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New flag for Neoliberalism

teno | 15.04.2002 09:52


New flag for Neoliberalism
New flag for Neoliberalism

Across the globe the military tentacles of Neoliberalism keep the resources flowing from poor countries back to the rich 'developed' world. With no regard for indigenous populations or those peoples without the resources to defend themselves, US/UK imperialism funds dictatorships bent on genocide as and when it suits the hidden hand of the market.

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A new national flag.

16.04.2002 09:28

I must say i like this, send it to the Bishop of Downing street and let it fly over the sheep pen in westminster.


'the destruction is apparent, the cynicism is counter productive...'

02.03.2005 13:10

It is obvious the global economic rationalist, neo-liberalist regime currently employed has no short or long term viability for the human race- whether socially, environmentally or economically. I invite all who read this to put forth cogent suggestions for viable reforms and alternatives. As a species reliant on a triple bottom line of sustainability, we must work together to ensure this goal becomes a reality...

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