Hermann Goring portrait (phomontage by Latuff)
Latuff | 13.04.2002 21:03
Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of brave Palestinian people and their struggle for independence.
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I could have sworn that
14.04.2002 08:34
How blooming petty.
Goering's troops go in bravely to get their opponents not fire indiscriminately at civilians, ambulances, doctors, paramedics, infants, pregnant women, the blind, the handicapped, the elderly, and anything that moves which frightens those doing the scorch-earth stuff.
Other than that both lots are evil fascists with the IDF working furiously to beat the original Nazis at being even more Nazi.
Goering was one big bastard, but at least he had "schtyle".
Sharon, a gigantic bastard, is more than equal of Goering but his blitzkrieg kit consists of low-life savages.
Still... that uniform is sure flattering with Adolf Sharon inside.
Shaul Morefartz