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asylum: kids to be locked up and deported

internationalist | 15.04.2002 14:55

Latest from National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns:

"Suffer the little children who come unto Britain, for theirs shall be the kingdom of the accommodation and removal centre"
Nationality, Immigration and Asylum bill, chapters 2 & 5, verses numerous

"and deportation, shall follow them, all the days of their lives."
Nationality, Immigration and Asylum bill, chapter 4, verse 52

The Nationality, Immigration and Asylum bill, was published last Friday the 12th of April. Its sheer nastiness beggars description. None of the concerns of those asked to submit consultative papers on the bill were met. NCADC doubts the papers were even read.

Children who have no choice of where they are born, or choice of what countries their parents choose to seek asylum, are the latest targets of New Labour's immigration paranoia.
Legislation now going through parliament, if it becomes law, will mean that children on arrival will face Induction Centres, Accommodation Centres and Removal Centres.
Children held in accommodation centres will be subject to statutory segregation, they will not be allowed to attend schools or nurseries outside the centre. (Part 2, clause 30,3).
Children can be served with deportation notices, along with their parents. (Part 4, clause 52,1)
If they are dispersed into the community, they will find themselves in the most deprived areas of the UK. If their parents asylum claim fails, the children no matter how young or however long they have been here, can be put in detention to await removal. In all of this they will have no say.

For their parents and individuals the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum bill, just means more detention and dispersal, which always lead to discrimination, destitution, self harm, and more than likely back to detention and then removal. All this they face if they don't die trying to get here or commit suicide in desperation not to be returned to their country of origin.

Families in accommodation centres will be means tested, (part 2, clause 27).

Sentence first, judgement afterwards: Super fast tracking - a deportation order can be served and removal directions set on the same day that an asylum claim is made, or any time afterwards, (part 4, clause 56, 4a), though not enforceable till final decision on claim.

These are just a few examples of a thoroughly unjust bill. David Blunkett said when presenting "Secure Borders, Safe Haven", the precursor to the bill, this would create a "more robust, faster and efficient system." Robust it certainly is, if R is for rotten, O for obscene, B for brutal, U for ugly, S for sick and T for tyrannical.

"The bill is even harsher than the white paper," Habib Rahman, Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants.

"The government's proposals to crack down on those who abuse the asylum system is in real danger of cracking down on those who genuinely need it - those who have been persecuted in other countries, those who have a right to be here." John Wadham, director of Liberty.

The Nationality, Immigration and Asylum bill, is not yet law. Let your MP know what you think about the new bill. Use which you can access from the left hand frame at:

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spunkett goes nazi

15.04.2002 17:14

When will the people of the Uk realise we are living in a country where the govt is basically Nazi?

A country which detains people who have committed no crimes is the lowest kind of society - what happened to compassion?

What most people don't realise is that if politicians get away with locking people up without charging them or taking them to court then they will extend their "experiment" to the rest of the population.

Fuck the lot of them!!

Peter elffin Wakeham
mail e-mail:


15.04.2002 19:46

Some of these people abroad must think UK is a Swiss Finishing School for their off-spring. I saw some news footage of a home for such displaced youth, a converted manor house in Kent, tennis courts and more. Kent is particularly afflicted with these 'child refugees" , it's residents paying greatly through their Council tax. Blunket's intervention is a much-needed correction to present state of affairs

delroy murphy

bullets not ballots

15.04.2002 22:58

hey 'delroy' are you the same guy as 'jack' or are we afflicted with a whole fucking plague of ignorant right wing fuckwits on this site? what exactly are you trying to achieve? people who read indymedia are concerned with fighting the REAL enemy - do you really think you're going to convince anyone to join you in wasting our time victimising small children? your beloved State has had its day and we're gonna burn it down - and guess what delroy WE'RE GONNA BURN YOU TOO!

now listen very carefully.

WE HATE YOUR GUTS SO FUCK OFF AND DIE!! (and hope i don't ever, ever find you....)
