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Where are the Ultra-Orthodox?

Daniel Brett | 15.04.2002 11:32

Orthodox Jews Offer Alternative to 'Misguided Zionists'
Washington DC -- April 14, 2002

Representatives of Neturei Karta International, a world wide Orthodox, anti - Zionist organization, will protest Monday afternoon 15 April, in Washington together with Muslim representatives, against the policies and existence of the state of Israel.

"The Jewish people have a task in exile. We are to live in peace with all men and humbly serve the Creator. Zionism has for far too long de - railed this endeavor. It has drawn many unsuspecting Jews into constantly life threatening policies."

Rabbi Weiss and other Neturei Karta leaders have often joined Palestinians in protest against assorted actions of the Israeli state.

The ultimate goal of their activities is, in the Rabbi's words, to "bring about the peaceful dismantling of the Israeli state."

"After fifty three years of suffering and death for both, Palestinian and Jew, it is high time to acknowledge that the Zionist experiment, was a tragic error. The sooner it is put to rest, the better it will be for all mankind."

"The scenes of devastation throughout the West Bank, in Jenin, Nablus, Bais Lechem, etc., have to stir the conscience of all believing Jews. It is not our role as Jews, to act this way. We are a people of peace, of modesty, of dignity and humility."

The Rabbi said, he pitied the masses of Jews that will demonstrate in Washington tomorrow in favor of the state.

“Aside from the simple facts that:

1) As Jews, we are forbidden to have our own “state” for we are in a God decreed exilic time.

2) Our hopes and prayers are not for an eventual “state of Israel” after God will end this exile. But rather we hope and pray for the acceptance throughout the world, of the One God’s rule, at which time all nations will serve God together in peace, joy and harmony.

3) To kill, steal and oppress a people, is totally forbidden by the Torah.

Aside from all the above, the Jewish masses have been duped. They recite, as if in a trance, the bizarre mantra that the state of Israel is a so called safe haven, a blessing for the Jewish people. The plain reality is that Israel is the most dangerous place in the world for a Jew to live and has been so since its founding."

“May the fact that not even one of the ultra orthodox Jewish communities have participated in this macabre rally for the “support of Israel” the supposed “Jewish State”. May this shed light on the true Torah view and true Jewish position. Judaism and the Torah is in total opposition to Zionism and the Zionist state.”

The Rabbi expressed confidence that "as the situation in the Holy land deteriorates, more and more Jews will return to the traditional Jewish rejection of Zionism. We have maintained our loyalty to the old time Torah view. Eventually when the masses of those deceived by Zionism will return, looking for an alternative, we will be there waiting for them in brotherhood."

Rabbi Weiss spoke to the international Islamic community when he said. "To our Islamic friends, the long suffering of the Palestinian people will soon end. Before the dawn there is invariably darkness. Our peoples will yet live together in a Palestinian state in peace and mutual respect."

Daniel Brett
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Ref , ultra - orthodox

15.04.2002 14:56

When,ho when,is mankind going to rid itself of all narrow minded relgion.For everyones sake take note,all religion is a result of mankinds insecurity and only breeds intolerance and prejudice.Education in the form of truth and honesty leads to tolerance without the need for a belief in a none exsistant god, set yourselves free of this lie!



15.04.2002 15:20

How are you going to destroy religion? Kill the religious? Or will you educate spirituality out of people in some ideological cleansing programme? What gives you the right to dictate other people's faith when they are no threat to anyone? Why should we all believe in a narrow humanistic, atheistic creed? If someone wants to be a Hassidic Jew and does not harm anyone, why should they be denied their faith? You are just as bad those you accuse of intolerance in trying to convert people to your way of thinking.

I believe religious fanaticism is rooted in deeper issues in society. The war in the Middle East is not a clash between Judaism and Islam, but the persecution of one nation by another with religion used as a weapon. For centuries, Jews and Muslims lived peacefully together in the Middle East. The conflict has little to do with religion and everything to do with the US funding and arming an aggressive apartheid state.

Daniel Brett
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15.04.2002 15:23

I take it your question is really "where are all the ultra Orthodox protesting against Israel?".

