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BNP: a law and order party?

internationalist | 15.04.2002 14:50

Re-posted from the Sunday Mirror, 14 April 2002:

BNP election organiser is convicted gang rapist

Exclusive by James Weatherup

SEX ATTACKER: Bennett (circled) led the rape of two girls but now hands out pamphlets (left) pledging a crime crackdown

A MAN convicted of a terrifying gang rape is helping to organise the British National Party's local election campaign in trouble-torn Oldham.

Robert Bennett, 59, is in charge of distributing the far-right group's leaflets in the town - scene of bloody race riots last summer - for the council elections on May 2.

What voters didn't know until today is that election co-ordinator Bennett was sentenced to five years in prison for his part in the rape of two 17-year-old girls. The incident happened when he lured the girls to a house with four other men claiming there was a party in progress. But the teenagers found they were the only guests, and they were forced into separate bedrooms and raped repeatedly.

Afterwards they were thrown together on a bed and ordered to perform lesbian acts.

Nick Lowles, co-editor of anti-fascism and racism magazine Searchlight, said last night: "This makes a mockery of the BNP posing as the law and order party.

"Oldham BNP is full of criminals who are really violent. They are no better than a bunch of racist thugs who will lie and try to con their way to victory.
"Hopefully the people of Oldham will see them for what they really are."

One of the girls, neither of whom can be named for legal reasons, told Manchester Crown Court that as she was raped the first time, she heard the screams of her friend from the next bedroom.

The other men involved were Bennett's brothers Michael, who was 21 at the time, and Gordon, 24, as well as Leigh Harrop and his brother Alan.

The prosecution said all five men, who denied rape, had sex with one girl and four of them were "intimate" with the other.

The judge who passed sentence on the gang in 1976 recognised Bennett's leading role, saying: "You, Robert Bennett, are the eldest of the five and I am satisfied that you were one of the prime movers of what happened that November evening and morning."

Last year his brother Gordon, an alcoholic now aged 49, was jailed for life for bludgeoning a pensioner to death with a cobblestone. Michael Bennett was jailed for 28 days immediately at the same hearing after he screamed abuse at the jury.

Robert Bennett is one of several BNP supporters who have serious criminal convictions or links to Nazi and soccer hooligan groups. The extreme group who stand for "Rights for Whites" and vigilante action against Muslims are expected to field a record 61 candidates nationwide next month. Eighteen are standing in Burnley and Oldham, which last summer witnessed the worst rioting in Britain for nearly two decades.

TERRIFYING: Riots in Oldham

The BNP even advocates illegal activity in campaign literature, such as pursuing people suspected of criminal acts even if they are cleared by the courts.

We can also reveal that Oldham BNP organiser Mick Treacy, who is standing in Hollinwood ward, has five convictions for violence and theft. He has forged close links with Robert Bennett, who is understood to work as a postman. And BNP stalwart David Probert has convictions for sending packets of excreta and pornography to Labour councillors and for using threatening words and behaviour likely to cause a breach of the peace.

Another candidate, Darren Dobson, who is standing in Royton North, was found guilty of racially aggravated harassment by Oldham magistrates last November and fined £300.

Bizarrely, despite the BNP's clear links with crime, a newsletter declares its councillors would push for a policy of "zero tolerance" for criminal offenders.

They also want an end to grants for ethnic organisations and say that improvements on rundown estates should be targeted at helping "British" families.

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15.04.2002 15:08

Left-wing spy exposed in BNP Oldham Campaign

'Revelations' in the Sunday Mirror that a man who was involved in the BNP election campaign in Oldham - Bob Bennett - was convicted for his part in a gang rape in the 1970s have come as the final part of a jigsaw puzzle for party officials in the town.

Bennett had done useful low-level campaign work, but over the early stages of this year's campaign it was noted that he was continually back-stabbing other activists and, in particular, running a whispering campaign clearly aimed at stirring up internal discontent.

So bad did this problem become that it was concluded that Bennett must be a spy/agent provocateur, probably working for the well-financed far-left Oldham Campaign Against Racism. He has never been a paid up member of the BNP, so could not be expelled, but he was told nearly three weeks ago by Oldham BNP Organiser Mick Treacy that his presence and 'help' was no longer required.

The British National Party has therefore had no contact with Bob Bennett since late last month. Had the party known of his conviction, he would have been shunned in the first place but since, unlike the Sunday Mirror, the party does not have investigative journalists or contacts within police criminal records departments, there was no way in which we could know about his past.

We believe that the Mirror, by contrast, knew some time ago about Bennett's past and was actually waiting to run the story as an anti-BNP smear on the Sunday before polling day. The fact that, by then, Bennett would have had nothing to do with the British National Party for more than a month, however, forced them to publicise his disgusting record while their anti-BNP slant on the story still had 'legs'. The story deepens with the further revelation that his wife is in fact the daughter of Peter Dean, Labour councillor for the Oldham ward of Coldhurst. Amongst Mr. Dean's many "achievements" as a councillor was in October 1997 when he unveiled a monument to Bangladeshi martyrs who fought against Pakistan. This was part funded by Oldham Council.

Now the chickens are coming home to roost, the waste of White tax payers money over the past few decades has been rumbled and White voters now have a real choice in next month's elections. The Labour Party clearly intended to damage the BNP's chances by this well timed "revelation".

For the record, the BNP has long campaigned for life sentences for such crimes, and for the death penalty to be available as an option to judges in cases of child rape.



15.04.2002 15:28

I don't know about the situation surrounding the BNP activist involved in gang rape, but it is a well-known fact that leading BNP members - Richard Edmonds, John Tyndall, Nick Griffin - have been convicted of violent assaults and distributing race hate material. They are convicted criminals leading a party of thugs.

