameful.

Steve Booth
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that's as maybe but

16.04.2002 00:29

I saw a report recently about a 'lap dancing' club complaining about not being able to advertise in a UK job centre...



16.04.2002 08:56

Can someone please verify this article?
This is sheer lunacy! How can the state force prostitution? It's like some kind of nightmare, the ultimate in exploitation of the workers, sexploitation, BY LAW!
Have there been mass protests against this in the Netherlands?
If people are not outraged by this, then I think we need to go hardline. No secularist society should allow this, but sadly I fear that they do and they will do this more so as morals continue to slide.


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Black Bloc against sex enslavement

16.04.2002 12:18

5.30pm @ Old Crompton Street
Call for Black Bloc actions againts
all sex shops!


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interestingly, this is an update

16.04.2002 14:41

of a previous report. at the time, no-one seemed very concerned if the lack of comments was anything to go by.

a triffid

and black bloc go 'moralist'

16.04.2002 14:50

if that little comment is to be believed. so we're going right back to the 1980s femi-crank policies of andrea dworkin, it seems. do any of us remember, greenham common, where feminists posed as peace campaigners, showering any workers who came to support them with abject contempt ? my god, how feminists hate the working class !

a triffid

This is not true

16.04.2002 17:32

The author is not very precise. The statement was more a brief of legal possibilities. First of all, a CWI is not a central employment agency but a regional office merged from the dole office/social and the employment office (which arbitrates between employers and people seeking, or being forced to seek, a job).

It seems the legal advisor of the particular CWI in Heerlen (South-NL) is saying they are not allowed to refuse to post vacancies (and if all the vacancies are in the hall then these ones must be as well).

Unemployed people are forced & shoved into a lot in holland but there is the rule that a job can be refused if it is not fitting and there are no exact rules on what is fitting in which case. So purely in theory it is possible someone is forced to become a prostitute or lose their dole, just like in theory a jew or vegetarian can be forced to be a pig butcher.

However, in all jurisprudence it is clear that when someone has a clear ethical, religious or moral objection to a certain job he has a right to reject it.

Please do not exagurate.

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prostitution, degradation and stravation or ?

16.04.2002 20:56

Many poverty stricken women in third world countries and the USA dont have a choice, not to become prostitutes, as there are no proper welfare provisions in place in these countries. In places like Thailand,Brazil sex is an unmonitored industrial big buisness, and because the capitalist governments of these countries do not allow an alternative or escape from the dog eat dog cutthroat world of unregulated sex slave labour and the unequal so called free market, where anything including children can be sold and bought, the choice is simple, sell your child, your own body or strave, for the poor of the tin shack shanty slums, prostitutes is all the state allows poverty stricken men, women and children to be, we are opening up the choices for the poor of the world, to escape out of the degradation, poverty and stravation, the NEW choices are simple INSURRECTION, REBELLION, REVOLUTION, instead of the capitalist scrappings offered to the poor,DEGRADATION, PROSTITUTION, POVERTY AND STRAVATION, when youve got nothing left to loose and your dying on your aching feet, INSURRECTION, REBELLION AND REVOLUTION are the only choices you must explore.



17.04.2002 01:56

I agree with Collete.
After researching the situation of the poor, internationally, and gaining a sense of their suffering, i can only say; Revolution.
I'm not a feminist, I'm a man. But upon reading the cases of some women forced into prostitution in Thailand, Brazil, etc, I found it impossible to control my emotions.
Things like this should not be happening. In my view, these crimes are worse than murder in most instances (since they are ongoing), this ONE issue enrages me more than ANY other. We must fight for the rights of women internationally, and encourage all these Ally McBeal types to help out too, maybe if they had a serious goal to work towards, they would snap out of the fantasy world they are living in. Most men, I'm afraid, are possibly beyond help at this point. Which is why it is even more essential that we reach the young and teach them dignity and respect. Where are the Socialists helping here, and what is their standpoint? What do the religious men believe?


ps. Anyone who knows how I could help these women and children, please email me. I would give anything to aid them in the attainment of freedom.

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