Simple, they don't exist. These views of the Neturei Karta folks don't even represent those of all the other "Hasidim"
let alone all Orthodox Jews. I'm not even sure what percentage of the "Satmar Rebbi" following Hasidim they represent (there are a whole bunch of "lines" of Hasidim, Bratslavers, Lubabavichers, etc. and the Satmars are just one of them).

Keep something in mind, folks. At the same time THESE Orthodox oppose Israel entirely, it's other Orthodox building those settlements in Palestinian areas. And by the way, you might want to try to understand EXACTLY what these Neturei Karta folks believe before thinking they are so wonderful.

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Ref, tolerance

15.04.2002 15:41

I did not state anything about destroying anyone.Why? did you jump to this conclusion.Iwas simply stating fact, all religions do lead eventually to intolerance.Take christianity for example, it exsists only to convert people,if you are not converted you are not part of the club.Please,please open your minds and be honest.


Ref, tolerance

15.04.2002 15:42

I did not state anything about destroying anyone.Why? did you jump to this conclusion.Iwas simply stating fact, all religions do lead eventually to intolerance.Take christianity for example, it exsists only to convert people,if you are not converted you are not part of the club.Please,please open your minds and be honest.


All the same?

15.04.2002 15:49

Mike: are you suggesting that all Jews back the Israeli occupation of the West Bank? My experience is much different. As for the ultra-orthodox Neturei Karta, yes they are peculiar in some of their beliefs. But they don't kill and oppose oppression in the name of their religion. There are also liberal Jews and Jewish communists who oppose the occupation. See the article by David Newman of Ben-Gurion University in the Jewish Chronicle which calls on Jews to oppose Ariel Sharon.

Daniel Brett
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What are you going to do with the religious

15.04.2002 16:40

If you've got objections to any religion, then that's fair enough. But you can't legislate against it or claim that by being religious or even believing in God necessarily leads to violence. Remember Tolstoy's arguments for pacifism and anarchism in the name of Christianity or Martin Luther King's use of Christian ethics to combat racism in the US. Their religious faith abhored violence and oppression. So is Christianity always something to oppose?

From an atheist stand-point, I can still have respect for religion and those who follow it. Moreover, there are plenty of atheists who have used reason to back violence and oppression. I'd rather be on the side of Christians like Martin Luther King than atheists like Stalin.

Daniel Brett
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Ref, objections to religion

15.04.2002 17:37

You completely miss my point.I do not only disagree and object to religions but i consider it to be an affront to my humanity, that people should continually thrust upon other people thier religious dogma.This takes the form of blind obediance to,in this country at any rate,Christmas celebrations,and easter celebrations.If you do not take part in christmas you become a kill-joy for example.
however,there are more serious implications when religion is used as a pretext for invasion of another people,ie the so called holy land,and Palestine.Gods chosen people is one example of this,i aknowledge there are political reasons also forthe present situation ,however religion does play an important role in this and poisons peoples minds to commit the most awful atrocities.I fully understand the geopolitical position at the present time, but religion remains instrumental in igniting the present powderkeg of hate.


Footnote religion

15.04.2002 18:31

Where? are all the GOOD Christian political leaders.Tony Blair attends church every Sunday,and yet is planning another murderous attack on Iraq.How does this square with his so called Christianity.The number of religious politicians who bath in the blood of innocent people vastly out numbers the Martin Luther Kings of this world.I repeat once more OPEN UP YOUR MINDS!


Religion not guilty

15.04.2002 20:11

What would you say about liberation theology, a radical interpretation of Christianity as a revolutionary force, in which prompted many indigenous Latin Americans to resist the racism and oppression of right-wing, US-backed regimes? Just as religion can be a force for fanaticism and war, it can be a conduit for liberation and peace. The same goes for any faith or ideology. I think you need to be a bit more open-minded, John.

Dan Brett
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Religion,guilty as charged

16.04.2002 06:53

Talking of Latin America,the Spanish Crusaders better known as the Conquistadores made a excelent job of converting the indigenous peoples of this area,or should that be liqhidating them.This was of course promted by the Roman Catholic Church,there is a theory that these crusades are still in progress,religion can always cover these dastidly deeds of course by saying they are politicaly motivated.However just open your minds and scratch below the surface and see what is revealed.CONVERSION TO THE FAITH!