Daniel Brett
mail e-mail:


15.04.2002 15:41

Nick Griffin has not been convicted of any assault.

He was however convicted under the thought crimes legislation of publishing material likely to incite racial hatred, when he published articles that were deemed to be "anti Semitic". We all know the "anti semitic" label is used by the Zionists for anyone who disagrees with their policy in Israel.

However, preventing people like Tony LeComber and others in the party who have been involved in violence in the past from being in the party is counterproductive. These men are best able to warn off other angry young white boys who might be considering violence from taking that path, they have afterall been down that route and learned that it isn't the way to go about solving things. So, what's the problem with these people? They've done their time and paid the price. 60% of working class men have a conviction of some kind so it's really not such an issue you make it out to be.

The Labour party has been described as a party "full of paedophiles. I'd much rather share a place in a party of reformed rough-diamonds than paedophiles, put it that way.



15.04.2002 16:08

then wtf are you doing in the BNP?


jack you nazi scum, fuck off

15.04.2002 16:35

Why is IMC letting 'jack' post.
The BNP are nazis plain and simple.

The very name British National Party go back to the late 50s, and was a party made up of the dregs of the British Union Of Facists.

The BNP was refounded in 1982 from a split with the National Front

The BNP founder John Tindell who was photographed in a nazi uniform.

They 'brown shirts' were C18 (before they split) which stands for COMBAT ADOLF HITLER.

David Copland was a member, he was resondable for the 1999 London Nail Bombing campain which murder 3 and injured hundreds including a boy under 2 years old who had a 4 inch hot nail imbeded in his skull.

Nick Grifin the current 'Fuhrer' is a career Nazi changing different orgations to clumb up the very greesy pole. He has links with the International (don't be fooled by the name) Third Postion and Itailan facists party MSI who links go back to just after WW2 were they were create out of the shit of Mussolini party.

Come on IMC don't let this site have Nazis trying to justify they postion, Lets all unite and smash 'jack' the BNP.


What do you need a smear campaign for Jack?

15.04.2002 17:55

You do a pretty good job of making fool of yourself.

No one likes the BNP because you are racist thugs. It doesn't matter if you are full of criminals or not, you're still unfit to be elected.

I'd sooner vote for Tony Blair.


Nazi scum fuck off

15.04.2002 18:03

We've beaten you before in Manchester and we'll do it again!! Jungle, hip hop, speed garage, and Ali G mean more to the 'angry white working class' than the BNP's racist shit! White kids came and fought the police WITH us in Oldham (or didn't you know that jack?) Your day is over you fuckin ghost.


kill 'em all

15.04.2002 22:26

since when did indymedia users have so much concern for the the legal process? i don't give a fuck whether you're a criminal, 'jack' - i've got a big fuckin' knife with your name on it.



oh no, they've got leaflets!

16.04.2002 00:28

what exactly are you trying to achieve 'jack' you thick fuck? people who read indymedia are concerned with fighting the REAL enemy - do you really think you're going to convince anyone here to join you in wasting your life victimising our black and asian friends? your beloved State has had its day and we're gonna burn it down - and guess what jack WE'RE GONNA BURN YOU TOO!

now listen very carefully.

WE HATE YOUR GUTS SO FUCK OFF AND DIE!! (and hope i don't ever, ever find you....)


Not violent?

16.04.2002 08:19

But you're only being reasonable to try and take control, to convince us. What happens when you racially divide us and I want to talk to someone of a different skin tone? I will be repressed, by you and yours.

That's why you posted whining about pigwatch the other day, when you take over you'll need the police to repress us and force us to go against our instincts of cooperation and community and be like you.

I don't care if you're too weak and petty a human to live with others peacefully, segregate yourself but don't try and force the rest of us into your crap, politically or violently. Just because you're selfish don't tell me how I feel or how I'm "selfish by default" when the problem is you.



16.04.2002 10:17

Actually I think that it's great that the BNP have started posting on Indymedia. Now we can all see what a bunch of losers they are. Anti-semitic, racist, homophobic, sexist, patriachal, hypocritical. Now who would want to vote for a party like this?

What Jack and his moronic friends don't understand is that the far right has moved on. In the Netherlands, for example, the neo-fascist Pym Fortuyn has capitalised on his sexuality to attack Islam and immigration. This presents a unique challenge for anti-racist campaigners. However, in the UK, the BNF and the NF are still stuck in the 1970's, repeating the same tired old slogans about crime and paedophiles. If they're lucky, they'll pick up a few hundred protest votes in some inner city boroughs, and they might even start a riot or two. But they're never going to get past first base with this baloney.

On the positive side, Jack's posts are greatly improving the impetus for the anti-NF demonstration in Bermondsey this Saturday. Hundreds of anti-fascists who wouldn't have bothered are now coming down in force! Join us at 11 am outside South Bermondsey station. There will be an anarchist direct action against the march, plus an ANL demo for those who don't want to be involved in confrontation.

PS: Jack says that he hates the NF, but that's only because Terry Blackham won't let him suck his cock any more.

Q: What's the difference between the BNP and the NF?

A: About four and a half years.

See you on Saturday Terry.

Anarchist Rioter

Nick Griffin. Middle-class sheep shagger.

16.04.2002 16:43

Jack, you sad bastard. Do you really think the white working class are all ready to line up behind a middle-class twat like Griffin? Fuck off mate. You're about fifty years out of date. We've got more in common with the black lad down the street, or the Asian on the next estate than we'll ever have with fuckers like Griffin and fools like you who follow him.

St. Pauli.